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Chapter 1415: Broken Universe
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Grey's figure slammed into the ground, bouncing off it. Grey didn't let his body hit the ground again, he quickly regained himself and flew into the air.

'Dammit! This guy is getting stronger.'

Grey could not only sense the man getting stronger, but he could feel it, literally. The man has been able to break through his defense once again and even managed to break a rib with his attack. Grey's defenses were terrific, yet the man was able to get through them.

The man saw Grey standing once again and felt a surge of anger build up, Grey was too strong. He thought he would be able to take him down after his sudden increase in strength, but it seems that's not going to be the case.

Grey still being able to stand up that fast shows that he's still ready for a fight.

"Kid, have you seen my puppets? They will bring pride to your body. I will bring pride to your corpse. Just give me back my daughter and kill yourself, you won't feel any pain." The man said.

"How stupid do you think I am?" Grey asked with a straight face, he chuckled and said, "You might have the advantage for now, but do you think I haven't been preparing for this?"

The man was taken aback, but the sight of a multicolored orb brought him back to reality. He could feel a chill run down his spine. Not just that, but there was a certain unique energy he could feel from this that somewhat inspired him.

The man acted quickly and dodged the attack, although impacted by the aftereffect of the attack, he was able to dodge it.

"You kids keep motivating me!"

The man yelled and three figures appeared. They were all puppets in the Sage Plane. However, something strange started to happen, these puppets started to merge.


Even Grey couldn't keep calm when he saw this.

If Klaus were here, he would've scolded him for giving the bad guy ideas just like Reynolds.

Grey acted quickly, and another orb was sent toward these puppets, this time, the orb was different. He infused more space elemental essence into it to make it more of a spatial attack, but dangerous nonetheless.

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The reason for this is that the spatial tear the space element of the attack will create will be amplified by the other elements and this will in turn make the turbulence even more dangerous.

The man saw the attack and without thinking, he retreated from the area.

As he was retreating, the orb exploded and the puppets were torn to shreds before his eyes, even the shreds vanished from the surface of the world.

The man clicked his tongue and took another look at Grey.

"You have so much in your arsenal. If you had met me some hours before this, then I would have not been able to even put up a fight with you. I could barely fight with the Lightning guy, much less you, that's even more dangerous." The man said.

He didn't mince his words, Grey truly was a terrific individual. He was powerful and knew how to use his powers. He didn't hold back while fighting and was also very strategic.

The man was about to move but was hit by an attack that he didn't see come from Grey. He raised his head and saw two inscriptions in the sky.

"An Inscriber? You truly are a remarkable specimen. I'll enjoy working on you." The man said with a vicious smile.

"Don't worry, I also have plans for you. But my friend will be the one to execute them." Grey said and attacked.

The man didn't fret and continued fighting with Grey.

The battle had gotten to its peak, and the man could tell that in a few minutes, he would be able to break through. Now, he wasn't afraid that Grey would stop him, rather, he wanted to keep Grey alive until after he broke through.

Grey saw the man's eyes and could somewhat tell what was going through it.

'Void, extract whatever is in that girl.'

'She's a little girl.'

'She's dead. You're aware of that, right?'

'Oh, I'm working on it now.'

'Wow! Such an amazing thing. If I eat this I'll break through.'

'You'd break through either way, don't you dare eat it!'

Grey was arguing with Void who wanted to eat the energy while also fighting with the man. The man was stronger, but Grey's speed and inscriptions evened the odds. Now, he changed the use of his earth domain. Rather than using it for defense, he used it as part of his offense.

The change in gravity put the man off, giving him a chance to attack. But the man was so strong that even though he was getting hit repeatedly, he was still able to stand and fight.

The man was tenacious, this could be seen from his battle with Klaus and the others. Even after losing an arm and leg, he was still ready to fight with them. This was all due to him cutting off his pain receptors.

Grey could sense that the man didn't seem to feel any pain and couldn't help but wonder why. At the start of the battle the man would occasionally scream from pain, but all of a sudden, he stopped. It was as if he was a different person.

"How come you're this way?" He asked.

"No pain? Easy, let me kill you." The man said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, but I'll pass."

Grey didn't bother and continued attacking the man. He didn't care if the man could feel pain or not, it had nothing to do with him.

While the battle was going on, the two inscriptions which were attacking the man had already stopped, and something new was taking shape. The inscriptions were merging.

Just like Grey's fusion orb, he was using his fusion inscriptions. With them merging, he would be able to unleash a great attack.

The reason he was slightly hesitant is that he didn't know if the man will be able to survive the attack.

Klaus would kill him if he took the corpse of the man back or if he couldn't come back with a corpse.

The man didn't sense the inscriptions merging, he was fighting with vigor. As the battle went on, he could feel himself growing stronger. The feeling was intoxicating and he placed all his focus on learning more about Grey as they fought. This was the best way to understand Grey's strength.

Boom! Bang!

The battle continued, and a change suddenly appeared in the sky.

The change made the man halt his battle and he forced Grey to retreat.

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"Hahaha! It's finally time. I'll become a Sovereign and end all this!" The man laughed in delight, he looked at Grey and said, "Kid, it's your honor to watch me become a Sovereign!"

"Watch as the world gathers all the energy and help me break through and become a Sovereign."

Grey looked at the man. Breaking through to the Sovereign Plane doesn't cause too much commotion, only those around a few kilometers away can sense the exact position of the person breaking through.

Not just that, but other Sovereigns can sense the appearance of a new Sovereign within a few thousand kilometers around them. But they can't pinpoint the location.

Grey looked into the sky, and then at the man. He gritted his teeth and created two more inscriptions. He could barely control the two element fusion inscription, but he wanted to add to more.

He wanted to attack the man before he broke through.

With the surplus energy present here, he didn't have to worry about not being able to have enough essence to sustain the inscriptions.

The man laughed as he looked at Grey's face. The emergence of the other two inscriptions alerted the man and he noticed what was happening.

"Hahaha, a futile effort. To show my benevolence, I'll allow you to do whatever you want. Besides, it'll only take a few seconds before I break through."

Grey gritted his teeth and the other two inscriptions started to merge with the already merged two. Halfway through, the expression of the man changed drastically.

He couldn't sense the aura from them due to the change in the sky, but now that he sensed them due to the instability after Grey added more, he was alarmed.

Whatever Grey was doing was too dangerous. Without even thinking, he tried to retreat, but it was too late. Grey couldn't control the inscriptions and they exploded.


The explosion was so massive that it covered over a five kilometer radius.

The sky which had energy gathered from the man who was about to break through was destroyed, not even a bit of energy was left after the explosion happened.

The man who tried to escape was caught toward the edge of the explosion and was struck down, but that was not what scared him, what scared him was that he couldn't feel anything from the universe, rather, his aura started to decline.

"He broke the universe?"

This was the only question in his head as he crashed to the ground.