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Chapter 1443: I Should Join You Too
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The old man turned to look at the duo behind him, he could sense their gazes but he wasn't afraid, he scoffed and said, "As much as they would like to ensure their safety, how will they be sure you will agree to let them leave after apprehending me?"

"The second I'm taken out of the picture, they will be heavily outnumbered. We're already outnumbered as things stand, losing one more person will only make their deaths certain, but with me here, there's still hope."

Grey didn't reply, he kept his eyes on the body of the duo behind the old man, awaiting what decision they would make.

"If we hand him over to you, how are you going to guarantee our safety?" One of them asked.

They were accessing their options and it wasn't looking good. Grey killed someone the moment he arrived, this meant that he was strong enough to kill anyone of them. The reason they all felt scared of Grey was mainly due to the fact that Grey had the ability to counter their greatest strengths, their puppets.

Yes, Grey was powerful, but if they were able to use their puppets, they wouldn't be worried. Some of them have top notch puppets that even with the help of the people behind Grey, there was no way they would be able to match them in terms of strength.

"That's the thing, you won't be able to guarantee it. All you have for it is my words." Grey replied with a smile.

"What do you take us for? Idiots?" The other man asked.

"Well, if you put it that way." Grey shrugged.

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He didn't really care if these guys agreed to help him out or not.

"If he wanted your help, you wouldn't have killed those two." The old man said to the duo to make sure they understood they didn't stand any chance against Grey if they let Grey kill him.

"Well, you guys wouldn't really let me come in here and demand for his head now, would you?" Grey asked, "The only way you would listen to me is if those two were gone."

"Don't listen…"

"What's the point of all this, kill them." The man behind Grey said.

"You know what, you're right."

Grey attacked as soon as he finished his statement, but he was blocked from switching places with any of the trio. One of them was a Space Elementalist and he was able to block Grey from using that skill once again.

Grey didn't mind and used his fire element to unleash a rain of arrows at them. He also used an old technique, meteor descent.

The three men used their respective elements to block Grey's attacks.

The twins and his siblings rushed out to fight as well. He had never really liked people to begin with, and since this was one of the few chances he got to kill people to his heart content, then he was going to do it.

Grey, like a flash in the sky, picked out one of the men who was relatively stronger than the rest, leaving the others for the twins and his siblings.

The man Grey picked had the space, lightning, and darkness element. Being a Multi Elementalist meant that he was difficult to handle and Grey didn't want any of them to escape, this was his intention from the start.

When he started the battle with the man, he quickly realized something. This man wasn't like the regular Necromancer, in fact, most of the people he had encountered in this region weren't like the regular Necromancers. These guys also focused on improving their strengths. Of course, not all of them did this, but the majority of the ones he had encountered here had the ability to at least put up a fight with him.

During his earlier times, the Necromancers he encountered were only those who focused on improving the strength of their puppets. There's also a difference between the methods applicable here.

'I wonder if this has something to do with whoever brought it here. Why's it so different?'

This was the thought in Grey's head as he fought with the man, not giving him the chance he wanted to escape.

The man didn't bring out his puppet since he knew of Grey's abilities. This made life difficult as he found it hard to keep up with Grey's strength. Grey was too powerful, and he could see it just from the first few exchanges.

"A kid like you shouldn't be allowed to wander on your own." The man said as he exchanged blows with Grey.

The strength of Grey's attack forced him to take some steps back, but he wasn't harmed by the attack.

"Who says I'm alone?" Grey asked while attacking once again.

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"We've all heard about your travels. News of you being in this region has spread across the Continent. People will be coming for you soon, especially those who are interested in the rewards offered by the Gnomes." The man said.

"Let them come, I've never been afraid of anyone." Grey didn't seem phased as he continued his assault on the man.

The man could barely hold his own as Grey attacked with ferociousness.

The man looked at the old man who brought Grey here with hate, to a certain extent, he wanted the man dead. If not for the fact that Grey doesn't have a good relationship with Necromancers, he wouldn't mind handing the man over.

When he looked at the twins, his eyes sparkled.

"Since those people are with you, why don't I join you?" He offered.

"Not interested."

Grey's reply was accompanied with his earth domain's gravitational field.

The sudden change in gravity threw the man off balance and he found himself going down.

Grey attacked at this moment, slamming the man with a large earth hammer. The man tried to dodge the attack, but Grey locked the space, making sure there was no way the man could escape it.

With no other choice, the man took the attack head-on, striking it with a lightning bolt.
