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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chapter 284
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Chapter 284


The fight was far more brutal than I'd expected.

When we'd left Erika, Finnick, Lila, and Raven behind and headed toward the gate surrounding Viokwell, I'd

known that we were getting ourselves into a mess of trouble, but I didn’t know how bad it would be.

The guards of the gate were far more difficult to defeat than anticipated, even with our numbers.

We had all shifted into either our wolf forms or at least partial forms, and even as wolves, it was a struggle to win

against Kaleb’s men.

As Asher and | fought off one of the men, Rayden and his men took on another. It was a flurry of motion and

movement, and it had taken all of my efforts to remain focused on the fight. Thankfully, Asher and | were a great

team, and we managed to take our guard down after a little while.

The others, though, weren't as lucky.

Rayden had nearly lost his left arm fighting with a large, burly wolf whose claws seemed as long as swords.

Luckily, Helene reacted swiftly before those deadly nails could cut too deeply into the Alpha of Wild Crawler’s

shoulder and plunged her poisoned knife into the guard. Rayden was completely taken aback, as was the guard,

and when the wolf fell to the ground dead, his eyes widened, and stared at Helene in shock.

“Thank you,” he said to her as he fought to catch his breath.

Helene nodded at him, and then we continued on.

In addition to the pair of guards up front, there were guards stationed at the checkpoints ahead, but once we had

broken the gate, the other guests seeking escape cheered. They had maintained their distance at first, unsure of

how things would work out, but once they knew we were the good guys, so to speak, morale was boosted, and

the guests joined our fight.

The influx of numbers helped our cause, and we quickly managed to pass all of the checkpoints.

A few of the men went back to grab Erika, the children, and the box containing Raven, and once we were all

reunited, we left the horrible castle in the dust.



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Chapter 284

Cars arranged by Rayden and the Alpha of the Red Stone Pack were waiting for us outside of Vlokwell, hidden

behind a host of thick pine trees. We all piled into the vehicles, and once they began to drive away, | finally

released a heavy exhale of relief.

We had done it.

We had survived somehow.

Well, at least mostly.

Rayden, Asher, and the other men were severely wounded. | had scuts on my arms and shoulders, and

Helene had sbruises forming on her arms and shins. Thankfully, Erika, Lila, and Finnick were perfectly fine.

We were all exhausted, and as the cars drove off the road at a fast speed, | looked back through the window at

the living hell behind us.

The smoke was so intense that | couldn't see the castle at all. It was a nightmarish sigh, one | was more than

happy to finally leave behind. | wasn’t sure where Kaleb had gone, but I also didn’t care. All that mattered was

that we were free from the confines of his wicked fortress.

The car continued driving and soon darkness fell. | drifted in and out of sleep, never knowing what tit was,

until finally, the sky began to brighten again, revealing the dawn. The car cto a stop soon after and when |

glanced out the window, | saw lights.

The driver stepped out of the car and held the doors open for us. | took a deep breath and then carefully got out

of the vehicle. My muscles ached as | stretched and | grimaced at the effort. All | wanted was a bath and a good

night's sleep.

We had arrived ar

a country house. The Alpha of the Red Stone Pack was there waiting for us on the porch. He was a tall, middle-

aged man with pale blonde hair and kind eyes, and he greeted us warmly and politely.

“Your Majesty,” he addressed Asher with respect, and he bowed. “Welcome. Please, allowto escort you


Asher nodded. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

The Alpha led us into the house, and | was pleased to see that all of the rooms within had been arranged nicely

for us. It wasn’t a big house, but it was cozy and comfortable. After all we'd been through in Viokwell, | would

have happily taken a

shack or worse.



Chapter 284

We assigned people to the different rooms, and once everything was arranged, the wooden box was brought into

the house. Rayden’s men pulled Raven out, and much to my relief, the sorceress was still sleeping.

“Is there anything we can use to limit her movement once she wakes up?” | wondered.

One of the men retrieved sropes and carefully secured Raven's wrists so she couldn't escape or use sorcery

once she awoke. When we were sure she couldn't escape, we all went into our separate rooms to get some


Lila was still unconscious, but her breath was steady. She stayed with Erika, while Finnick insisted that he wanted

to sleep with me.

With all that had happened and the millions of things that still needed to be sorted out, | thought | wouldn't be

able to sleep, but as | lay in bed and watched Finnick’s chest rise and fall, my eyelids grew heavy.

| drifted off into dreamless sleep soon after.


When | woke up, the sun was shining in the sky, and its rays made the room bright and warm. My vision took a

moment to focus, and when it did, | realized Finnick wasn’t in bed with me. | started to sit up, but then | spotted

someone beside me.

“Asher?” | asked in surprise.

The Alpha King was lying on his side, propping his head up with his hand. He gavea soft smile.

“Good morning,” he greetedquietly.

“Good morning,” | replied with a smirk. “Where's Finnick?”

“He’s with Lila, playing outside” Asher answered. “It’s a beautiful day, so Erika decided to go out with them. We

wanted to make sure you got srest.”

After | nodded, | noticed all of Asher’s wounds had been dressed and bandaged. His complexion was pale, but his

eyes were bright. He was just as handsas

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Asher reached out and | leaned closer, allowing him to pullclose. He pressed his warm lips against mine, and

a tingling feeling ran down my spine. His familiar scent flooded my senses, and a soft sigh escapedwhen we



Mon, 25 Mar

Chapter 284

“It seems like we survived,” | laughed lightly.

“Yes, we did,” Asher agreed.

As | stared at him, | could still sense fear lingering in my heart. | had been so afraid of losing him, and part of me

was still terrified.

“How do you feel?” | asked him.

“I'm alright,” he answered. “The stiffness is surprisingly gone. All things considered, I'm doing fine.”

His lips grazed against my neck, indicating that he wanted to do something more than talk. | knew he wanted me

as much as | wanted him, but there were a million other things on my mind.

“We need to get up,” | said reluctantly. “What tis it now?”

Rayden, Erika, and the Alpha of Red Stone were probably waiting for us.

“Let them wait,” Asher insisted, and his lips continued to travel down my neck.

A giggle escaped me. | wanted to protest, but the nice warm morning with the sun shining on our bodies was

irresistible. So, I kissed him back.

Just as | did, | heard Finnick on the other side of the door calling my name. Before | could move or reply, the door

opened. My lips were still on Asher’s when Lila and Finnick ran in, and the children’s cheeks turned red at the


We pulled apart and Asher chuckled.

Lila reacted before Finnick did.

“Sorry,” she apologized, and she shut the door hastily. Once it was closed, Asher and | laughed together.