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Alpha King’s Lost Luna by Aubrey Pepper

Chatper 255
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Chapter 255


By Darwin’s reaction, I knew at once that the voice belonged to the Alpha of Sky Pride. I shifted in my

seat and turned around to face him. When I did, I was surprised by his


He was

quite tall, with dark skin, gray hair, and beard, and a large belly. His brown eyes crinkled at the corners

and when he smiled, I was impressed by the whiteness of his teeth.

He walked into the room with the support of a young woman. They both appeared ill, though they wore

it differently. The young woman was beautiful, with long, thick curly dark hair, and pretty hazel eyes, but

her frame was incredibly thin. A small wind could easily have blown her away.

The Alpha himself appeared to have difficulty breathing. Once he reached us, he opened his mouth to

speak but began to cough before he could utter a word.

Darwin rushed over to support him on the other side. He smiled at the young woman, and she lowered

her head to avoid his gaze.

They helped the Alpha sit down, and once he was seated, he raised his eyes to meet mine and then

smiled broadly.

“Forgive me for my tar dines s, Your Majesty,” he said kindly. “My name is Arthur Harvey, I am the

Alpha of the Sky Pride Pack. Welcome to my home.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” I replied with a small smile of my own and then I introduced the rest of my


Arthur offered a round of nods and smiles, but when he caught sight of Roxy, he frowned in confusion.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

To his credit, the dark-haired sorceress had been tied up with a robe and was standing beside a soldier

of the Myriad. It was a strange sight to be certain, but I tried to explain it simply.

“She is a captured spy of Yurene,” I stated. “Pay her no mind.”

The Alpha did not comment and instead turned back to me. “I’m happy to have you here, Your Majesty.

Please pardon Darwin’s lousy attitude. That is not how I like to conduct my business, especially in front

of guests.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” I assured him. I began to explain again why we were here, but the Alpha raised

his hand to stop me.

“I heard everything from the corridor,” he explained. “And while I appreciate and

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Chapter 255

admire your dedication, Your Majesty, I’m not certain this is a request I can honor.”

“What can I do to sweeten the deal?” I blurted out, and then I calmed myself. “I can offer you

substantial coins and land as a reward-”

Arthur cut me off with a laugh and shook his head. “I’m not interested in useless promises such as

these. If you were to fail, these rewards would never reach my doorstep and I would suffer the loss of

my soldiers for no reason. I need more incentive than that, Your Majesty.”

I fell silent for a moment and then spoke. “If not coins or land, what would you like in return then?”

Arthur didn’t answer directly. Instead, he shifted his position and glanced at the young woman beside


“This is my only daughter, Kiara Harvey,” he introduced her to us. “My wife died in childbirth and Kiara

nearly died as well. As you can see, she is too physically weak to take the crown as the next Alpha, so

she’s in need of a good husband.”

I stared at him in confusion as I tried to make sense of his words.

“Do you need me to find your daughter a husband?” I wondered, and then I frowned. “Though I’m

surprised to hear that you’d need my assistance. Doesn’t Sky Pride have plenty of young and strong

soldiers who could be eligible matches?”

Arthur laughed heartily and then smirked. Beside him, Kiara’s eyes widened in embarrassment.

“You’re right,” he remarked. “Sky Pride has plenty of good fighters, but that’s not what I need. I want a

young man who knows business better than fighting, someone who treasures wisdom better than

brutality, and most importantly… someone who could win my daughter’s heart. My people are simple-

minded, Your Majesty, myself included. Most don’t know how to run a Pack nor how to please my dear


Silas, Kane, and I exchanged glances and then I spoke.

“I would be more than willing to help find the right son-in-law once everything is sorted out-”

Arthur held his hand up. “This must be sorted out first. Otherwise, I’m unable to offer any support to


As unease swirled in my belly, I glanced over at Kiara. The girl was completely silent. She didn’t seem

to object to her father’s decision, nor did she seem content with it.

Darwin, on the other hand, wore a sullen expression. His eyes were fixed downward and

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Chapter 255

his lips drew into a thin line.


I attempted to assess the situation. Perhaps the hand of the Alpha wasn’t too pleased by what his

leader proposed. These terms were unusual, after all, and we all seemed perplexed by the idea.

I was hesitant to respond. If I was in Anemond, I might have looked through the councilors and their

heirs and selected a nice gentleman who seemed best suited for the job. But this was impossible to do

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now that I was so far from the palace. And the Myriad… how was I supposed to know which soldier

was smart and which wasn’t?


A test? A competition? Some sort of questionnaire that determined their identities. outside of the


The clock was ticking. How could I waste time on this while Oliver and Kaleb were taking such action

against the country? Their strength was likely growing by the day. If I didn’t act soon, Wegalla could

crumble and fall to its demise.

All of a sudden, Roxy barked out a laugh. All turned to face her with surprised glances, and then, she


“There seems to be the perfect pick for Alpha Arthur’s lovely daughter,” the sorceress remarked with a

cruel, mocking grin on her face. She fixed her teal eyes on Silas, and everyone followed the direction of

her gaze.

Silas’ cheeks flushed scarlet.

“Who better to wed the young woman than the Alpha King’s Beta, the heir to the Moses family,” Roxy

suggested with a dark, raised eyebrow. “As far as I’m aware, Beta Silas is still single, and he would be

more than willing to support his Alpha in whatever capacity he needs. He is exceptionally loyal, after all.

I’m sure he would be quite pleased to offer your daughter his hand in marriage. Isn’t that right, Silas?”

She took care to emphasize the word “loyalty”, and when she did, Silas glared at her. It seemed as if

there was some kind of issue between them, one that had arisen before in camp.

I wasn’t sure what to say. Since he already had a mate back in Anemond, Silas wasn’t exactly available

for such matters, but before I could breathe a word, Alpha Arthur’s brown eyes

lit up and his lips curled into a warm grin

“Is that true?” he asked me directly, and then he glanced over at Silas.