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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65

“Oh, you‘re such a bad boy!” Megan protested coyly.

Fredrick glanced at Margaret twice. He wanted to say something but held his tongue. He stepped

forward and greeted, “Mr. Lewis.”


“Mm,” Christopher responded apathetically before he asked, “Have you sorted out everything at home?”

“Yes. As instructed,” replied Fredrick.

Christopher then took out an envelope and handed it over to Fredrick. “This is for you. Thank you for all

you‘ve done this year.”

It was the same year in, year out. Christopher had always been generous to the servants, and Fredrick

did not turn him down. “You‘re welcome. It‘s what I should


Dinner was quickly brought out and placed on the table. Christopher and Megan walked toward the

dinner table and took their seats. Without herself realizing it, Margaret hung her head low and avoided

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looking at Christopher and Megan. However, they deliberately sat and acted intimately in front of her. It

was as if Margaret was an outsider.

“Margaret, my parents had gone overseas for vacation. I‘m lonely and bored. That‘s why I came over

with Christopher. You don‘t mind, do you?” Megan fiddled with the huge diamond ring on her finger as

she smiled amorously with a trace of provocation.

“None of my business,” Margaret replied without looking at Megan while she continued eating

Megan was not able to see the look of indignation she had hoped for on Margaret‘s face. Filled with

resentment, she retorted, “You don‘t seem too pleased.”

Pleased? Arghh!

Margaret took a deep breath then abruptly lifted her head and cast her gaze on Megan. With a wide and

welcoming smile across her face, she said, “That‘s not true. I‘m very pleased. The house was cold and

quiet last year. There was no human touch at all. This year, it‘s totally different.”

The smile on Megan‘s face froze, as she was surprised to see how Margaret remained unbothered. Just

as she was about to chastise Margaret again, Christopher rose from his seat suddenly and muttered

soullessly, “I‘ve lost my appetite. I‘ll be in the study.”

“All right.” Megan nodded obediently.

Megan‘s expression instantly changed the moment Christopher left. “Margaret, you‘ve got really great

tolerance, haven‘t you? Or do you not care about Christopher at all? Perhaps you only have Jenson in

your heart, and you would go above and beyond just to see him. If that‘s the case, why not divorce

Christopher and give us your blessings?”

Margaret chuckled and placed a bowl of salad in front of Megan. “Bon Appetit.”

Through her gritted teeth, Megan spoke in irritation. “What the hell is this supposed to mean? It‘s

obvious that you don‘t care about Christopher. Am I right?”

Margaret did not say another word and maintained her silence throughout her meal. When she was done

eating, she said, “I‘m done. Enjoy your meal.”

Megan was so exasperated that she barely moved her fork. Blown out of breath, she stormed upstairs

and into the study. “Christopher... I don‘t think Margaret even liked you for a little bit. I thought she‘d be

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mad at my presence today, so I was really worried. Not only was she not angry, but she seemed pleased.

She even served me a bowl of salad. Everyone said the first love is the hardest to get over. Margaret‘s

first man was Jenson. I‘m afraid that she‘ll not be able to forget him forever. Why not give them your

blessings, Christopher?”

When he heard the words “first man“, Christopher‘s face instantly turned ice cold. He lit up a cigarette

and said, “Blessings? There is no such word in my dictionary.”

Megan‘s heart sank. This was the serious and terrifying side of Christopher that she rarely saw.

Megan could not understand why Margaret was unwilling to divorce Christopher when she was not even

fond of him. She also could not understand why Christopher refused to give his blessings even though

he seemed not to care. Megan did not understand if it was all because of a man‘s pride. If this were to go

on, she could only be the secret lover forever. She had been dreaming of becoming Christopher‘s wife,

yet Margaret had had it easy being Mrs. Lewis in reality. Nonetheless, Margaret did not seem like she

appreciated it at all. Each time Megan thought of this, her heart filled with deep resentment and rage.

While Christopher was busy, Megan took the opportunity and swaggered into his

room for a bath. After her bath, Megan picked out one of Margaret‘s silk nighties and put it on, acting like

she was the lady of the residence, Megan trotted to the living room and ordered Fredrick arrogantly as if

no one else was present, “Go! Get the guest room ready.“