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Chapter 346.8: Traitors, Unexpected Change - Part 8
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Tang Shaoyang grabbed the incoming spear with his right hand easily. The fierce-looking man was stunned but he was still holding the spear tightly. He tried to pull his spear but to no avail.

But then, a huge force lifted him, his whole weight was easily lifted with just one hand. Then his back was slammed on the ground very hard.

"Arghhh!" He released his grip on the spear. At this point, the fierce-looking man realized that he had lost the battle. Tang Shaoyang did not stop, he pierced the spear through the fierce-looking man's thigh, nailing the man on the ground.

"ARGHHHHH!!!" Another painful scream was heard.

Tang Shaoyang rubbed his palms and looked toward the group who followed the fierce-looking man. The group was taken down by Lu An, Kairu, and Wen. It was not a fight, at all.

The three dominated the group fifty easily. At this point, the crowd realized why the baldy was the leader of the base. He held the power within the base. At this point, the crowd had decided to take the baldy's side for sure.

"The nuisance is now gone, it's time for the execution!" When he said execution, Jin Fan heard it very clearly, "No! No! No! Please give me a second chance, Boss! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" The young man tried to crawl toward Tang Shaoyang while holding back the pain.

Tang Shaoyang ignored the young man as he scanned the crowd. He noticed that Zhao Zhong had returned with a big group of people behind him. He furrowed his brows, the original Tarrior was not even a hundred people, but he brought hundreds of people with him.

"Gather all Tarriors here!" He pointed at the spot where less than a hundred people could fit in. Qin Shoushan and Zhao Zhong led all the Tarriors to the designated spot, but he stopped them, "Stop there!"

Zhao Zhong looked toward his Boss, 'Is he angry because I am late?' He could not help but think so because of the surroundings. There were a lot of people getting beaten up here. It was a clear indication that the Boss was unhappy.

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"Didn't I ask you to gather Tarrior? What with them? I am not that senile to forget the number of my Tarrior!" He pointed to the hundreds of armored people who followed the two.

"What do you mean!? We have fought for the base against the zombie horde too, and we are recruited into Tarrior! Who-" a man came out from the group as he yelled angrily at Tang Shaoyang. Before the man could finish his words, Qin Shoushan pulled the man back, "I am sorry for interrupting, Boss. They are recruited into Tarrior after we fought the Zombie Horde. We thought they are worth recruiting."

"We? Who is this we?" Tang Shaoyang glanced toward Qin Shoushan, the man who had a major role in defeating the first two zombie hordes that attacked the base.

"The Tarriors!" Qin Shoushan answered in a firm tone.

"Hooo, did Cao Jingyi agree to this plan? Recruiting these people?" Tang Shaoyang started to walk closer to Qin Shoushan. Again, his tone was flat, people could not guess his mood.

Qin Shoushan exchanged gazes with his Boss. It had been almost two months, but he noticed a big change in his Boss. The apparent change was his eyes, light purple eyes, bright yellow irises, and slit pupils. It was more an eye of a beast than a human.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

For some reason, his heartbeat spiked up. The courage to speak in front of his Boss was gone now. He opened his mouth and closed his again. He wanted to say his thoughts, but his instinct alerted him to not speak at the same time. It was the first time, and this was so weird for Qin Shoushan.

"Is my question not clear? Why don't you answer me?" Tang Shaoyang stopped two meters away from Qin Shoushan.

"No, but Tarriors agreed to recruit them because they were doing good in the battle against the zombie horde that attacked the base while you are away," Qin Shoushan decided to face the Boss since he felt responsible for the people behind him.

"Hooo, interesting. So now Tarrior recruit Tarrior? Why am I not aware of such a policy?" A smile started to form on his face, Tang Shaoyang turned toward Zhang Mengyao, "Did you make this policy, General Zhang?"

"I did not, and never agreed to such a policy!" Zhang Mengyao's reply was firm and quick, "Tarrior can only be recruited by the Leader or General's consent, and they have to sign a contract before they can become an official Tarrior."

He turned toward Qin Shoushan, "Do you hear that? Are they still Tarrior?" The latter did not have words to respond. Qin Shoushan lowered his head, "You don't even have an agreement of the temporary leader yet you dare to call them Tarriors. Have I gone too easy that you dare to overstep your authority?"

Qin Shoushan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and his back was wet from his cold sweat. Now he was sure that the Boss was angry, very angry.

"Ah, yeah. By we, do you also include this guy?" Tang Shaoyang raised crippled Jin Fan up to Zhao Zhong's face. Only then he realized that the crippled was Jin Fan. The young man had his face on the ground, so he did not notice that the crippled was Jin Fan.

Not only Jin Fan, Qin Shoushan, and the other Tarriors were surprised to see their "leader" was crippled. The dignified and tyrant leader was now helpless and cried, his face was covered in tears.

Qin Shoushan's heart was tightened and his pupils widened a little bit. He knew that Jin Fan was drunk of authority, but he did not know that the young man would offend the Boss. He tried to remind Jin Fan, but the latter paid no heed to his warning.

"Are you wondering what this young man does to offend me?" It was as if Tang Shaoyang could read Qin Shoushan's mind, "You will know soon, go back to your line and gather at the designated area!"

Qin Shoushan nodded and turned around, in his second step, he heard his Boss's voice, "Only Tarrior!" By now, he realized that the people they recruited were not Tarrior.

A few of them tried to speak up, but Qin Shoushan told them to go back for now. It was not the time for talk, he knew that well of his Boss. If they tried to reason or even to the point of being rude, the beating was what they would get in return. The Boss was not in the state to talk for sure.

Fifty-three Tarriors in total, that was the number he left behind to guard the base. Fifty-four was the exact number, the missing one was Cao Jingyi. After lining up organized, he walked to the front of the Tarriors.

"I am disappointed, very disappointed all of you!" That was the first sentence that came out of his mouth, "a little over fifty days, you can't even manage the base. What's wrong with these people?"

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He pointed at the mistreated crowd, but none of the Tarriors dared to look at the crowd. Everyone avoided his gaze, none of them dared to look at him.

"We will talk about punishment and more things later. I have wasted too many times on these fools," he was talking about the guards, "I will get to the main purpose of why I am gathering all of you here, the most disappointing thing that happened during my absence was that a few of you dared to try to revolt and take over the base!"

When this was mentioned, all Tarriors raised their head in shock. They had an expression of disbelief that there were a few who dared to revolt. As soon as Tang Shaoyang finished his words, two people were trying to dash away from the line. They were trying to run away from this place.

Unfortunate for these two, Lu An and Wen were much faster than them. Before they could make it, they were taken down.

"Hoho, trying to escape? It seems you are aware that you have made a grave mistake. Break their legs!" At his order, Wen and Lu An broke the two people's legs. He did not even try to match their name with the contract in his hand. They were clearly guilty for trying to run away.

Screams echoed once again. And right after the scream, another two people tried to escape toward the crowd. This time, it was Kairu and Zhang Mengyao who made their moves. Kairu snapped his prey's legs even without order and Zhang Mengyao did the same too. She stepped on their knees. The screams were more like background music in this eventful return.

There were five people in cahoots with Jin Fan, four of them showed themselves while trying to escape. The remaining one walked out from the crowd by himself voluntarily. The man walked to Tang Shaoyang's front and knelt, "Please forgive me, Boss! I regret it, please give me a second chance to redeem my sin!"

The last one surrendered, he did not have a gut to escape. He did not want his knees to be crushed like the others.

"You should know the consequence of betraying me, didn't you?" Tang Shaoyang squatted before the man while taking out the contract that had turned red, "The contract stated it very clearly!"

"I am willing to be a slave to redeem my mistake, please give me a second chance!" The man pleaded, but Tang Shaoyang remained unwavering, "There is no second chance for a traitor!"

"You leave me with no other choices, you go die, Devil!" the man sheathed his sword toward Tang Shaoyang.

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