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Chapter 379: Two Buddies' Adventure
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In a thick forest, two big figures walked side by side. But the two figures looked smaller because of the tall trees around them.

More than a third quarter of the tree was filled with leaves. The tree could reach up to twenty to twenty-five meters tall. The lush leaves and tall trees made the two big figures look smaller.

"Is this your home?" Pride looked around, it was so quiet and eerie. Not much different than his fogged area, but this area gave off different kinds of eerie. He felt that a lot of eyes were gazing at him through the leaves, but he saw nothing.

Yes, the two figures were Pride and Kairu. In front of the two were three flying beasts.

The flying beast was white, hairy on the head to the abdomen and even on its six feet. It had black eyes and an ear that was similar to a piece of a feather, black in color.

Their size was between fifty to seventy centimeters with a white wing that spanned up to a hundred centimeters to one hundred and twenty centimeters. Light Bombyx Mori, the rare species the two found in Jiaxing Territory.

The biggest Light Bombyx Mori stopped and turned around, "Yes, this our last home. If not for your help, those damn undead would destroy our last home too!" A feminist voice came from the beast. It expressed her anger to Pride and Kairu.

The Light Bombyx Mori Tribe was at war against the zombie. It was an intense battle between the two races, but the zombie overwhelmed the beast with their numbers.

One by one, Light Bombyx Mori lost their homes until Pride and Kairu appeared. The two beastmen helped them to fight against the zombies and slaughtered the attackers that were about to reach this area.

Pride and Kairu said nothing to react to the beast's words. It was something normal in the war, the weak would be wiped and became history, and the strong ruled the land.

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Pride and Kairu followed the three flying beasts without words. The two were about to meet the leader of the Light Bombyx Mori Tribe.

A couple of minutes later, the two entered an area where the trees stood sparsely. Then they reached a big area where the biggest tree was. The tree was around fifty meters tall. Not only was this the tallest tree, but it also had a different color of leaves as well.

While the other trees had normal green leaves, this one tree had bright red leaves. Kairu scanned the tree, he noticed white things on the leaves. A big white cocoon hung on each big leaf.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The same white beast descended from the tree, the difference was that this one was much bigger than the three Light Bombyx Mori.

It was a hundred and fifty meters long with a wing that spanned up to two hundred centimeters. Another different thing was that it had golden-colored ears instead of black.

The wing was more pristine white, brighter, and purer than the three smaller Light Bombyx Mori's wings. The eyes were also different, instead of black, the big Light Bombyx Mori had dark red eyes. It was similar to a beautiful gem, Ruby.

"I am grateful to our benefactors for helping us against the zombies," a melodious voice came from the big flying beast. Despite the pretty appearance of the beast, the two were not affected by its appearance.

"I am the leader of the Light Bombyx Mori Tribe," the beautiful voice continued, "I heard from my people that you are offering a way for us to survive from the zombies' attack. I am willing to hear what solutions our benefactor offers us."

Pride and Kairu exchanged glances, 'Who's going to talk, your or me?' That was what Pride was trying to tell through his gaze. Kairu motioned with his head to let Pride talk to the flying beast.

The Demonic Ape nodded and stepped forward, "Hello!?" Pride was saying that with a questioning tone, the ape was unsure how to speak formally. It was quite awkward, but the ape continued.

"My name is Pride, and I am the Chief of the Fogged Ape Tribe," Pride started with an introduction, something he learned from human behavior.

"We have seen what happened to your tribe. You and your tribe seem to be in trouble against the zombie so we come to help. The solution is easy, become the vassal of the Empire of Tang, and your tribe will be saved."

"Huh!?" A confusing response came from the leader of the Light Bombyx Mori.

"I don't understand, what do you mean by that?" The big flying beast asked.

"What part don't you understand? I will explain everything to you," Pride tried to be polite to the potential friend. He even tried to smile, but his smile was quite ugly.

"First of all, what do you mean by becoming a vassal?"

"Vassal, that means your tribe will be ruled by the empire. In exchange for that, your tribe, your kind, and your land will be under the empire's protection. Meaning the empire will fight the zombie to save your tribe."

There was a moment of silence in between before the flying beast continued with her queries.

"The Empire of Tang, what kind of empire?"

"It is a human empire."

"Human? Does that mean your tribe is also a vassal of the empire?"

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"Mnnn, my tribe is under the empire's rule!" Pride nodded proudly.

"What if we don't want to become the vassals of the empire? Will you attack us?"

"I will not attack your tribe, but we will no longer help your tribe to fight against the zombie. Will the empire attack your tribe? I don't know, the decision is in the Lord's hand. But from my understanding, he will conquer your land too."

Yes, the reason why Kairu and Pride helped the Light Bombyx Mori Tribe was to convert this tribe to be the empire's vassal.

The two had noticed the war between the two, but the two only helped at the last moment where the Light Bombyx Mori was being cornered by the zombies. It was a smart move from Pride.

"I am afraid you don't have much time to make the decision, my tribe, and the empire's army have entered the zombie territory. Make your decision because if you refuse my offer, we have to leave now and join the main force."

Pride tried to corner the leader of the tribe even more. If he and Kairu left the tribe, these flying beasts would crumble quickly under the zombie's next assault.

*** ***

Meanwhile, on another side of the territory

In the quiet and empty space, a gate made of black stones suddenly appeared out of thin air. The gate formed quickly and then, the portal formed out of thin air.

The portal then enlarged, it got bigger and bigger until the portal stopped growing. Seven meters wide and three meters tall. That was the size of the portal.

A few seconds later, people started to come out from the portal. These people were wearing red plate armor, covering their soles, shin up to their head with a helmet.

Holding a red shield with a sword on their waist, people kept pouring out from the portal.