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Chapter 579: The Special Wave - Record
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Tang Shaoyang reached the climax and fell to the side. He was not tired, no, for some reason, he could not get tired when having sex. However, Zara was at her limit. He could tell that by her condition.

Zara had her eyes closed as she stabilized her breathing. He could see the enjoyment on her face, which made him less guilty. That meant the girl enjoyed the deed. Of course, the guilt was there, tucking his heart slightly as he kept remembering about her ex-girlfriend who suicided after the incident.

Looking at the magic circle above her forehead, Tang Shaoyang placed his palm on it.

[You have established a contract with Grade SS Spirit, Zara the Exalted Fallen Angel!]

Tang Shaoyang then got closer to her face and kissed her on the cheek, "Get rest, we will chat later,"

"I don't know that you can be gentle to a woman too," The Fallen Angel muttered in a low voice. She thought he was crude to a woman since he used that tormenting skill on her.

"I am gentle to my people, let alone my woman," After saying that, Zara the Exalted Fallen Angel's figure burst out into the black mist and entered his forehead. He was laying down, stark naked on the grassland that had turned red from the blood of the monster. He looked at the bright sky that never turned dark even once. The sky was too artificial to be true.

"I don't think that having sex with a woman from a different race will give a different thrill as well," Tang Shaoyang muttered in a low voice as he recalled the feeling of having sex with Fallen Angel, "And she's quite good as well for her first time…" He reached climax twice with her. That rarely happened as he usually needed two women to reach a climax or a long time to reach a climax.

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He then shook his head. "But she's spirit. I wonder if I can do it again with her?" The summoning spirit had a physical figure, but he was not sure with the [Spirit Manifestation]. The skill he used to summon the spirit to fight for him.

"No, this is not the time to think about that," Tang Shaoyang shook his head and got up. He got the clothes that were ten meters away from where he was and dressed up, "We were doing it for about an hour…" he muttered in a low voice as he checked his mana bar.

He still needed to recover a quarter of his mana to get it full again. "I have to wait for my mana to get full before starting the special wave," Tang Shaoyang was unsure of the special wave, but one thing is for sure that the special wave would be much harder compared to the thirty waves of monsters he had faced so far.

The wise decision for him was to wait until his mana recovered, then he could proceed to the special wave. With that in his mind, Tang Shaoyang walked back to the stone pillar. When he arrived at the stone pillar, he placed his hand on it and the screen popped out.

[Do you want to end the Trial of The Epic now and return to your world? (Yes) (No)]

[Do you want to proceed to the special wave for greater reward choices? (Yes) (No)]

"I guess I will wait until my mana fully recovers." Tang Shaoyang's choice was obvious. He would end the trial with the perfect score for the perfect reward. He would not end it now, even though thirty waves gave him a substantial reward as well.

He sat next to the pillar and meditated. Meditating would not only increase his Magic Power, but it could also speed up the mana recovery. He lost track of time, how long he had been meditating, and how long he had been in this separate dimensional space. One thing for sure, he needed to finish the Trial of The Epic as soon as possible.

Tang Shaoyang had many agendas for the future. He needed to fight against the Beast Guardian and the Dark Tribe. Then he had to conquer the Beast Coven, The Elven, and also the Moonlight Tribe. After that, the Gigante Forest would be his, and his next grand purpose was to take over this continent.

Yes, he was not satisfied with just taking down the Lionax Kingdom. He might as well take the continent too. The Lionax Kingdom was the strongest kingdom on the continent. If he took down the Lionax Kingdom, then the other two kingdoms should be easy as well.

Time passed quickly. Tang Shaoyang opened his eyes and opened his window status. His mana bar was full, meaning he was ready for the special wave of the Trial of The Epic. He got up and placed his palm on the stone pillar. He chose the second option to proceed to the special wave.

[Warning: The Special Wave's difficulty is many folds harder than a normal wave! You might be killed in clearing the Special Wave! Do you still want to proceed to the Special Wave?]

The warning was much clearer than the warning he tried to proceed the wave beyond the seventh wave. However, a mere warning did not discourage him from challenging the Special Wave. He was not the type of person who was good at scheming, making strategies, or even managing his people, so the only thing he could do was to protect his people with his strength.

The Special Wave could give him a brand new strength that would bring him to a new height. He would not miss this golden chance, even at the risk of his life. There was no hesitation in his decision as he immediately proceeded to the Special Wave.

[The Special Wave challenge monster will be spawned in ten minutes! Make your preparation Player Tang Shaoyang. This might be your last moment!]

[Defeat the enemy, Survive and Get stronger! Good Luck, Player Tang Shaoyang!]

"I don't need ten minutes of preparation. I am ready," He muttered in a low voice as he had to wait for another ten minutes. However, he got a clue that he just needed to face a monster, one enemy. It was clear from the System announced the challenge.

Ten minutes passed, and Tang Shaoyang found out the enemy for his last challenge.

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[Adolescent Golden Dragon has been spawned! Defeat the Dragon to clear the Special Wave challenge!]

*** ***

Selena and Ashley were waiting for Tang Shaoyang's return in Roan's room. They had been waiting for almost two days. Yes, this was the second day they were in the old man's office. They put Roan in an awkward situation where he had to do his work in another room.

The reason they were waiting in the office was that Tang Shaoyang went to another dimensional space from this room. The System would send him back here if he succeeded in the Trial of The Epic.

"How long for one to pass the trial, Ashley?" Selena asked Ashley. This was her twentieth-one time Selena asked the same question to Ashley. Yes, she was that worried for her man to not return after learning the casualty of the Trial of The Epic.

"Hah…" Ashley shook her head and smiled wryly at her sister, "I don't know, a week or even a month? My father finished his trial in ten days. However, you should know about him. He will take the risk to proceed the trial for better rewards,"

Selena's concern only caused Ashley to get concerned as well. She did not know how strong Tang Shaoyang was, but he was much stronger than an Epic Rank. The trial should be easy for him. The problem was that the man would take the risk for a better reward. She was sure about that.

"We can't do anything but wait for him, Selena. In the history of the Lionax Kingdom, the Left Guardian is the only person who got to the furthest wave in the trial. He finished the twenty-one waves in one and a half months. We have plenty of time to wait, and I am sure he will return soon," Ashley tried to reassure Selena, even though she was worried about the man herself. She just did not show it outside.

"Ashley is right. It's just two days since his departure. Lord Tang should be safe, and I believe Lord Tang will finish the trial faster than anyone." Roan also tried to help to assure the girls. He hoped they would stop coming to his office. He could do nothing with them being here.

"But Ashley is wrong about the record. Commander Alton is the only person who gets to the furthest of the trial, twenty-four waves. Commander Alton finished the twenty-four waves in thirty-five days. That's the reason the Kingsley Family becomes wary of Commander Alton ad his subordinates. The Kingsley Family wants to get rid of us so no one can threaten the throne," Roan proudly mentioned his ex-leader achievement.

"Really? But the Royal Record says the otherwise. Commander Alton finished the trial after clearing the nineteen wave," Ashley furrowed her brows.

"Do you still believe the Royal Record after knowing how rotten the Kingsley Family is?" Roan shook his head. "However, we can't know the actual record as The Flame Queen hides her trial record. The Flame Queen Rosalie told no one how many waves she faced to reach the Epic Rank, and she was stronger, much stronger than Commander Alton when they were still in the Epic Rank,"

Roan was reminiscing about the past where Commander Alton would repeatedly tell them how strong The Flame Queen was. It was the good old day.