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Assassin Dad and His Genius Daughter

Chapter 53 Guests
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"If I remember correctly, Blueroots Ginseng could be found at Wenshen Market. Although you must first make a reservation with the owner of the store as he is the only one who can contact the Ginseng cultivators."

"He is called Lao Shen."

Ren Ye nodded his head and asked, "How much are they?"

"10K RMB per root."


As he had expected, the price exceeded his imagination. Ren Ye couldn't afford them at the moment and believed he would be able to do so once the young man whom Gong Fan had spoken of paid for his charms.

1 million RMB…

He felt he had exaggerated the price of the charm, not that the charm was life-changing as it was a one-time use.

"If that young man is willing to pay 1 million RMB for the charm and my help in cleansing the spirit in his office, take out the exact amount you need for three roots."

Ren Ye believed three roots will be enough, truly believing his first attempt at advancing may not succeed on the first try. It was better to have spare roots instead of having to wait for them.

"How long would it take to be done?"

"2 weeks if you decide to choose to deliver them by land."

Gong Fan curled his lips into a calm and gracious grin.

"2 days if you decided to pay for the extra fares and air transportation."


"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you anymore. I like to keep my customers satisfied."

At this moment, Ren Ye felt he should have gone looking for the old man at Wenshen instead of looking for him through Gong Fan had he had a connection in the city.

He felt he was being drained and sucked dry by this old geezer.


Ren Ye agreed steadily as he watched as Gong Fan slammed the cane against the floor loudly. Gong Fan casually got up from his seat with difficulty and started using the telephone.

The telephone was something people in the 40s used to have, Ren Ye, wondered if it will be able to reach the young man whom Ren Ye believed was also from the same generation as him.

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Gong Fan started circling the numbers and he placed the telephone against his ears, his call was picked up by the other side.


[Host! Your phone is ringing!]

"You don't need to tell me this, it is right inside my pocket," Ma Zheng complained annoyingly inside a mask as he took out the phone from his pocket.

Ma Zheng was unable to speak at the moment as he was currently dressed in a white hazmat suit, as though he was entering a lab or treating a patient with a contagious virus. He had been sanitizing his office the entire day.

Every night, he had constant nightmares of what happened yesterday. He woke up every morning with cold sweat and puked every time he saw a fly.

Ma Zheng wore a fully-equipped headset on his head and two layers of mask. He was unable to speak unless he goes out and take them off.

"It's that old man. Has he found a Spirit Master?"

Ma Zheng's spirits lit up in excitement and relief as he rushed outside with the phone. He hurriedly took off the helmet after a long time of struggling to get them out.

He took a deep breath as he rubbed the hot sweat on his head and picked up the call.

[Host! New Mission Alerted!]

[Mission: Money Alliance]

[Information: Invest in the Brewery Industry]

"Can you shut your mouth?" Ma Zheng scolded the system as he wanted to beat the system up. The system keeps giving him missions that didn't let him acquire anything other than money.

Every mission included money and rewards were money.

Practically, he knew nothing about fighting and martial arts as he had hoped the system would be able to give him.

He believed if he was in a life or death situation, the system would constantly remind him to make money or die poor.

The system was useless unless it comes to making money and investing, which Ma Zheng was unable to use to protect himself.

"Why can't you teach me simple skills like fighting instead of asking me to make money and give me even more money when I'm done with making money?"

Ma Zheng lost his temper as he sneered with veins throbbing on his pale neck, he turned to the phone and listened to the old man.

"Lad, I found a capable exorcist for you!"

Gong Fan exclaimed loudly with joy as Ren Ye's face turned dark after hearing the word 'exorcist'.

Ma Zheng was overjoyed upon hearing Gong Fan's words as he spoke in a blissful tone, "Good."

"Could he come over and help me?"

"Mm but he is asking you for 1 million RMB for the job," Gong Fan didn't worry if Ma Zheng was going to refuse him or not as Ren Ye's face became complicated.

He felt he had made a fool of himself for offering the ridiculous price.

"Of course."

Ma Zheng replied simply in an elated tone.


All of Ren Ye's worries were for nothing as Ma Zheng found the price casual or even lower than he thought. Ren Ye thought silently inside his head.

I should have placed a much higher price.

Ma Zheng hung the phone and turned back to the room, putting on the tightly guarded headset as he sprayed alcohol onto the windows and started rubbing them off.

Believing the flies had flown and landed on them, dirtying his beloved windows.

Ma Meifan entered his office with a calm expression as she sat down in his chair as Ma Zheng panicked.

"Sister, don't sit on that chair yet. Brother hasn't cleaned it yet."

Ma Zheng rushed toward Ma Meifan with an anxious face and cold sweats running down his head. Ma Meifan looked at her brother with a weird expression as she avoided his approach casually.

Ma Zheng fell to the ground with his face planted on the ground.

"You've been cleaning all day. Father is asking you to come and meet him about that alleged rumor that you murdered and sliced someone's hand off."

Ma Meifan said casually with a blank expression.

"Sister, shouldn't you defend big bro every once in a while? You know it wasn't me."

Ma Zheng plopped onto his knees as he rubbed the sore spot on his face, the slam left behind a red spot on his face.

Since he reported the hand to the police, someone took the information and leaked it to the entire internet. Ma Zheng became the number one topic and most-talked subject all day.

'Beikang's Most Eligible Bachelor was suspected to be a cold-blooded murderer, hiding the corpse inside his own office.'

His entire name and image had been ruined after all of the images he had accumulated all years round due to someone else.

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Ma Zheng felt immense anger and ordered his men to find the culprit, hoping to clean his image completely from these fake rumors of him being a murderer.

I can barely fight. Why does everyone think I can kill someone with these tiny and frail arms that have only been holding cash and cards?

Ma Zheng complained to his sister, who listened with an expressionless face, Ma Meifan shrugged casually and gave him a piece of advice.

"You should tell Dad about it, I don't have a say in what you guys are discussing anyway."

Ma Zheng lowered his head and sighed, he hoped the Spirit Master Gong Fan found would be able to help him cleanse his image. At this point, he won't be able to marry a beautiful bride due to his nasty reputation.

After thinking about it, Ma Zheng felt even more depressed and wanted to cuss everyone including the system for not informing him or helping at all.

"You shouldn't be too depressed about it."

Ma Meifan shrugged dismissively, not intending to comfort her gloomy brother but rather to speak the truth.

"If you believe yourself to not be the murderer, you should have some faith in yourself or rather face the public with calmness."

"Tell Mom and Dad about it and how you found it there."

Ma Zheng pursed his lips tightly gloomily, "Too much pressure."

"Don't complain about hard work if you will be saving yourself."

Ma Meifan watched her brother on his knees with a dismissive expression as she took out her phone and scrolled through her chat history.

"The forensic lab is checking for the DNA and is trying to trace them. Rest assured, it won't take long before the truth comes out."

Ma Meifan raised her head and gave her brother a soft smile, Ma Zheng nodded his head.

"Sister, could you ask Driver Yan to pick up two people at the Charm Shop?"

"Mm?" Ma Meifan was confused as though she had misheard his words.

"What is that?"

She hadn't heard of a store that had a strange name. She wondered what products they were selling.

"A place I buy stones…"


Ma Meifan truly believed her brother was getting stranger and stranger as she talks with him. She watched him with suspicious eyes as she lowered her eyes to look at her phone.

"Near Beikang's bus station, around the corner somewhere."


Ma Meifan nodded her head and informed Driver Yan to pick up her brother's 'guests'.