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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243 Under the soft glow of the scattered street lamps, Carlisle and Wanda settled onto a bench along the riverfront promenade to enjoy their snacks.

Carlisle spread out the snacks and fruits he had purchased, creating a small feast between them.

As they began to eat, Wanda whispered, "Should we invite Leon to have some?" Carlisle nodded in agreement and called out, “Leon, would you like some?" Leon approached briefly, grabbed two bananas from the assortment, and returned to his chosen spot, keen to capture the night from the best possible angle.

Wanda appreciated his dedication.

"Leon truly is dedicated. I can't wait to see the photos!" "They're sure to be stunning," Carlisle responded, confident in Leon's skills.

"It's a pity he doesn't want to work at Uncle Lethan's company." Wanda sighed with a hint of regret in her voice.

"Everyone has their own dreams. He's well-off and free to pursue what he loves." Wanda directed the conversation toward him.

While munching on a chip, she asked, "What kind of life do you want?" Carlisle grinned and declared, "A life with you in it!" "Oh... Can you be serious?" "How is that not serious? I'm speaking from the heart!" After their snack, Carlisle finished his water in one gulp.

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Wanda only managed half of hers before rubbing her stomach contentedly and exclaiming, "I'm so full. I haven't eaten this many snacks in a long time!" Carlisle carefully gathered all the trash into a plastic bag and disposed of it in a nearby garbage bin.

He returned to find Wanda engrossed in a conversation with Phoebe and Christine about their recent endeavors.

After securing their first client, Wanda treated them to new mobile phones to enhance their communication capabilities.

She chose the Nokia 6260 flip phone, a newly released model that month.

The phone was equipped with the Symbian system and supported MSN Messenger. It was pretty advanced for its tand had a launch price of five hundred dollars.

Christine was her high school classmate, and Phoebe was the first friend she had made in university.

Since they were now working together, Wanda felt it was only fair not to skimp on them, opting for a better business phone to help them look for clients online.

Carlisle watched Wanda as she engaged enthusiastically in her conversation. Not wanting to interrupt her, he pulled out his phone and began browsing the Riverland forum.

Just then, a notification chimed.

It was a message from Sean on MSN Messenger.

Sean: “Carlisle, I've got everyone together. Should I register the company tomorrow?" Carlisle: "Yeah, go ahead and register!" Sean: "We're short on cash, Carlisle. We don't even have computers!" Carlisle: "Cseeafter school tomorrow." Sean: "Hehe, sure, Carlisle. How much are you planning to invest?" Carlisle: "A million!" Sean: "Holy shit!" Sean almost dropped his phone in shock at the substantial investment.

Carlisle's initial goal had been to earn one million. Now, he was casually investing that samount.

He continued browsing the forum, seeking the next lucrative opportunity.

Dragonaire Studio's profits were too small.

The mobile phone companies were only burning through cash at the moment and weren't profitable yet.

Holly Fisheries wouldn't start showing returns until at least next March. Carlisle only owned 20% of the shares. So, even if they made a billion, he would only receive two hundred million.

While it seemed like a lot, it would quickly be consumed by the expenses at Xenos Factory.

Carlisle squinted at the lake and sighed.

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At the sound of Carlisle's sigh, Wanda put down her phone and looked at him curiously, "Carlisle, what's wrong?" "Nothing..." Carlisle offered a dismissive smile.

"Nothing, my foot. Is it something to do with business?" "No."

"Then why the sigh? You must have something on your mind. Spifft!!" Wanda brged, setting aside her Chapte 243 phone.

"It's really nothing..." Carlisle maintained a lighthearted tone.

He didn't want to burden Wanda with his financial worries, especially since they were beyond minor cash flow issues. He figured that even Shein probably couldn't sustain his chip company.

"Are you going to tellor not?" Wanda was relentless, pinching Carlisle's leg playfully as if to threaten him.

Carlisle took her hand, his smile turning mischievous.

"Do you really want to know?" She nodded earnestly.

"Of course. We're good friends. I want to share your worries!" Carlisle then hung his head.

"Actually... I've been wanting to ask m you something.

afraid to ask utve been too! s why I sighed!" X