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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 257
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Chapter 257 The difficulty of this simulated combat training wasn't actually very high.

Lawrence had covered extensive combat theory last week, yet none of the students seemed to apply it in practice.

Witnessing Team 2's strategic discussion and division Into groups, Lawrence felt confident they could complete the task within the allotted time.

The base staff quickly cleared the field.

Once the opposing side gave an OK signal, Lawrence picked up the megaphone and shouted, "Team 2, commence the attack." At the command, Team 2's three groups surged forward.

As soon as they reached the first stage, they dropped to the ground and crawled forward.

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The staff on the opposing side began tossing smoke grenades to interfere with them.

Carlisle, who had been closely observing, shouted before the smoke grenades landed, "Incoming attack from the north, avoid the smoke!" The central group immediately rolled to the sides.

The smoke grenades hit the ground, releasing their choking smoke.

All three groups successfully evaded the obstacle and even accelerated their pace.

A faint smile crossed Lawrence's lips as he picked up his walkie-talkie and calmly instructed, “Let's raise the difficulty for these kids." Three staff members on the opposing side grabbed their fake rocket launchers from the prop boxes and prepared to fire paint projectiles.

The students of Team 2 were almost ready to curse.

"Damn, but none of us stood up!" "Big L is messing with us!" "Damn it, I curse him to never get married!" Harvey and Daniel were getting anxious. Staying down made them easy targets.

The field was already filled with smoke, so their only option was to stand up and run.

But even if they stood up, the smoke made it impossible to see where the paint projectiles would land "Stand up and charge, I'll call out the positions for you!" Carlisle suddenly stood up and ran back.

The other students stared in disbelief. Then ca chorus of complaints.

Chapte 257 "Carlisle is such a coward, running away in the middle of it?" "If this were a real battlefield, he'd be executed on the spot!" "He's embarrassing our class!" "Thank God he's not on our team!" Over on the Team 5 side, the girls were also looking at the retreating figure with disdain.

"Isn't that student from Class 2?" "Yeah. His nis Carlisle, the one who took leave yesterday!" "Ugh, he was just pretending to discuss strategy, now he's the first to run away!" "Stop it! Carlisle must have a plan!" Ruby glared at the gossiping girls, silencing them.

Christine and Phoebe glanced at Wanda. They saw that Wanda was just staring intently at Carlise.

Wanda firmly believed that Carlisle wouldn't run away. She deduced he was probably running out of the smoke to call out positions for his teammates.

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When Lawrence saw Carlisle running back, he immediately understood his ve intention and quickly ran over. Carlisle reached the starting point just as Lawrence arrived, handing the megaphone to Carlisle.

Carlisle took it and immediately shouted, "Group 3, incoming fire from the north!"

The Team 2 members were still crawling through the smoke. Pearing Garlişle's call, they immediately rolled to the sides.

Carlisle continued, “Group 1, northeast!" Group 1 reacted quickly, rolling to the left.

Carlisle shouted again, “Group 2, northwest!" Group 2 swiftly rolled to the right.

The opposing side fired three rounds of paint projectiles.

Thanks to Carlisle's timely call-outs, none of the students were hit by the paint. All of them had already En advanced to the second stage. C X