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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 264
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Chapter 264 1/2 Phoebe scooped up a mouthful of oatmeal heaped with brown sugar and pouted as she said, "Those bowls of meat stew could have been ours if those bitches hadn't played dirty." Wanda laughed. "Cheer up. Let's grab skebabs tonight and have all the meat we want. My treat." She was moved when the students in Class 2 had defended her during the fight earlier even though she had already been transferred to Class 1.

Just then, Harvey walked toward their table carrying his food tray, which he set down in front of Wanda. He said quietly, "Here, you can have the stew..." "Wow," a few of the girls mused enviously in unison.

Only Phoebe and Christine frowned as they cast a sharp look in Carlisle's direction, who did not so much as glance in their direction.

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Wanda shook her head. "Thanks, but I'll just stick to oatmeal." "I... lost this meat stew to Carlisle," Harvey admitted with sdifficulty as color crept into his cheeks. "Oh! So, this bowl is from Carlisle?" Wanda asked, her eyes sparkling.

"No. I lost it to him, but I'm giving it to you," Harvey reiterated.

"You can't give Wanda something that you lost to Carlisle; it doesn't belong to you anymore,” Phoebe pointed out, seemingly baffled by Harvey's line of argument.

Harvey picked up the bowl and placed it on Wanda's tray. He glared at Phoebe and demanded, "Did you see that? I just gave Wanda the stew." Phoebe gaped at him incredulously. "You-" She had never felt like someone was insulting her intelligence more than at that moment. She even wondered if Harvey only got into Riverland University through connections.

Marcus and Daniel were making their way over to Wanda's table with their food trays. Marcus explained, I lost my bowl to Carlisle too, and he toldto give it to Phoebe." Phoebe did not hesitate before taking the bowl from Marcus' tray and placing it on her own. She beamed at him. "Thank Carlisle for me, would you?' Daniel asked, "Which one of you is Christine?" Christine looked up in surprise. "That would be me." Daniel's breath hitched when his gaze met Christine's. She had the most stunning eyes he had ever seen.

With her delicate features, Christine's beauty was on par with Wanda's-though she was not quite as elegant and her skin was not as flawless.

Christine blushed when she noticed Daniel staring at her. She looked down and muttered, "Stop staring." "1 Chapter 264 2/2 Only then did Daniel snap out of his daze. Embarrassed, he explained, "I lost my lunch to Carlisle as well. I was told to give it to you." "Y-You don't have to," Christine stammered. She didn't want Wanda to get the wrong idea.

While Phoebe and Carlisle were practically strangers, Christine was his fellow high school alumnus. To make matters worse, she had a crush on him back in the day.

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"For heaven's sake, just take the food!" Phoebe prompted, grabbing the bowl from Daniel's tray and transferring it onto Christine's. "You'd be insane to turn it down." Daniel glanced at Christine once more before returning to Carlisle's table and sitting down.

Carlisle ate his stew at a leisurely pace, savoring the herb-infused and smoky flavors appreciatively. When he saw Daniel sitting down on the bench across the table, he asked curiously, "Interested in Christine?"

Daniel turned to look at Christine, and a goofy grin spread across his face when he saw her eating the stew he hesayaha had given her. "Carlisle, do you believe in love at first sight?"

Carlisle raised a brow and countered in amusement, "When it comes to you, I think it's more like lust at first sight."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Christine just now! I felt like I was staring at my future wife!" One of the students next to Daniel cursed, "Shit, could you not be so corny about it?" Quirking his lips, Daniel said, "I bet you'll be single for the next three years." The student scoffed. "So what? It's not like I'm looking for love on campus. I actually care about graduating." Daniel refused to entertain the other student's retort and instead asked Carlisle, "Do you think I have a shot with Christine?" H "It's hard to say..." 1 X