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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 265
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Chapter 265 Carlisle's response was as blunt as it was brutal.

Daniel's smile slipped from his face. "What, is it because of my looks?" Carlisle chuckled and said, "No, you're actually pretty good-looking." "Then why do you make it sound like my looks are my downfall?” Daniel demanded in puzzlement.

Rolling his eyes, Carlisle pointed out, "Because looks aren't all that matters." "I'm rich too, if that helps. Aren't chicks into rich and handsmen?" Daniel asked in exasperation.

"Not all of them," Carlisle said solemnly. "You'd be surprised that most of them value love more than anything else. If you're serious about Christine, you could try and pursue her." In an era where the Intehad yet to becadvanced, love was a straightforward matter and untainted by worldly views.

Once the intestarted gaining traction alongside modern movies and , women might have different standards for love.

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When that happened, women would either fantasize about fictional men or envision themselves as the lead character of a romance or movie.

In all fairness, not all women would develop such outlandish expectations, at least not in the present age. More importantly, the women in this present age might not even want love. Sof them-like Sarah- might seek material comfort instead.

Birds of a feather flocked together, as the saying went. Sarah and Sienna were more likely than not to want the sthings out of a relationship.

Daniel swallowed a mouthful of oatmeal and said with determination, "I'll convince Christine to go out with me." He then grinned mischievously at Carlisle as he asked, "Would you mind passing her a note for me?" Carlisle countered dryly, "Where's the romance in that? She might think you lack sincerity if you havedeliver the note for you. Do it yourself if you're serious about pursuing her." Daniel froze. "Really? But... who even delivers their own love notes these days?" "Why are you following the masses?" Carlisle argued, "Everyone has their own way of dealing with romance. And if you want to show your sincerity at all, you should deliver the note yourself!" "Fine, then," Daniel acceded. He thought Carlisle made a rather good point.

He was already thinking about the content he would put into that note and how he could deliver it to Christine without humiliating himself.

Chapter 265 2/2 That afternoon, Lawrence rallied the students for a hiking trip.

The military training that morning had left the students exhausted; and now, they wouldn't stop moaning as they trudged their way up the mountain.

To commemorate the occasion, Lawrence took a photo of the students with a camera he had borrowed. They did not begin their descent until it was around 6:00 pm.

The drive back to Riverland University was quiet. Most of the students had fallen into a deep slumber from exhaustion.

It was at that moment that Carlisle received a call from Sean. "Carlisle, sorry about yesterday. I got caught up with sstuff, but I'm free to drop by your place later." "That's fine by me," Carlisle replied.

After hanging up the phone, he closed his eyes and slept.

It was past 8:00 pm when the students reached campus.

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Carlisle dragged his aching and exhausted body to the dorm. Having washed up and put on a change of clothes, he wrote a check and went out of campus to meet with Sean.

They agreed to meet at a nearby diner. After ordering a couple of things off the menu, Carlisle handed Sean the check and said, "We're racing against there, so get the job done as soon as possible." Sean reached for the check with both hands, his grip tentative as he stared at the figure. He swore his heart nearly leapt out of his throat when he counted the zeroes.

"Impressive as ever, Carlisle. I don't know how you could so casually hand over a huge sum of money like this," he praised.

Carlisle helped himself to the dishes and said through a mouthful of food, "Go and incorporate the company tomorrow. I want 51% of the shares, and the remaining 49% is yours to distribute as you like." Sean's eyes widened. "Carlisle, are you..." The check was for a million dollars. By giving Sean a 49% stake in the company, Carlisle was as good as offering him 490 thousand dollars! Sean suddenly grew ashamed of whining about Carlisle not being a good friend.

Carlisle looked up at him and said plainly Sean's eyes turned red "I truly think of you as a friend, Sean."

everything you ask oftears as he choked out, "I won't go against you anymore! Carlisle. I'll do even if it means dying. I don't deserve to live after what I did to you!" X