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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 362
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Chapter 362 A male student quickly handed over his unopened bottle of soda to Arthur, who pushed it away with a frown. He asked, "So what?" The male student chuckled and said, "So we were wondering who her boyfriend is.

Arthur growled, "His nis Carlisle, and I answer to him!" The crowd froze. They never imagined Arthur, who refused to answer to even the most popular kids on campus, would openly acknowledge someone as his superior.

He had made it clear that he didn't want to be part of any club or society during his university years, for all he wanted was to focus on his academics.

"I'd watch my mouth around Carlisle if I were you," Arthur warned, raising his large fist menacingly. "Don't say I didn't warn you." At once, the other students nodded. They would be fools to cross a hunk of muscle like Arthur.

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Arthur returned to the basketball court to resthe game, but that was when a fashionably dressed student cup to him. "Hey, Arthur." "What?" Arthur asked.

The student, Gavin Schmidt, was the son of a contractor who had made good money in the last couple of years. Gavin said somberly, "There's something I've been debating telling you." Arthur rolled his eyes. "Cut to the case, will you? I've got stuff to do." Gavin let out an awkward huff of laughter before saying, "Now that Prince Heath's reign is over, I figured it's twe disband." He said this quietly, but there were a few students within earshot who caught the words and began eavesdropping in earnest. They wanted to hear Arthur's take on the matter.

Arthur gave Gavin a cursory glance before he turned to look at Jamie, who was Chapter 362 reading on the sidelines. "Jamie, get over here!" Jamie set his book down and walked over at once. Arthur waved his hand and beckoned the others over, saying, "You guys, too. Chere." When everyone heard this, they did as they were told and formed a huddle around Gavin and Arthur.

"Repeat what you just told me," Arthur ordered as he stared at Gavin evenly.

Gavin swallowed and lowered his head. "What I meant to say was, now that Prince Heath's forces are a thing of the past, there's no need for us to exist anymore.

"Besides, do you guys really want to take orders from a freshman?" A few students seemed persuaded by Gavin's line of argument. If they had wanted to take orders from someone, they would have followed any other capable figure on campus.

Jamie countered gravely, "Prince Heath may no longer be here, but his brother, Benjamin, still is." Gavin scoffed. "Benjamin's still wet behind the ears. He's not cut out to be a leader.

Trust me, sother gang will put him in his place within a month." Jamie kept quiet when he heard this.

Arthur shot Jamie a disappointed look before saying, "Well, now that this has been brought up, let's take a vote.

"Those who stand with Carlisle and me, cover to my side, those who don't can go over to Gavin's." Eight students went over to Gavin's side while the remaining 20 or so stood in place, exchanging dubious glances. Eventually, they cast their gaze upon Jamie Arthur snapped, "Don't make your decision based on what others choose!" At once, about seven or eight students cover to stand with Arthur Jamie took a deep breath and chose to go over to Arthur's side too.

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The remaining dozen students ran over to Arthur and ducked behind him.

Chapter 362 Two students on Gavin's side looked like they were having second thoughts.

However, before they could switch sides, Arthur said, "You only get one chance. You don't get to backtrack on your choice."

Gavin smiled smugly and said, "There's no need to backtrack, Kudos to you guys for taking a stand and choosing the right side. Let them be Carlisle's lapdogs if they want!"

"What the hell did you just say, you asshole?" Arthur thundered, taking one long stride forward forward and grabbing Gavin by his collar. With a hard tug, he lifted Gavin off the ground. Just then, the sound of a basketball hitting the backboard rang across the court.

Arthur turned around and saw a group of students with their hands in their packets coming over. The person leading them was none other than Alex Holder, X