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Back to the Past: Breaking the Love Spell

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65 The students listened attentively. They all took out their notepads to begin taking notes.

Even when the bell rang, everyone was still deeply immersed, as though they couldn't get enough of what was being taught.

"Class dismissed!" Susan didn't want to hold students back, so as soon as the bell rang, she swiftly took her materials and left the classroom.

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anda was still carefully analyzing the content in her notebook when Carlisle suddenly p her a note.

She curiously unfolded it to read what was written inside. It read, "Would you like to have lunch together?" A blush slowly crept up Wanda's neck. She huffed, "Who wants to eat with you? I still haven't gotten even with you for removingfrom your contact on MSN Messenger!" "So, you really are Sweet_like_candy." Carlisle pursed his lips. How could he not have thought that Wanda would ask someone else to call him? "Didn't see that coming, huh? You dummy!" Wanda lifted her chin proudly.

"Didn't I guess it right the first twe talked? Otherwise, why would I be willing to talk to you for so long? Carlisle replied with a stubborn look on his face.

"That means you knew who I was, yet you still removed me?" Wanda responded in an aggrieved tone. "Fine! You win!" Carlisle grinned. "So, to express my apology, I'll treat you to lunch!" Fidgeting around the desk and biting her lip, Wanda asked in a barely audible voice, "Is this a date?" Carlisle, who had been single in two of his lifetimes, felt his cheeks blushing. He scratched his head awkwardly and stuttered, "I... I guess?" "Okay! I'll have lunch with you!" Wanda pouted her lips, and her cheeks were flushed red. It made her absolutely adorable.

Right at that moment, Carlisle's phone rang.

"Great! Then, it's decided. Lettake this call first!" Carlisle grinned and then took out his phone to answer it.

"Where are you, Carl? I'm at Riverland University!" Sean, who was on the other end of the line, asked. "That was quick. Don't tellyou sneaked out without telling your mom?" "How could I possibly dare tell her?" Sean chuckled nervously.

"Where are you? I'll look for you." "I'm at the phone booth right across the street!" Chapter 65 "Alright. I'll be right there!" Carlisle hung up the phone and said to Wanda, "Wanda, I have smatters to attend to. Could you helpinform the teacher about my leave?" "Sure!" Hearing Carlisle calling her nso affectionately, Wanda felt her face becoming redder.

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Outside the school gates, there was a stretch of public telephone booths right across the street. Sean, who was dressed in his school uniform, was squatting with a cigarette in his hands.

He had his eyes fixed on the school gates. As soon as Carlisle walked out, he immediately got up and waved to him, "Carl, I'm over here!" Carlisle strode across the street. He glanced at Sean's dark circles and said, "Let's go. I'd like to take you somewhere first!"

"Carl, I'm hungry!" Sean rubbed his stomach and said with a pout, "To save up for the bus fare, l'haven't had a single drop of water since last night!" Carlisle didn't want to skip class on the first day of school, so he had to resolve Sean's problem as quickly as he could.

He found a hotel nearby and handed ollar 5.

Sean a hundred-dollar bill. Take this money for now. I'll take you to rent a room long-term after school." Upon seeing the hundred-dollar bill, Sean instantly lit up. He flashed a bright smile. "Alright. Thanks, Carl own." Carlisle nodded and reminded him, "I'll look for you at 6.00 pm. If I don't see you here, you're on you

Sean was obsessed with surfing the web. This was why Carlisle wasm arisle worried he wouldn't be able to find Sean later. On top of that, it was also a way of training Sean to listen.