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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Chapter Volume 4 49: The Plans of Mortals
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Bai Huizhong, Lord Director of Spiritual Ascension Affairs, stared out the window of his study, his knuckles white, feeling like he was going to throw up. To say he was stressed would be an understatement. The Auditor beside him looked equally as pale. The man had an unfortunate, weasel-like face, and was wearing the full courtly regalia of an Imperial Auditor: a bright yellow robe and large black hat. Normally, they were filled with nothing but spite for one another, but for the moment, they were united.

They were both still reeling from what they had felt—they had been informed of the arrival and budding confrontation between Cai Xiulan and the Patriarch of the Grand Ravine Sect—but Huizhong hadn’t expected the intensity. The pair had felt the outpouring of intent and Qi from their place in the mountain. Even this far away, and used to the bouts of intent from battling cultivators, Huizhong had nearly fallen to his knees.

Huizhong swallowed. “Just cultivator things.” he replied, his legs shaking.

Not that there had not been consequences.

It was like there was a ghost walking the halls of the Dueling Peaks.

At least Bao Wen, the newly appointed Director of Dueling Peaks Reconstruction, was doing his job well. The cultivators had appointed him, and he seemed determined to do all he could to keep things under control. A wave of his maintenance rod and a flashing light or screaming crystal would quiet. The kid was taking his new duties seriously, and Huizhong made sure to always be a reasonable ear when the lad wanted to vent, as much to keep abreast of the situation as out of any altruism.

Hells, he woke up the next day to a statue of himself in the square built out of snow and a cheering populace.

From there he had coasted, enjoying his wine, his assistant Cho’s shapely rear, and the steady rise of numbers in his books.

The doll sales were absolutely through the roof, even with the small amount he had to set aside for Rou Tigu’s royalties. They had even added another workshop to keep up with demand!

He grimaced.

Life had been going great. He should have known it wouldn’t last.

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Sourly he looked at the man who had started the downward slide.

. The man was still in shock. He wouldn’t have lasted a day in Huizhong’s job. He was soft.

He wasn’t the Auditor-General Huizhong was more familiar with. That man was like a grim executioner and had a face like a battle-axe. This was the new Auditor-General. He had a weasley little face that Huizhong took an instant dislike to. The man had smiled with a smug, vindictive little grin, and then he had requested Huizhong’s records.

And the worst part was that the bastard took over the main office while he worked, going over things line by line!

Huizhong could have taken it. He had enough friends and allies at court that he would be able to weather things as long as the big, important stuff stayed hidden… and then he got a private transmission from said court.

But unfortunately, he couldn’t just wait here and sob to himself. He would have liked that. He wondered if he should resign. He had enough money to live large for the rest of his days…

Huizhong carefully unclenched his hands from the windowsill and then straightened his robes.

“Let's get this over with,” he said, and turned to Bao Wen, who was sitting down and looking a bit ill. The Auditor turned to him, looking stunned and horrified in equal measure.

Huizhong didn’t spare him a glance as he marched out with Bao Wen towards where the meeting would take place. The Auditor stumbled after them a few seconds later.

They were headed towards the arena. They marched through the halls with a contained sense of urgency… only to find several Elders and Sectmasters waiting for them at the entrance to the arena. There were fourteen of them—from the Grand Ravine to the Rumbling Earth, all looking grim and uneasy.

Guo Daxian the Elder noticed them first and spoke.

“You said there was a new space for this meeting to take place, Lord Director. One that could accommodate all of us.” The man was utterly humorless.

Indeed, they needed a new space—one to accommodate everybody, and Bao Wen had found just the thing.

“We will be using the arena itself, Master Daxian,” Huizhong declared, sweeping his hand out over the arena, and its bare, empty floor

“Are we to sit upon the ground?” Sectmaster On Gang demanded.

“Ah… no, Master On. Um… if I may?” Bao Wen ventured, drawing attention to himself.

Every eye locked onto him, stern and hard… before the Elders suddenly grinned.

“Oh, Wen boy!” Gang exclaimed, seemingly happy to see the kid. “Did you kill something and give its head to your woman like I suggested?” he demanded.

“Please tell me you did not follow that brute’s advice!” Elder Xinling exclaimed.

The boy paused, before scratching the back of his head. “I haven't had the time, Master Gang. But I did take her out for tea like Elder Xinling suggested… She likes the peach syrup candies. It went well, and thank you all!”

Huizhong was utterly lost as Bao Wen bowed and the Elders all looked on like proud parents, Elder Xinling patting his shoulder.

And then all of their eyes turned to the last person there.

“And who is this?” Daxian asked, gesturing to the Auditor.

The man puffed up, seeming almost offended, and Huizhong mentally marked him as a man soon to die.

“I am His Imperial Majesty’s Auditor-General—” the man began, only for the cultivator to cut him off.

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The Auditor looked affronted… until the slightest bit of intent leaked from the Elders.

The Auditor’s face paled. Bowing, he quickly fled.

Huizhong had good odds on the man being gone by nightfall.

The Elders turned back to Bao Wen.

“Show us what you have discovered, Bao Wen,” Cai Xi Kong asked, his tone encouraging.

Bao Wen nodded. Then he stepped out into the arena. He took a deep breath, and began to move.

It was a dance—and one that was clearly putting strain on the boy as he moved, his breath deep and even. After thirty seconds the cultivators began to look skeptical… until the Earthly Arena began to grind and change.

The floor went from flat paving stones with sand on them to beautiful marble slabs, inlaid with jade.

Chairs, more like thrones, rose from the ground. They were the twins of the chairs in the Old Hall in the palace in Pale Moon Lake City, regal and imposing. Behind those thrones were smaller chairs, so that other cultivators could sit behind their leaders.

Some of the marble slabs rose slightly higher, like a stage, and two more chairs grew upon it.

Bao Wen collapsed to his knees, panting.

The Elders looked upon the new seating arrangements, and smiled.

“A worthy stage,” a voice rumbled as the Patriarch of the Grand Ravine Sect stepped into the arena. His presence nearly forced Huizhong to his knees… but something soft, gentle, and supportive kept him upright. “Cai Xiulan, I trust you are prepared?”

“I am,” the woman said, her voice soft… and yet carrying to everybody in the arena.