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Chapter 369 Another Slip
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"What brings you here at this hour?" Sara's obvious perky fake customer voice asked Olivia. Olivia quickly studied the two girls as she slipped her phone in her coat pocket.

'Definitely heard you two talking about meeting up with some freshmen, that's for sure.' Olivia thought. She stood up and took a step forward.

"Lee Seng passed out so I brought him here." Olivia told Sara.

"He passed out? Why? Is he okay?" Sara asked.

'Does she know Lee Seng has been having migraines this week?'

"He's being checked on by the medical staff. I told them to alert Dr. Valentin since we were told he was in charge of looking after Lee." Olivia told her. Sara nodded and removed her friend's arm around hers.

"Well, that sucks. Can we see him yet?" Sara asked. Olivia kept her hands in her winter coat pockets and shook her head no.

"It's gonna be awhile. Might as well sit and wait awhile." Olivia motioned. She sat and watched Sara.

'I wonder if she followed me cause she thinks I heard her.'

Sara and her friend quietly whispered at each other, moving to sit across from Olivia.

"What do we do? There's a wait time and the freshmen said he will be off soon." The girl friend whispered. She looked at her phone and nodded at the time. "It's almost time. What're you gonna do?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. Lee's out and probably won't be conscious for a couple more hours…" Sara began to debate quietly.

"Oh, hey you two." A deep voice called out. Olivia looked and watched a perfectly tanned, dirty blonde guy in medical scrubs and a furry winter coat smiled at Sara and the girl. "Already here. And in… that." His gulp was loud.

"Oh hey, Drayson." Sara's friend stood up and smiled. She moved over and wrapped her arm around him. "You're off early."

"Yeah, there was a case that came in just earlier and they didn't wanna hold me up since Gordon's already there to take my spot so I got let go early. You ready to meet up with Kyle?" Drayson explained. He took a couple steps up to Sara and smiled at her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Sara was stuck in between two choices. 'What do I do?' Sara asked herself. Drayson lifted her head with a finger and his smile seemed to put some kind of enchantment on her. She forced a smile as she saw the hunger in his eyes.

"Well," Sara stood up and snapped out of it. She moved away and Drayson simply watched her. "I gotta uh… deal with something first." She turned her head to look at Olivia, who grew disinterested and was scrolling in her phone.

"Oh, okay. Sure." Drayson nodded. The girl hung onto him as he turned to look at her and smiled, awkwardly. "Lets go wait by the telepad."

"Sure." The girl smiled. The two moved away, Sara watching them. As soon as they got out of earshot, Sara turned her attention onto Olivia.

"We need to–" Sara began to say when Olivia's voice interrupted her.

"So this is what's been happening with you." Olivia spoke. She scrolled her phone, eyes glued on it. "You're not that busy with your team stuff like you told Lee. Unlucky, aren't we?" She looked up.

"Look, it isn't what it looks like."

"Okay." Olivia nodded. She folded her arms while Sara nervously looked at her. "It isn't. Go. I'll take care of Lee Seng."

"What?" Sara asked, stunned. She couldn't believe the words that came out of Olivia's mouth. "You'll take care of him? You're just hud–"

"Friend. Teammate. It's the team's responsibility to look after their teammate, right?" Olivia interrupted. She gave a quizzical look at Sara. "If you think I'm overstepping my boundaries, you don't need to worry about it. I'm just doing the right thing."

"And I'm not?" Sara asked. Olivia liked past her and saw Sara's girl friend poke her head out and look. Drayson peeked and pulled the girl away, noticing Olivia was watching. "I'm his girlfriend. I should be the one who's worried about him the most." Olivia stepped forward.

"Then act like it." Olivia whispered. "You should stop what you're gonna do and play the role of the girlfriend, then, Sara." She pulled away and turned. The metallic balls in Sara's coat pocket shook. She watched Olivia sit down, crossing her legs as she pulled he rphine out and began to tap on it.

'This bitch.' Sara frustratingly turned to leave.

"So you aren't staying?" Olivia asked. Sara stopped and turned. "I guess you don't want to be his girlfriend as much as you think you want it. Honestly, I think he deserves better." Olivia glanced at her just to see the poor girls face turning red.

"You might be misunderstanding something here, Olivia." Sara hissed. A single ball hovered in her coat pocket as she turned. Olivia watched Sara's girlfriend moving after Drayson.

"Drayson!" The girl shouted. Sara  managed to qwell her anger when she heard her friend yelling for Drayson.

"Are you done yet, Sara? We don't got much time." Drayson asked. He moved right up to her and grabbed her waist. "Come on babe. Did something happen?" He looked at Olivia.

"No, nothing happened." Sara turned to smile at him. "I'm just talking to an aquantince about Lee Seng."

"Ah, the guy who came in. He should be fine. They're probably done by now. Let's go. We don't have much time." Drayson pulled her.

"Well…" Sara stuttered. Drayson stopped pulling her and looked at her.


"Just go, Sara." Olivia spoke up. Drayson looked over at Olivia. He could tell her tone wasn't the nicest. "Lee Seng's my teammate so I should look after him. You can check up on him tomorrow if you're that worried."

"What do you mean by that?" Drayson asked. He was confused.

"Oh, she doesn't mean anything by that, babe." Sara quickly lied. He looked at Sara and slowly nodded. "She knows Lee Seng and I grew up together and was trying to be nice. That's all."

"Nice? That doesn't sound–"

"It's fine, babe. Let's just go." Sara motioned. The two began to move when Olivia cliedked her tongue.

"I'll let Lee Seng know you stopped by before leaving." Olivia spoke up. Sara stopped. "She came to pick up her 'friend.' I'll let him know." Olivia smiled.

"Sara?" Drayson looked at her. Metallic balls were flying out of her pocket and floating in front of her. He turned to look at Olivia.

"If you say anything more, I'll report you for harassment." Drayson spoke up.

"Harassment?" Olivia asked. "I'm pretty sure your girlfriend did that first. And I'm not the first nor the second person she's done it to tonight."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Drayson, enough. Let's just go." Sara tugged him. Drayson pulled away and turned around to move back towards Olivia.

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"I don't like the way you're talking to me or my girlfriend."

"Mmmm, girlfriend." Olivia nodded. She nodded and slipped her phone in he pocket.

"Drayson, if you're gonna argue, do it outside." The front desk nurse spoke up. Drayson three his hand up at them while focused on Olivia.

"Apologize." Drayson ordered.

"For what?" Olivia asked. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"Apologize to Sara and I. You're being rude."

"Oh," Olivia chuckled. "I'm rude? I'm pretty sure–"

"Enough, Drayson. Let's go." Sara grabbed the tall handsome freshman and pulled him away. A nurse wandered over and noticed the charged room. He turned to look for Olivia and found her.

"Your teammates all good." The nurse spoke. "He's on some medicatiin that should help ease the pain we saw in his head region. He'll need to sleep here tonight."

"Okay." Olivia stood up and looked at the nurse. "Can I see him before I go?"

"Yes, you may." The nurse nodded. He looked at Sara and Drayson before motioning for Olivia to follow. Sara began to move to follow when Drayson grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Where are you going?" Drayson asked. Sara's friend nervously watched from the back. "Let's go."

"Let me see my… friend first." Sara told Drayson. She reached with her free hand to pull his hand away but he didn't remove it.

"You can see him at school. His teammate can deal with him. Let's go "

"Drayson." She pulled away and stumbled backwards. Olivia had made it fifteen feet down the hall before she turned and watched the scene unraveling.

Sara was trying her best to hide her panic. She didn't want her secret to slip from Olivia's mouth. She didn't want to shatter Lee Seng's reality.

'I should've just told him I wanted to be friends.' She was starting to regret the situation.

"I'll be back quick, Drayson." Sara turned and noticed Olivia and the nurse standing fifteen feet away.

"This way." The nurse spoke up.

"Lead the way." Olivia turned and motioned. The two started down the hall and Sara followed after.