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Chapter 160
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Chapter 160 -Alex's POV- The moment we clashed, I went for the kill. My claws ripped through the air, aiming for Ivan's throat. But the bastard was stronger than I gave him credit for. He blocked my strike, pushing back with unexpected force. Our bodies slammed together, a clash of muscles and raw power. But we both knew he couldn't win this. My wolf was bigger, stronger. Ever since I reclaimed my wolf, he had beca different, more powerful breed. And Ivan knew he was not going to win this fight.

I slammed him against the wall, his body thudding against the hard surface. He lunged at me, his claws outstretched. I dodged, barely avoiding his attack. My own claws raked across his side, drawing blood. Ivan howled in pain, but it only seemed to make him angrier.

We clashed again, a whirlwind of teeth and claws. Ivan managed to land a few hits, but I was stronger, faster. I slammed him into the ground, my jaws closing around his throat. Ivan struggled beneath me, his eyes wide with fear. But he wasn't done yet. He let a howl. The sound echoed through the room, and in no time, more wolves poured in, attackingfrom all sides. I had to fight them all, my muscles straining with the effort. I could feel their claws tearing at my flesh, their teeth sinking into my skin.

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They attacked in a frenzy, their teeth sinking into my flesh. I fought them off, my body a blur of motion. I could feel my strength waning, but I couldn't let Ivan win. I tore through the wolves, my claws ripping through fur and flesh. Blood spattered across the floor, the metallic scent filling the air.

Ivan took advantage of my distraction, launching himself at me. His teeth sank into my shoulder, and I let out a roar of pain. I shook him off, my claws raking across his face. Ivan howled, blood pouring from the wounds. But he didn't back down. He lunged atagain, his claws outstretched. We clashed once more, our bodies slamming together with a force that shook the room. I could feel the bones in my body protesting, but I couldn't give up then Ivan removed himself from the fight as his wolves catin numbers, growling at my father's direction before going straight for him. I managed to tear past two wolves, my claws ripping through their fur and flesh, just in tto stop him, biting right into his skin, tearing it out viciously. There was no way in hell I was letting him win by killing my father. More wolves continued coming at me, their eyes glowing with hatred and bloodlust. I fought them off, my body a blur of motion as I tore through them all.

Ivan was now standing, growling at me, facingdirectly but letting his wolves attack, weaken me. He was such a coward. That was why he had played this twisted gfor years instead of facing my father like a man. A coward who was keen on letting others fight his battles for him.

More wolves catat Ivan's howl. I took them down one by one, but even I knew I couldn't take them all. I knew what Ivan was doing. Hewas waiting for the moment when I would be weak enough for him to strike again. The more that came, the more I took down, my muscles screaming with the effort. I already knew there was a battle going on outside. I had given my wolves the order to attack, to kill without mercy since they chose to side with Ivan. They were to get their pound of flesh for all the chaos that had been happening.

Ivan was still waiting while his wolves attacked. Then, suddenly, I heard a roar. Two wolves were taken off me. I turned my head to see a skinny black wolf, somehow still managing to exude power. My father. Surprise and disbelief washed over me. Ever since the sickness started eating away at him, he had stopped shifting. His wolf had taken most of the burden, which was why he was still alive. His wolf had weakened, giving his human side the strength to keep going. And now, he had shifted to help me.

He let out a low, tired growl in my direction. I understood immediately. He wantedto end this, and he would stand by me. I felt a strange emotion rise within me, a mix of pride and determination. Without wasting another second, he threw himself into the fight.

I recovered from my surprise and let out a howl, calling my own wolves in. The true fight began. My father had somehow givena push, and I doubled my effort, taking down wolf after wolf. Ivan continued to hide behind his wolves, but I knew he was watching, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The room was chaos. Wolves were everywhere, fighting, snarling, and tearing at each other. I could hear the sounds of battle outside as well, my wolves fighting Ivan's forces. My father was by my side, his movements slower than they used to be, but still fierce. He fought with everything he had, despite the toll the sickness had taken on him.

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I tore through the wolves, my claws ripping through fur and flesh. Ivan's wolves were relentless, attacking in waves. I could feel their teeth sinking into my skin, their claws raking across my flesh. But I fought on, driven by the need to protect my father and end this once and for all.

My father was struggling, his movements growing weaker. Wolves were biting at him, their teeth sinking into his already weakened body. I went after them, throwing them off him with all the strength I had. More wolves poured in, their eyes glowing with hatred.

The room was a whirlwind of violence. I could feel my muscles straining, my strength waning. I tore through the wolves, my claws slicing through their flesh. Blood soaked the floor, the walls, everything. The sound of growls and yelps filled the air, a symphony of violence but it seemed like the more I fought, the more wolves that cin.

My father and I fought with everything we had, but it felt like a losing battle. The room was a mess of fur, blood, and growls. I could barely keep track of how many wolves I had taken down.

Then, I heard a powerful growl that actually shook the walls. I turned my head just in tto see a wolf burst into the room, followed by more wolves. This new wolf was coming straight at me. No, not at me. With a vicious growl, the wolf went for Ivan.

It took Ivan by surprise, and I instantly knew who it was, I had been around his aura long enough, hated him long enough to recognize him.

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