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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Chapter 507: The Next Morning
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As the morning came, I started cooking breakfast. I decided to make something quick and easy and prepared dozens of pancakes. We had maple syrup and some whipped cream with berries, so my daughter naturally loved breakfast.

"Have you done your homework dear? Remember that classes are starting tomorrow." I said.

Summer break was about to be over for both of us, and tomorrow my daughter had to go to school and I had to go to work.

Though, with what I've been earning from the Videos ad revenue and occasional donations, I've been considering quitting my job.

However, I don't know how Mark is going to respond to that…

"Ah, right…" My daughter said while yawning. "I've been busy hunting bosses with Anna and Elisa to earn more contribution in the guild we made…"

"I-Is that so?" I wondered. "Try to tone down the gaming for today dear, you have to do your homework, okay?"

"Yeah, I'll get it done today." She sighed, looking slightly bored of doing homework.

My daughter might act like this, but she actually has really good grades and the teachers have always told me she's an exemplary student.

"If you want to, I can help you out with it too." I said with a smile.

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"Nah, I can do it on my own. Also don't you have anywhere to go today? I remember you said in yesterday's dinner that you were going to meet your friends." Said my daughter.

"O-Oh, right!" I nodded. "I kind of forgot about it…"

Today I will go meet Lily with Mark and Rita… I guess I was too concentrated on my daughter to remember that for a bit.

"Anna and Elisa are coming in an hour or so too, mostly because they want to copy my homework…" Elena said.

"E-Eh? Are you okay with that?" I wondered.

"It has been like that for years now with Anna." Elena shrugged. "Elisa though, is new. I guess she didn't made it in time either and doesn't want to ask someone in her household to do it either…"

"So she's going to just copy yours…" I sighed. "Well, as long as they pay you back later with their friendship and all, I'm fine with it."

"Nn." She nodded, while munching some pancake.

She looked really adorable in the mornings when she was all sleepy! Last night she was a bit grumpy though.

"Oh? Eh?!" However, she suddenly reacted in shock while checking on her phone.

"Huh? What is it?" I asked.

"T-That Planta again… She just uploaded another last night." Said my daughter. "She blew up into pieces a whole guild all by herself?! Well, they were low level noobs but they're a recognized guild that always steal hunts from players and trick them into PVP fights… Ah, maybe you don't get what I'm talking about. But this Planta girl is someone I met in the game, she's really crazy."

"I-I see…" I saw the video I had uploaded some hours ago.

Indeed, it was getting popular, it has been only about 9 hours since I uploaded it but it now had over 200k views! And the comments were mostly of people that was happy the Red Knife got what they deserved, as they were victims of them as well.

"Seems like she's gaining popularity like a soaring rocket…" Said my daughter. "Heh, now it feels much more special that I have her in my friend list… I wonder if she'll attract a big fish I can catch myself. She's good bait."

"Elena you sound terrifying! Don't take the game so seriously…" I sighed.

"A-Ah, sorry." My daughter apologized.

Her DarkReaper persona was resurfacing right there…

I turned on the TV to check the news and lo and behold, something about monsters and people awakening once more, it was filling the news everywhere nowadays.

"Although the first ever reported Gate that has opened since the First Contact happened in a small town in Canada, a second one has already been reported to have opened in the streets of New York. No monsters have come out yet, but authorities have decided to quarantine the area and made everyone living within the vicinity evacuate."

"The locals have called this second Gate the "NY's Black Hole" and has brought upon the local population great uncertainty and fear over the invasion of monsters."

"A group of military men and various agencies have been seen entering the quarantined area, it seems they might be planning to enter, and eradicate the threat of monsters as soon as possible."

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It seems like USA finally got their first Gate… And it most likely is going to help them discover new materials within. If they successfully conquer the Dungeon, they could potential learn about Magic Crystals, something the monsters that came in the First Contact lacked.

"Oh! We have a special interview with Maxwell Hack, one of USA's first registered "Hunters"!" The reported said, showing a tall young man with pointy blonde hair wearing sunglasses.

"For now we've got everything covered, everyone. Please evacuate, we will make sure to get to the end of this problem and successfully close the Gate. We've heard from Canada that once the Dungeon Boss is defeated, the Gate will slowly close, so that's what we'll attempt. I will work my hardest to protect our country, God Bless America."

He was certainly… stereotypical.

"Ugh, did he said all of that for real?" Wondered my daughter. "God Bless America"? Really?"

"Hahaha… I guess he is part of the patriotic party in America." I giggled a bit. "I hope everything goes well…"

"Hmmm, I believe that Gate might have been provoked by Phantasmos coming to our world… More of those could begin appearing commonly now." Said the Great Spirit.

"It has me concerned a bit, but it's not like I have the time nor resources to travel to America… I hope Maxwell and his team can conquer the Dungeon." I told her through telepathy.

"Fat chance, that Gate looks filled with at least D Rank monsters, that Maxwell looks weak, I bet he's going to die, kek." The Great Spirit laughed.

"D-Don't be so pessimistic!" I reprimanded her.

I'm sure they're only using him as the face of Hunters, but much like Canada, a similar organization to SWORD should exist in USA.

Let's hope for the best.