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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest-Novel

Chapter 766 You Didn’t Really Need To Say That Joke
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Chapter 766 You Didn't Really Need To Say That Joke


"Mommy's here for anything you need, so don't worry!" I hugged my daughter even tighter. "You can tell me anything you want and ask anything you want!"

"Uaagh! Mom! S-Stop it, you're too annoying now!" Elena quickly pushed me aside. "But okay, yeah… Thanks. A-Anyways, I'll go back to my room before you get cringier…"

"Cringier?!" I felt shocked. "E-Elena! Wait!"

But she left quicker than I could catch her! Dammit, this was the perfect opportunity to cuddle with her a bit and give her some kisses because I miss the days when she was a little baby that would always cuddle with me in bed…

"Oh well…" I sighed. "She's growing up faster than I can catch up with her sometimes, dear."

I caressed the picture of my husband with a slight smile, wondering how he would react if he knew what had happened right now.

"I'm sure you'll be just as happy as I am…"

After taking a warm and relaxing shower, I logged back in the game. I ended taking an hour and twenty minutes, but thankfully David wasn't here yet.

Everyone else had logged in by now, even Mark, so they were all just waiting for me… Oops.

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"H-Hi! I'm back! S-Sorry about that, I was busy talking with my daughter." I giggled nervously. "You know, kids these days."

"Daughter?! You have a daughter, Planta?" Asked Angelina in surprise. "So you're a mom!"

"I can't believe you got time to be one of the game's best Players while having to deal with the responsibility of being a mother, nyah…" Anikitty was shocked. "I guess westerners are a different breed altogether." She was Japanese.

"Anyways, it's good that you're back." Gandalf said. "I do not have kids despite being probably older than you… I think that's actually quite the blessing in disguise."

"Have you attained magical powers by being virgin for over 30 years?" Asked Erdrich while laughing manically.

"Really? That joke from all of them?" Gandalf facepalmed.

"Her daughter is a nice girl, she's someone responsible and also a genius." Mark said. "Planta has raised her well, she's an excellent mother."

"Aww, you don't have to praise me so much." I giggled, as he hugged me with his big arms and as I gave him a few kisses over his wooden face.

"Oh my, do you two know each other IRL?" Wondered Anikitty, giggling.

"Yeah we're all friends IRL, didn't we told you before?" Rita could swear we did.

"I think so? Maybe they forgot." I shrugged. "Anyways! Is Ambil ready or not? Ambil! Where are you?"

"I-I'm here… Dammit…"

Ambil slowly walked out of his room, wearing a very elegant black suit, with a clean white shirt, and even a little black tie!

"Oh my! I never thought this old man could look this good!" Rita laughed. "You actually look like someone with some dignity for once."

"S-Shut up!" Ambil cried while feeling all embarrassed. "I-I'm doing my best, okay?! So don't make fun of me, you shitheads!"

"Nobody is making fun of you." Mark sighed. "Look I can't even wear proper clothes myself, so don't sweat the details." He was wearing a green tunic decorate with golden drawings resembling trees I had for him.

"Hahaha, me neither." Acorn was just wearing his casual clothes.

"My armor and dress will have to do, I'm a knight…" Nieve said. "I believe it shouldn't matter."

"A-Am I the only one that got into proper clothes?!" Ambil complained.

"I got into my fancy dress!" Said Brisingra. "Is that not proper?"

Rita, Lily, and I were also wearing fancy-looking dresses, although they were just our usual equipment anyways, we looked quite regal from the start.

"Then let's get going." I said. "Ambil, stop complaining, this is for your good. We're not doing this to make you suffer or something! I just want the best for you as someone that has inherited Hephaestus Legacy through your family. You have to think about your reputation and grasp the opportunities that appear in front of you. If you don't… you'll end up regretting it sooner or later." I sighed, recalling the many times I also lost great opportunities through my life.

"Ugh, fine… You don't have to get all dramatic about it." He crossed his arms. "So when is this brat of David coming here? I remember when he was just a little kid playing around the streets, he might not recognize me anymore but he sure has grown to be someone quite famous around town."

"He's an important Paladin, yes." I nodded. "He's quite a charming young man… But a bit na?ve and childish I think."

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"I don't like him…" Mark said with a serious tone of voice. Perhaps he thought that because of David's rather shameless flirting towards me...

"You don't like him because he keeps flirting with your girlfriend." Laughed Rita. "Just tell him that you're her boyfriend!"

"I-I mean, I… Well that's a bit embarrassing, but I should do so." Mark agreed.

"I'll stop him if he gets any further than that, but he's simply being quite nice." I said. "I'll tell him that though, don't worry, dear. That someone flirts with me, or likes me, doesn't mean I'll just look for someone else, nor that I'll stop loving you."

"I-I know… Sorry if it came out as toxic, that wasn't my intention…" Mark sighed, lowering his head.

"Hehe, it's fine, it was a bit cute." I giggled. "Don't worry and relax. You know that you're the only one I love, right?"

Well, I guess I still love my husband, but I doubt that's something good to say in this situation.

"I know… Sorry." He apologized again. "I'll try to be… friendly, I guess."

"Hahah, don't force yourself if you don't want to anyways." I shrugged, patting his big shoulders. "Oh, talking about the devil..."

A huge golden carriage made its way towards these rather poor streets, a bunch of people in shiny armor stepped out of it, alongside David.

"Lady Planta, I've come to pick you up and your friends!"

David finally arrived.
