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Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest-Novel

Chapter 811 Angelic Roomate
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Chapter 811 Angelic Roomate


It was already time to make dinner, and I just got a message from my daughter saying, "we're starving", so that was enough of a signal to log-off for now.

We'll log-in later to do a few things before tomorrow though, so the adventure had yet to end… And also, I really wanted to try out my new enhanced Gaia-All-Purpose Tool!

As we logged-off with Mark, we suddenly meet with a strange sight.

There was a girl… or a boy sitting right in front of us, with long blonde hair, shiny silver eyes, and small feathered, white wings.

"Hi! You're finally awake! Where were you?" They wondered. "It felt like… you were in another world or something!"

It was, of course, little Gabriel, the angel I had saved just some hours ago from a Demon from the Goetia known as Agares…

"Oh, little Gabriel… Hi, how are you feeling now?" I asked them. 

"I'm feeling alright~!" They said carefreely, waving their white dress. "Ah! Do you got any more food, Big sis?"

"Big sis?!" I wondered, feeling a bit shocked. "Err, well, we were going to make dinner right now. Dear, I am not trying to sound rude or something, but shouldn't you be moving back to heaven right now?"

"Ummm… I dunno how to go back." They said with a rather worried expression. "A-And… My wings are hurt, I can't fly."

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"Right, they're missing one wing too…" Mark said, looking at the child. "Well… This is awkward, name's Mark. I am Elayne's boyfriend."

"Ooh, so that's what you are!" Gabriel said. "You're big sis boyfriend! …Wait!"

Suddenly, Gabriel adorably stood up over the bed, pointing their finger at Mark.

"T-That's no good! Angels can't do those things! It is forbidden!" They said, blushing a bit.

"Is it?" I wondered. "But I haven't lost my powers."

"You haven't?!" Gabriel was shocked. "W-Wait, has our Lord lied to us? W-Well! Maybe he hasn't realized yet. Heheh, don't worry big sis! As a thank you for helping me out, I won't tell anybody of your affair with this human!"

"T-Thank you dear." I giggled slightly nervously. "Anyways, are you a boy or a girl, or something else?"

"Me?" Gabriel looked at themselves. "Ah, dunno? I do look kind of like a cute girl, right? Heheh… But I THINK I might be a boy… I think, can't really see anything!"

"Well, let's go for boy then." I shrugged.

"I feel like I should be feeling more irritated with him here, but he's too adorable and innocent for me to get angry…" Mark whispered to me.

"Right? I guess he's quite a purehearted angel." I giggled. "And I guess I have to help him, I did save him, so I feel like I should hold some responsibility. Poor little thing lacks a wing now, and doesn't even know the way back home…"

"Hmm." Mark nodded. "I guess you're right. One of the reasons I love you is because of how goodhearted you are. You're willing to save the life of people you've never meet before and go so far for this child too. I'll help in anything I can too."

"Really? You're not mad?" I asked him.

"Of course not." He hugged me back. "It is your life, and it is your decisions. I have no saying in what you should do or not."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I am always thinking about what you think too." I sighed. "Ah!"

Suddenly, Gabriel was standing at our side, resting his arms on our shoulders, and innocently looking at us.

"Hey! Don't whisper to yourselves! What were you chatting about?" He giggled.

"Ah, we were just talking about what to make for dinner." I said. "Gabriel, do you happen to have any recollection of what happened before I rescued you?"

As I asked him that, we stood up from the bed and started stretching a bit.


Gabriel rested on the bed right where we had been seconds ago.

"I think it was about the demons." He said. "They have been growing stronger lately… Since humans started getting a lot of powers… The Mana that came to this world also influenced the demons, making them bolder and more annoying!"

"So the demons were moving?" Wondered Mark. "Where to?"

"Huh? Well… I think they have been hunting humans to eat their souls, which is bad! So we had to stop them." The little Angel said. "However, they happened to be too strong, the squadron where I was sent to was... whipped out, I think I'm the only survivor… Everyone else was eaten by the demons. Sniff…"

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Suddenly Gabriel started weeping, remembering the fallen comrades.

"They said I had to survive no matter what for some reason, even though I've always been a useless angel…" He continued crying. "And they pushed me away, and sacrificed themselves for me… Sniff…"

Mark gave me a slightly worried glance…

"There, there…"

I ended sitting down by Gabriel's side, hugging him and patting his head. The little child accepted my hug, as he slowly stopped sobbing.

"Then you have to live and fight for those that gave up their lives for you." I smiled back into his bright silver eyes. "Alright? Let's slowly work on something."

"O-Okay…" Gabriel nodded timidly. "Thank you, big sis… I didn't know there was such a big and strong guardian angel here… Without you, I would have been as good as dead!"

"It's fine, no need to continue thanking me." I smiled back. "First of all, do you know how to recover your lost wing? I've tried using healing magic, but it is not working…"

"Magic can't regrow our wings…" Said Gabriel. "They'll only regrow if we do good deeds and good things! Our Halo will reward us with new wings! And maybe a way back home…"

"I-I see… Then how about we start right away, huh? Do me a favor, go to the kitchen and get the chicken, potatoes, carrots, and onions out of the freezer." I asked him. "Can you do me this good deed of a favor?"

"Oh! Sure!" His silver eyes lighted up, running to the freezer.

I'm still wondering if he's really the same Gabriel Rose and Albert talked about, or someone else entirely…

"Mooom?! Why is the freezer opening by itself?! Food is floating around!"

Ah right, I haven't told Elena about this…
