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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 613
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A tough guy, he rarely showed his feelings, much less adopt a different facial expression. But when Emmett told him that Debbie had a car accident and her car fell into the deepest river in Alorith, all the blood drained from his face.

When Carlos and his men reached the accident site, Debbie’s car hadn’t been retrieved yet. Some professionals were working on it. The site was thronged with people, but few of them had witnessed exactly what had happened. Anxious to know how Debbie was, he told Emmett to ask around, see if anyone knew what happened to the driver. It took a Long while before he found someone. They told him that the woman driving the car had been rescued and taken to the hospital.

Then Emmett checked all the hospitals nearby. It took him a bit to cut through the red tape, but that was what he was hired for. He finally found Debbie in Alorith Second General Hospital.

Debbie had been asleep for quite a few hours, and had quite a few dreams to match that extended time. She remembered seeing Carlos in her dream. He told her gently that he cto get her out of that place.

A man’s exasperated growl interrupted her wandering thoughts.

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“Didn’t you say she’d caround this morning? Do you know what tit is? 2 p.m.! Why is she still unconscious? You call yourselves doctors? I spend a ton of cash on this hospital every year. I pay you good money. And what do I get in return? A bunch of idiots! “

“Please don’t worry, Carlos. Mrs. Hilton is only sleeping.

“Sleeping? She’s been asleep since last night! You tellthat’s normal? “

“Carlos, why are you yelling? ” a feeble voice scolded.

Hearing her, Emmett said to himself, ‘Thank God, Debbie’s finally awake. If she slept any longer, Carlos would probably tear this hospital down around our ears.

As soon as he heard Debbie’s voice, Carlos’ anger vanished like smoke on the wind.

He and the others all rushed to her bed. The doctors looked at her, thankful and anxious. Now they knew their jobs were safe. At the stime, they prayed Debbie would be fine so that they wouldn’t get another round of sturm and drang from Carlos. Debbie was surprised to see so many doctors surrounding her. One might think she was dying or had contracted sweird and highly-contagious disease. But she knew that it was all because Carlos had lit fires under these doctors’ backsides. They knew that their jobs were on the Line, so they gave her the very best care. One of the perks of owning the hospital, Debbie figured.

The director of the hospital himself examined Debbie, listening to her heart and lungs, checking her vitals, making sure that her reflexes were good. Afterwards, he assured Carlos repeatedly and unctuously that there was nothing serious with his wife. Only then did Carlos allow the doctors to leave the ward.

Looking at Debbie’s colorless face, Carlos was deeply worried.

“Bring the food,” he commanded Emmett.

“Yes, Carlos.” Emmett turned to fetch the food.

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The couple were left alone in the ward. Carlos seemed a little distant, while Debbie was silent. The atmosphere in the room turned awkward.

“What happened?” Carlos finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

Debbie turned her back to him.

“Isn’t it obvious? Can’t you see for yourself?”

Her car had been retrieved. After going over the car, they determined the brakes were working. The other parts of the car were all functioning fine. So the only thing Carlos could think of was Debbie’s driving.

“Since you’re such a bad driver, don’t get behind the wheel.

The driver can take you wherever you want to go.”

Debbie turned to look at him with a sneer.