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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 886
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The rooftop remained in need of repair, a task that would be tackled before their anticipated journey back to Preagend.

Upon awakening, Marcus discovered Millie’s absence.

He had the breakfast she had thoughtfully kept warm before venturing into the yard.

There, he found the area tidied up, a testament to Millie’s efforts.

Yet a sudden twinge of pain surged through his arm. Despite this, his temperature had now subsided.

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Gazing upon the vivid expanse of blue sky, Marcus contemplated the possibility of a leisurely stroll with Millie. His thoughts were abruptly disrupted as the door swung open, and he found himself enveloped in a back-embrace.

Instinctively recognizing the embrace as Millie’s, Marcus began to inquire about her behavior. However, her lips trembled, and she spoke with a hint of sulking in her voice.

“Honey, I’m done…”

The sight of her tear-streaked face compelled Marcus’ concern to intensify. Grasping her hands, he tenderly stroked them in an attempt to soothe her distress.

“Sweetheart, what’s amiss? Please don’t cry. I’m right here beside you.” Biting down on her trembling lip, Millie withheld her words, grappling with her inner turmoil, How could she possibly… It shouldn’t have happened.

Witnessing her tears, Marcus’ heart ached. Pushing her hands away gently, he turned around to face her.

The sight before him was unfamiliar-a vulnerable side of Millie he had never witnessed. An overwhelming sense of helplessness consumed him as he scrambled to offer comfort.

“Darling, please don’t cry.”

Angela’s Library

Her tears were a palpable ache for him.

Assuming she had encountered sform of physical assault during her absence, he sought to ascertain the cause of her distress, However, the sight that met his eyes was far from what he had expected.

Millie inhaled deeply and lifted her dress, revealing her ankle occupied by a sizable crab, The creature’s big pincers gripped her flesh firmly, exuding an air of defiance as if it harbored a deep-seated grudge against her.

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Marcus was momentarily stunned, Millie had been ensnared by a crab. Yet, the situation defied logic. What had unfolded to lead to this?

As her lips quivered under the pressure of her emotions, Millie teetered on the brink of tears.

“Honey, afer helping Joan set up her stall, I wandered over to grandma’s vegetable garden. Accidentally, I stepped on a crab. It wasn’t intentional, but before I could react, another one latched onto me. I struggled, but its grip remained unyielding, causingexcruciating pain.”

For nearly half an hour, she had endured the agonizing grasp of the crab, her resilience wavering as the torment escalated.

In her attempts to free herself, she had attempted almost every method, nearly resorting to self-inflicted harm, Strangely, the more she sought to extricate herself, the tighter the crab’s hold became.

She had heard tales that crabs would only release their grip in the event of a thunderstorm, Initially skeptical, her current predicament made her a firm believer in the superstition.

“Honey, did you know? The crabs hold on until struck by thunder. However, I’ve confirmed the weather- it’s been consistently sunny recently.” Millie relayed this with the utmost seriousness, her wide, watery eyes lending an air of conviction to her words.

Yet her suffering reached a point of unbearable intensity, nearly causing her to lose consciousness,