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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 -CLARA- Hearing my grow, Damon immediately detached himself from the girl a and turned towith guilt in his eyes like he had done something I just smiled at him then turned back to the girl who was glancing between us with a frown on her face.

"What are you doing here Alicia?" Delilah was the one who asked.

"I cback for Damon but it seems he has moved on" She murmured and as soon as she said that, Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she stumbled on her feet Damon was last on his and was able to catch her before she fell to the ground.

"Get the doctor, Luca" He ordered, then carried Alicia in his arms and took her to one of the empty rooms downstairs.

I was about to follow them into the room but Delilah pulledaside.

"What are you doing?" I questioned and the sighed.

Trou know who she is right? She's the girl my brothers fought over" She pointed and I rolled my eyes. Obviously I had figured that part out.

"And I questioned, not able to keep the irritation out of my voice.

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"She's obsessed with Damon so you should be careful around her. She seems nice but personally, I think she's a b**h" She muttered.

"And that's why i need to be in there with them” i muttered before yanking my hand out of her grip and walking into the room.

The doctor cin afterand did I did a check up on her. Meanwhile, I made sure to hold onto Damon's hand arm tightly and he must have noticed my growing possessiveness because he reached down and placed a kiss on my lips.

"I love you" He murmured and I smiled before saying it back.

The doctor said Alicia was fine and must have fainted due to exhaustion.

"Aren't we going on our date anymore?" I questioned and before Damon could say a word, Alicia weakly called out his name.

"Damon" She murmured and he turned towards her and I was happy he was still holding onto me.

"Why did you cback here?" He questioned in his usual cold tone and she frowned.

"I thought you'd be happy to seebecause I'm very happy to see you even though you have another woman by your side" She murmured and i frowned.

She's not just any woman. This is Clara, my wife and mate" He told her and a proud smile appeared on my face while she had a shocked txpression on tien "Wide? you marned her?" She questioned and be rolled his eyes "Why are you back here?" He asked again and she sighed.

"I caught a deadly disease, Damon and I've looked everywhere for the perfect herbs to use but the disease keeps coming back because can't find the night lærbs because the erare but your father has all the rare herbs I could think of so I chere to concoct medicine for 1/7 12:10 Tue, 2 Jul Chapter 102 myself" She uttered and I suddenly felt bad for judging her.

She just chere to heal herself.

"You do know everyone thinks you're dead right? How did you even get in here?" Damon questioned.

59% "I felt bad for running away knowing I was treating your mother so I sent a letter to your father explaining everything to him. Why do you think he let your brother go so easily? I knew I was going to be back so I didn't want any bad blood betweenand him. As for everyone else, well they can think whatever they want" She murmured and we all just stared at her.

my father knew of your arrival?" Damon questioned and she nodded.

"He wanted to taketo the pack house but I wanted to see you first. You still look as handsas ever" She murmured and my fingers tightened around his.

"Give her a room here to sleep for the night but find her a house tomorrow, she can't stay here" He ordered and she frowned.

"But why? We used to stay here together all the tin the past She murmured and I frowned. I didn't know if she was saying that just to rileup but if she was, it was definitely working.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Well I'm married now and this is my matrimonial home. Rest now, tomorrow we'll talk" He muttered then took my hand and walked out of the room despite her calling out for him.

As soon as we walked out of the room, he turned toand grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry Clara, we were supposed to be on a date." He murmured and I smiled slightly.

"No worries, we can always go next tI murmured and he sighed before placing a kiss on my lips.

"We'll still start planning the wedding tomorrow okay? Her being here anything you m doesn't change anything.

know that right?" He questioned and I nodded. He pulledinto his arms and 1 let out a contented sigh.

After discussing a few things with Luca, Damon and I went back up to our room to freshen up. I was pretty eshen up!! upset we didn't get to go on our date En.

anymore and I guess Damon noticed. because he wouldn't stop hovering aroundand placing random kisses on my face. He pulledinto bed and I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"You don't have to be worried about Alicia. She's nice and she knows I'm with you so she's going to back off, okay? Even if she doesn't, I'm your husband and nothing is going to change that" He murmured and I smiled as he placed a kiss on my lips.

His words s gavelittle reassurance but that soon faded because when I woke up the next morning, Damon wasn't by my side.