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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 П I packaged the large batch of cookies then turned to smile at the cook.

"Sorry for invading your space. I've just been craving this" I murmured and she smiled at me.

"It's nothing ma'am. If you don't mind, I'll clean up now" She uttered and I nodded at her before walking out of the kitchen, reminding myself to tell Damon to have sof the cookies.

As soon as I walked out of the kitchen, I glanced at the wall clock and a frown appeared on my face. It was getting late and Damon wasn't back yet.

Maybe he was planning a surprise. I didn't know what to expect with him anymore.

fter I was satisfied with how I looked in the mirror, I glanced at the tagain I decided to get ready with the tI spent waiting for him. After and It was getting really late. Where was he for crying out loud? I tried mind linking him but for sreason, I couldn't get through to him so I tried calling him but still no answer.

After a while I decided to calm down and wait for him. Who knows maybe he was really busy.

Only the goddess knew how many hours had passed and how many times I tried reaching Damon but no answer.

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I decided to call Luca instead since he would surely know what was holding Damon up.

"Hello Clara, is something wrong?" He questioned after picking up immediately "For sreason I can't seem to reach Damon. We were supposed osed to go on a date tonight but he hasn't gotten back and I'm starting to worry. Is he close by? Can you hand him the phone? I would like to talk to him" I murmured and Luca was quiet for a while before he let out a sigh.

"I thought he told you" Luca uttered and I frowned.

"Toldwhat?" "Alicia apparently got food poisoning and he has been with her in the hospital. I thought he told you" As soon as Luca said that, my heart sank. He had stoodup because of Alicia? "Oh okay, thank you" I murmured.

"I can go give him the phone if you want. Don't be mad at him, Alicia is probably the one holding him back. He must have forgotten...

"About me, about our date? At least now I know where I stand. Goodnight Luca" I uttered then hung up and sat down on the bed for a while and I tried calming myself.

He had promised not to makecry anymore and yet here I was, I was sick of it.

I immediately got out of the clothes, wiped off the makeup and got into the shower. I didn't know how long I stood there just feeling sorry for myself but I only snapped out of it when I felt Damon's presence behind me.

"My love I'm sorry" He uttered but I ignored him and turned off the shower then walked out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

"Baby, will you listen toplease?" Damon pleaded as he followedaround from behind, I ignored him as I walked into the closet, got dressed and walked out and towards the bed with him still followingaround.

12:11 Tue, 2 Jul M M Chapter 106 59% A "Please don't be mad, I lost track of time. I never meant to stand you up, you know that right?" He questioned and I resisted the urge to scoff. He had no idea that his words were making things worse.

"How is Alicia? I hope she's better?" I questioned nonchalantly and he pursed his lips.

"She's better. The food poisoning was really serious. Clara, can I ask you a question? Promise not to be mad about it?" He questioned and when I didn't reply, he sighed.

"Alicia toldshe cover the hous to him with disbelief written on my face.

to seeand you offered her cookies, is that true?" He asked and I literally paused before turning "You better be joking. Are you trying to blme for her food poisoning?" I questioned and his eyes grew frantic "No Clara, I..." "She cto the house looking for you, yes and you were the one who said you wanted us to be close so I tried to make an effort by offering her a cookie that I and the cook ate by the way and now you're accusingof poisoning her?" I questioned and he frowned and tried to reach out forbut I slapped his hand away and stood up.

"I'll be sleeping in another room. You should probably go back to the hospital and watch over your precious Alicia" muttered then turned my back on him and was about to walk away when he huggedfrom behind...

"I was wrong, I'm sorry. Please don't go, I don't even know why I asked you that. Of course you'd never try to hurt her. I'm sorry, don't be mad at me" He murmured and I could hear the plea in his voice but I was done with this.

"Sorry won't cut it this tso please letgo" I murmured but his hold onjust tightened.

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"Please don't say anything, you're be only going to makeangrier, in the other room"li murmured as I used all my strength to detach myself from him. "Clara please I'm sorry" He murmured behindand I stopped in my steps.

you care that much about her and if you still have feelings for her then tell om wintinstead of hurtingthis way” I murmured then hurriedly walked out of the room before he could say anything else, I walked towards the room they had been given towhen I first got here and decided to sleep there for the night.

I tried my best to hold in my tears but as soon as I got into bed, the tears began flowing down my cheeks before I could stop them.

| I was so attached to Damon's presence that I knew I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight without him by my side.

It didn't take long before I heard the room door open. I didn't! n. I didn't move an inch as Damon walked towards the En bed and climbed in, pulling closer to him.

"I love you so much, Clara" He murmured then placed a kiss on the back of my head.

I closed my eyes and silently cried, feeling sorry for myself.

I couldn't even be angry at him for five seconds. I was so weak around him and i knew that was going to be a problem sooner or later...