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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 257
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Chapter 257 A Young Lecturer

“Go ahead and ask!”

Two girls were engaged in a whispered conversation, occasionally glancing at Emrys, acting with

caution. Little did they know that Emrys had already heard their conversation.

Argh! Despite my numerous shining qualities, it’s astonishing that all you noticed was my

handsomeness. How superficial! Emrys was quite disappointed.

Cecilia Watson, the freckled girl, said, “Hello, classmate. It’s a rare opportunity for us to sit together like

this. Why don’t we get to know each other? My name is Cecilia Watson, a freshman in the faculty of

economics and management, Class Four. And you?”

When she first sat down, she hadn’t really noticed Emrys, who was bowing his head. Only now did she

realize that this young man was genuinely handsome.

Faced with attractive boys, the girls of the new era were as proactive as they could be. A case in point.

was that Cecilia took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Emrys.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Emrys‘ mouth as he replied, “You’ll find out soon enough.”

Oh? He’s indeed quite aloof. I’ve always been fond of cool guys. No matter how many times you hurt

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me, I will still love you. Cecilia’s desire to get to know Emrys intensified suddenly. Just as she was

about to make her next move, she was taken aback to see a girl taking a seat next to Emrys, engaging

in an intimate conversation with him.

Is he taken? Cecilia pursed her lips, her gaze bypassing Emrys, curious to see what this handsome

guy’s girlfriend looked like. But the moment she laid eyes on her, she immediately recoiled.

Her best friend grumbled discontentedly, “Why are all the handsome guys always someone else’s? It’s

so disheartening.”

“That’s Ms. Balford,” Cecilia immediately whispered as a reminder.

Jazona University had a multitude of departments, so it wasn’t necessarily the case that students knew

the lecturers from other departments. However, Cecilia happened to be in the same department as

Jacqueline, which was why she recognized her.

Immediately, the two young girls dared not whisper to each other


It was almost time for class to begin when Emrys stood up. With a smile on his face, he walked up to

the lecture podium and said, “Hello students, I am your lecturer for the traditional medicine short

course. My name is Emrys Lund.”

Typically, in such large classrooms, the teaching staff would use a lapel microphone to ensure that

students at the back could hear them. However, Emrys did not use a microphone, yet his voice still

reached the back of the room, loud and clear.

Suddenly, the large classroom with a T–shaped layout fell silent. Even those who were furiously

criticizing their teammates in League of Legends, accusing them of playing like elementary school

students, strangely quieted down for a moment.


Chapter 257 A Young Lecturer

Afterward, a wave of uproar erupted.

When they were selected to attend this traditional medicine short course, the school’s promotion

claimed that the lecturer was a renowned healer.

They didn’t really care whether he was a capable doctor or not, but he was a young man. Regardless

of whether he’s a divine doctor or not, just look at his age! He’s even younger than some of the

students in the classroom! Is he going to give us a lecture? Is this a joke?

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Cecilia was also taken aback. The handsome man who had been sitting next to her all this time turned

out to be the lecturer for the day. She had even asked him earlier which class he was in. Thankfully,

she hadn’t done anything more audacious. Otherwise, she would have been utterly embarrassed.

However, with his looks, can he really command respect? I doubt it!

There was an uproar in the classroom with a T–shaped layout.

The university students, who had been randomly selected from their class to participate in this

unconventional traditional medicine short course, were already in a bad mood. Their spirits sank even

further upon seeing that the course lecturer was so young.

Emrys, however, faced their skeptical gazes head–on, wearing a confident smile.

He had already sensed that these students had not chosen to attend the course willingly. Nevertheless,

he was certain that after listening to his lecture, they would willingly attend for a second time.

Emrys scanned the classroom with his gaze and began, “I understand that none of you came here

willingly and that you all have doubts about my abilities-”

“It’s good that you acknowledge that. Now, please announce the end of the class quickly. Let’s not

waste any more of our time. I really don’t understand why the school always organizes these strange
