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Damn Reincarnation-Novel

Chapter 450: Remains (6)
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“Damn wench!” shouted Sienna while striding back into the room.

Her exclamation made everyone shrink back in their seats. Despite each of them being Archwizards powerful enough to shake kingdoms, their authority meant nothing in this sacred space.

They were in the topmost chamber of the Royal Library Akron, in Sienna's Hall. The Wise Sienna was the greatest and most powerful wizard in history. She aspired to becthe Goddess of Magic, and being an Eighth Circle Archwizard in her domain was common and expected.

They knew whom Sienna had been talking with: Eugene Lionheart.

He was her direct disciple, a young man of twenty-three who was already on the cusp of becoming an Archwizard. No, in fact, it could be said that he had already crossed the threshold of being an Archwizard. To boot, he was the Hero.

Any of the Archwizards present would have been proud to call such a talented and accomplished youngster their student. In fact, they would have shown even more love and attention than they would to even their own flesh and blood.

As such, Sienna's attachment to her student wasn't unusual, though sthought it a bit excessive. But no one dared to voice such opinions out loud.

"What displeases you?" asked Balzac Ludbeth, the Black Tower Master.

He was the first to break the silence while the other wizards simply gauged the atmosphere. He was a black wizard yet had gained Sienna’s recognition as a wizard. He was the only wizard permitted to join her in the hall just for unimportant discussions.

Thanks to this somewhat vague privilege, Balzac was always busy.

Whenever the discussions turned toward the topic of Sienna’s new Signature, Balzac would be in a different hall a few floors below. When it was tfor casual conversation and exchange among wizards, he would hurry up to Sienna's Hall.

There was no need for him to participate. However, no wizard worth their salt would miss such an opportunity.

Who would give up on the chance to talk about magic with the Wise Sienna just because of the inconvenience of moving between floors? If anyone did, they wouldn’t deserve to be called a wizard.

"I was talking with my lovely disciple, and scrazy woman interfered and cut off our conversation!" Sienna complained while plopping down in the main seat.

While the other wizards pondered what response to give, the ever-opportunist Balzac chimed in, "Noir Giabella. Her madness is well-known even in Helmuth. They're just too afraid of her authority as a duke and power to speak openly."

"Right?" Sienna agreed.

“Yes, Lady Sienna. By the way, did you know? There is a massive screen in Babel, located in the capital, Pandemonium. Duke Giabella used her status as Helmuth’s highest taxpayer to pressure Duke Gavid and secured a monthly advertisement spot on the screen,” said Balzac.

“What a crazy…!” Sienna exclaimed.

“Haha, exactly, what insanity. When I was studying in Helmuth, it really painedto see the advertisement on that screen. When was it… there was a twhen Duke Giabella appeared in a vulgar swimsuit…” he continued.

Balzac and Noir weren’t enemies. Instead, Balzac had long received patronage from Noir.

But what did that matter now? He wouldn't have spoken so freely if Giabella herself had been present or if there had been any risk of the conversation being leaked.

Even though the chances of their conversation leaking were minimal, there was always a tiny possibility. After a lengthy session of mocking Giabella, Balzac added a disclaimer after checking that Sienna was giving a huge smile, "This stays a secret from Duke Giabella, Lady Sienna."

"Huh? Ah, don't worry about that, Balzac. Would I do something to cause you trouble?" Sienna replied with a bright smile, to which Balzac bowed gratefully.

He was perhaps the only black wizard in three hundred years to receive such treatment from Sienna.

Although he was skilled at buttering her up, his ability to stay in her good graces was more due to his knack for not overstepping boundaries. He never forgot that he was a black wizard. He was never greedy for more than what he was permitted.

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He knew that he was balancing himself on a thin rope.

Balzac turned his head when he felt a piercing gaze.

Melkith El-Hayah was gnawing at her nails, her eyes burning with jealousy. Though, she was the only one. The other Archwizards harbored no such feelings for Balzac. Her flawed, horrible personality seemed to make her burn exclusively with envy….

“Hmm.” Lovellian interrupted the silence with a thoughtful hum while deeply contemplating Sienna’s newly conceived magical formula.

While improving the formula seemed impossible, he believed his unique perspective as a wizard walking a different path could still add value. After adding a few notes and symbols to the formula, he glanced outside.

"The day has already turned to evening. Shall we conclude for today?" he suggested.

They often debated until dawn, but on quiet days like this, they usually wrapped up their meetings around dusk.

"Yeah," Sienna replied while glancing out the window. Melkith immediately seized the opportunity to approach her.

"Sis, sis! Let's have dinner together, you and me!" Melkith pleaded.

"Why would I eat with you?" Sienna retorted dismissively.

“Why, don’t you want to eat just the two of us? Then I’ll call her. Her nwas…?”

"Rynein Boers," the wizard introduced herself, looking slightly uncomfortable under Melkith's enthusiastic gaze. Melkith eagerly tugged on Sienna’s arm upon hearing the name.

“That’s right. Rynein! Sis, you, me, and Rynein! We three can eat together. What about it?” asked Melkith.

"Why should I dine with you and Rynein?" Sienna questioned again.

“We all share the sgender, right!? We can talk about things you can’t talk about with the musty old male wizards here! Don’t you have an interest in such things, sis? Hmm?” Melkith continued to press her, undeterred.

“I’m not interested,” was Sienna’s response.

She was lying. She was slightly interested.

However… it mattered who she would be talking to. Sienna narrowed her eyes while staring at Melkith and Rynein.

“Ehem,” Sienna cleared her throat. Did age really matter? She immediately reconsidered her thoughts.

Anyway, considering their backgrounds and personalities, neither of them could fulfill Sienna’s wishes. If she had to choose someone...

Apart from Anise's presence, Kristina's own personality was dark, sly, and snake-like. In sways, she even surpassed Anise.

Could that child really be considered refreshing? Wasn't her tearful, sniffling crying closer to being sour than refreshing?

Still, if she had to choose, she preferred Kristina to Melkith and Rynein, and Ciel to Kristina.

"Go eat by yourselves. I'm busy today,” said Sienna.

"Lies!" accused Melkith.

"What lie? I really am busy. I have things to do today,” said Sienna.

"Excuse me, Lady Sienna, but I believe you have no appointments today.... Isn't the appointment regarding the Young Magician of the Year Award tomorrow at noon?" Rynein stuttered.

"It's something else,” said Sienna.

"Sister, are you meeting a man?" asked Melkith.

"Ehem!" Before Sienna could respond, Lovellian cleared his throat extra loudly. He slammed the desk with his hand and stood up abruptly. "White Tower Master! Watch your words!" he shouted.

"Watch my words…? What’s wrong with asking if she's meeting a man…?" muttered Melkith.

"It's an inappropriate question! Lady Sienna would never meet another man!" Lovellian shouted.

He believed Eugene Lionheart to be the reincarnation of the Stupid Hamel. He hadn't received direct confirmation, but the circumstances made it seem undeniable. This fact was known only to Lovellian among the Archwizards….

This was a love between heroes that spanned three hundred years. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops and make the truth known to the whole world, but he had to restrain himself.

As such, he couldn’t stand that this madwoman was trampling and insulting the heroes’ love. On the other hand, Melkith couldn't understand why Lovellian was glaring at her so intensely….

"Anyway, I really do have something to attend to, so I'll be going,” said Sienna.

"Sister! What man—" Melkith clung persistently, and Lovellian interrupted with a loud shout.

"White Tower Master!"

This theory seemed particularly relevant in this gathering as well. Wizards like Maise and Herington, who had recently achieved Archwizard status, were struggling to keep up with the conversations of their older yet seemingly younger counterparts.

Further specialized research was necessary to validate the theory that older Archwizards might not act their age due to magical rejuvenation. But if the hypothesis held true, it could explain why even long-established Archwizards sometimes behaved in ways unbecoming of their years.

Ignoring the noise, Sienna descended from the hall of Akron and stepped outside. She had not been lying when she said she had matters to attend to.

Eugene would soon return for the war.

She was aware of various nations mobilizing troops for war. Were they seeking to mark their presence on the continent, or did they hope their accomplished sons would gain enlightenment through war?

The old king of Aroth would send Prince Honein Abram as his royal representative, and Trempel would lead a battalion of elite wizards to support Eugene.

It wasn't limited to just Aroth, either.

Kiehl would dispatch Alchester Dragonic, the White Dragon Knights, and the Lionheart’s elites. The Beast King himself would lead the White Fangs from Ruhr. Yuras would send the Crusaders and the Blood Cross Knights, and Ortus Hyman, the First Knight and the Commander of the Violent Tide Knights, would also participate with the Violent Tide Knights from Shimuin.

At this point, a pretext for war seemed unnecessary. Honestly, Sienna thought concentrating such military power was an overkill. She alone could destroy a nation without a need for an army.

Eugene surely knew this. His choice to wage such a grand war was symbolic. He intended to publicly and brutally crush Nahama's black wizards and Amelia Merwin. It was a spectacle to elevate the 'Hero' Eugene Lionheart. He would turn Amelia and Nahama into sacrifices for his fame. In addition, the war itself would serve as a declaration against the continent and Helmuth.

In fact, the repercussions from the war might even surpass killing Iris.

In the end, only a few hundred had witnessed him defeating the Demon King. But if killing Amelia took the form of a convincing war in Nahama, it could cause ripples to spread wider.

Yet, for her, today's agenda was more pressing than the war in Nahama. It did involve a man, in line with Melkith’s nonsense.

Soon, Eugene would return.

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Frankly, she was more concerned about how she would look while greeting Eugene than the upcoming war preparations.

She wanted their reunion to be unforgettable. She wanted to surprise him. This reunion, in particular, felt even more significant.

The two of them had been apart for more than half a year. During that period, Kristina and Anise had been clinging to him like a two-headed serpent.

Sure, Mer, Raimira, and Molon had been there as well…. She hoped those serpents hadn't done anything sly and profane.

But still, one could never be too sure, right? Besides, they had been in Giabella City for the past month.

Today, everyone went to the swimming pool. Naturally, they wouldn't be wearing regular clothes there, so they must have worn swimsuits.

The Queen of Whores had intervened as well.

The scandal that started in Giabella Park and heated up Helmuth spread across the continent. It was contained before spiraling out of control due to the influence of the Lionheart family, the Emperor, the Pope, and Sienna….

Regardless, the scandal happened, and Sienna had seen the photos herself.

The ring.

Sienna hadn't received a ring from Eugene yet. All she had received was a cloak. Kristina and Anise had received necklaces and various clothes. But for Sienna, it was just a cloak.

But was that even important? The real issue was that neither Sienna, Kristina, nor Anise had received rings.

She tried not to think about it, but the thought intruded her mind. Sienna barely suppressed her rising anger and killing intent. If she, who was nearing divinity, let her anger out, ordinary people in the square could be annihilated.


Sienna took a few deep breaths while walking on.

Given her reputation, it was difficult to walk freely in such places. With every step, or even every breath, fervent followers would flock to her.

That's why Sienna always used magic to conceal her presence. Changing her appearance was bothersand inconvenient, so she used high-level magic to make it impossible for others to recognize her.

Of course, Sienna enjoyed the attention of her followers. It was also amusing to see non-followers timidly wanting to approach her, like tourists or ordinary people.

But not at times like this. She couldn’t enjoy such attention now.

Today, Sienna was shopping for clothes to meet Eugene in. She needed an outfit that would evaporate Eugene’s memories of the past six months. She needed something beautiful and sacred, befitting a goddess of magic, something that would compel him to unconsciously take out a ring for her.

Just like in the old days, Sienna had already imagined exchanging rings with Eugene, receiving blessings from the world, and even having a wedding ceremony in her mind.

The magic Sienna used to inhibit others’ perception was something she had crafted personally. Even a great Archwizard would find it hard to see through it. It was practically impossible to locate her in a crowded place like this.

Had she let her guard down? No. Sienna was being talked about as a goddess of magic, and she was actually approaching the source of magic itself. Even at this moment, Sienna was aware of all the gazes directed at her.

But she hadn't noticed the gaze of the specter. Like with Molon, the specter had perfectly concealed its dark power and blended seamlessly into space.

On the edge of space, there, the specter saw Sienna. Her perception-inhibiting magic couldn't blind the eyes of the specter.

Her appearance was unchanged.

Green eyes and purple hair.

The overwhelming surge of emotions was agonizing and tormenting for the specter.