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Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 432: A Mages Ace
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?The story of Eston and the guild he used to be in was widely known by those in the Noble Guild that he worked with.

They felt that as long as they had a commander like him on their side, no matter what they faced, what type of beasts, or warriors came in their way, they would be able to deal with the situation.

With the way things were going, it certainly seemed that way. The vortex's attack that was coming from his arms wouldn't let up and was pushing Amir down hard into the ground.

Even the sandstone underneath the sand could be seen ripping apart. The sandstone around the area was disappearing in front of their eyes.

"Everyone, we have to do what we can to help him!" Alba shouted.

The Crimson Crane weren't so sure about the order, but they weren't sure about a lot of things these days, so as usual, they would leave the decision-making up to Alba and follow her lead.

The group was on the move, rolling over. Lilly jumped on Tilon's shield, who gave her a little push, and she headed straight for the vortex.

At the same time, Kizer lifted his large sword and was ready. He was limited with the amount of tenacity he had left that he could do, but even swinging it normally with Qi gave him great power due to the number of opponents around.

Then, Alba instead, rather than attacking the vortex, had decided to head straight for the circle of mages that were surrounding them, and she wanted to start with the ones with the pointed hoods.

'These guys are the squad leaders and are most likely to have the troublesome items on them. I need to get rid of them first!'

Alba jumped from her position, attacking the spells heading her way, and landed right in the center. Immediately she struck the mage closest and she had her eyes on, the pointed hood man closest.

"We have a reputation as a clan in the world of Pagna for a reason, and I'm going to show you why!"

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Back in the center, where the vortex was being unleashed by Eston, the other Crimson Crane members had used their attacks to try and disrupt the vortex.

Their strikes were powerful, and in using them, they managed to disrupt the vortex. The strong winds blew apart, but as it did, the sharp strong winds went out in all directions.

As it hit the sandstone on the floor, it cut them up, and the attack had hit some of the Crimson Crane members. Elvlin was scratched across the cheek. Lilly had a large cut across her arm. Several of the strikes were going toward Reno as well, but that's when Tilon came in at the last second holding up his shield.

Some of the strikes cut his leg, causing his blood to soak the area beneath him, but he still stood there.

With his attack being stopped, Eston looked at the ones that were responsible. When looking down though, he could see the Hybrid with his long-barreled arm pointed right at him.

Amir fired out a large Qi attack. Tapping the side of his arm, a barrier appeared and the attack had been completely blocked.

Although the smile on Eston's face was no longer there. "What are you all doing? Get rid of the others, I will deal with the monster!"

Eston floated back down rather quickly and started to create a sharp ball in his hand. It was swirling all over, constantly moving.

The ball was thrown right into Amir's stomach again. "You have a pretty strong body to have not been killed by my last attack!" Eston said. "But, this is easy work for me! I have done much harder things."

Amir's feet were holding onto the ground, and although the strange ball was attacking him constantly like a sharp razor knife, where the attack had hit, his hard black skin was in place.

"You know, you being here, you got rid of your one advantage you have, and that's because of getting too close to a warrior!" Amir shouted.

He bent down and delivered a large kick right under Eston's legs. The attack had caused him to flip and fall to the ground.

Eston could see Amir's large claw hand following up, and just before it hit, he threw out his own hand, bringing out another large vortex of power.

The two blows clashed, and wind attacks as well as Qi were sent out in the resounding areas.

The Crimson Crane were used to this by now avoiding a lot of the leakage from the two fights, but even some of the mages were being hit by the magic that Eston was using.

Amir continued with his strong punch, but he saw that it had hit nothing but the ground, and that Eston was already on his feet.

"I am quite a bit faster than the others you see. You shouldn't be worrying too much about me." Eston claimed as he threw his arms in the air.

Out of the power of his wind, it looked like a giant sword had appeared in the sky. It swung down, splitting the air itself apart.

Seeing this, Amir bent both of his knees and then jumped from his place; his barrel-like arm had changed to a giant cleaver.

Swinging it, he crashed into the sword, breaking it apart.

After which, his eyes were locked onto Eston. "What do you think is going to run out first, your magic or my Qi? I bet you don't know much about Hybrids, do you?" Amir stated.

His hand, after destroying the large wind sword, was already turning back into that of a large barrel-like shape.

After that though, Amir moved his other hand, and that started to break down as well. Both of his hands were changing shape, and they started to form together.

In doing so, they were creating an even larger barrel-like object with a bigger opening on the end.

"The amount of Qi I have, due to what I am, is far more than that of an average warrior, and I wasn't an average warrior to begin with!"

The end of his barrel started to light up, and the attack width and range seemed too large for Eston to just go away.

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He activated both of the bracers on his arm, which created two large barriers in front of him, and he started to move his hands in the air, now creating large barriers of wind as well.

Out from the barrel, Amir's Qi was fired. A large blast went out of constant energy.

It broke right through the barriers, and now only Eston's magic was holding up the attack.

The energy continued to hit Eston, and the others were unable to see a thing. The whole ground was shaking in the area.

The power felt from nearby made them feel sick.

Finally, the attack from Amir had come to an end. His arms started to split back apart, turning into what they were before, and he looked ahead, surprised to see his opponent still there.

"I guess you were a strong mage yourself."

Eston was on the ground, huffing and panting for having used so much of his mana. He had managed to stop the attack without getting a wound on him, but at what cost?

It seemed like the fight would be over, and the two of them hadn't even been fighting for long.

"You have no idea, no idea what I have been through!" Eston shouted.

"And why would I?" Amir replied back. "I don't know you; this is the first time the two of us have met."

Gathering some energy, Eston eventually stood up from the ground.

"A lot of people thought I left my old guild, was able to defeat the other members because of the items that Idore gave me as part of the deal of joining him," Eston smirked.

"But, that wasn't it at all. I only received the items from Idore after joining. Which means, I was able to take out 9 6-star mages, all by myself, do you have any idea how?" Eston asked.

Amir honestly had no idea what this man was talking about, but the reason he was cautious himself was that after such a large move like that he did, he was a little vulnerable; he just needed a little more time to gather his energy back.

"It's because of one thing." Eston placed his hand on his chest at that moment, and all of his magic was gathered in one place, around his heart, his magic core.
