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Death... and me

Chapter 2139: Many Questions
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"Wait..." Rean found it strange. "Sister Orb, can the Chaos Origin Source really be extinguished?"

[How would I know that?] Sister Orb had no idea. [Let's not even consider whether my memories were sealed or not. It is obvious that our Universe's Chaos Origin Source is working just fine. Since something like that has never happened here, it is impossible for even the old me to know that it could be extinguished.]

"That's true... I guess." Rean had to admit she had a point.

[Unless, of course, I learned it from some other source.] Sister Orb added. [I mean, this Spaceship arrived in this Universe way before the Extinction Sphere appeared. Yet, it can't have been here longer than my own consciousness since I was born during the chaos that gave form to our Universe. It is possible that I have something to do with what happened to this Spaceship and learned about their objective. It's just that I can't tell with my memories like this.]

"So you admit that you might have known about it..." Rean couldn't help but sigh. "In any case, they failed in their attempt to take the Chaos Origin Energy away. It is fortunate since if we had lost the power to cultivate, Soul Gem wouldn't have been able to stop the Extinction Sphere in the future."

"System, is this ship the property of the Lingan Universe?" Luan noticed that the ship's system talked as if it was related to Lingan but not so deeply.

-Correct. The Dimensional Yin Yang Spaceship is the property of the Bului Universe and was commissioned to extract the Chaos Origin Source of the Lisan Universe.-

"Lisan, huh?" They ended up learning the name of their Universe at the same time. "Well, that's how those outside call this place. It's not like we selected this name."

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Thinking about it, Roan remembered how all the top experts of this Universe had been trying to surpass the Divinity Realm but were stuck. He also remembered how Hex told them that his beacon stopped communicating with the outside after the Universe was divided in two. "Even though this Spaceship arrived in this Universe before the events of the Extinction Sphere, I wonder if it had something to do with it."

Sister Orb answered straight away. [The Extinction Sphere is a natural event that happens every time a Universe gets too old. I believe I told you that already. However, I can't say if this event was pushed ahead or happened on its own. Whoever came in this Spaceship seems to be resourceful enough to try something like that. After all, stealing a Chaos Origin Source is definitely no easier than eliminating the Extinction Sphere. Perhaps it is even harder.]

Roan shook his head, knowing that he was going too far into his thoughts. "Forget it for now. System, is it possible to exit this Universe with this Spaceship at the moment?"


-Some of the Multi-Dimensional Thrusters lost connection with the database. The Multi-Dimensional Thrusters that still have a connection are mostly in need of repair or beyond repair.

-Calculating the chances...-

-The Dimensional Yin Yang Spaceship might be able to perform one last jump as long as a high enough source of Divine Origin Energy and Yin Yang Energy can be provided. Warning! Due to the condition of the connected thrusters, such an attempt is extremely risky. The Spaceship has an 81.5% chance of exploding during the process. Repair of the thrusters is highly recommended.-

Roan nodded. "Seems like this Universe isn't blocked. It truly just lost its capability to communicate with the outside."

Rean shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like we are trying to leave anyway. We would need a guide to start with."

It was then that Rean thought about another question. "Right! System, tell us whether there is any living member of the crew in the Spaceship at the moment."


-The system can't verify many disconnected areas.-

"What about the connected areas? Is there anyone?" Rean refined his question.


-No new log entries have been made in the past... Error, impossible to calculate the time. Database compromised. Searching for signs of living beings.-

-There are a total of 291 life signals in the Spaceship range.-

Rean narrowed his eyes. "Is any of these Life Signals older than a year?" Considering the number given, Rean thought that these signals were just the experts who entered the Spaceship with them.

-290 life signals are newer than a year. One life signal is older than a year.-

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That obviously caught everyone's attention. "System, identify the life signal older than a year."


-Error: Database Compromised. The Identification Number cannot be found.-

"Shit!" Rean didn't quite like it. Still, he quickly changed the question. "System, where is the Life Signal at the moment? What are its conditions?"


-The Life Signal is located inside the Cryogenic Chamber in Sector 120A, Cryogenic Pod number 401349X. Warning: The Cryogenic Chamber is highly damaged. Most of its functions are deactivated. The Life Signal's condition is critical.-

Rean sighed in relief. "Is that so? That makes things easier."

Roan knew what Rean was worried about. "You thought this person or whatever is in the Cryogenic Chamber was responsible for the Fragment ending up in this Spaceship, right?"

Rean nodded. "Indeed. If it was, that also meant it had a much higher authority level. What if this guy decided to order the ship to kill everyone inside? We would be dead for sure. However, it seems like this person or whatever is not in a condition to do anything. Who knows? Perhaps this person has been in this Cryogenic Pod for as long as everyone evacuated this Spaceship."

Luan couldn't help but ask. "The system also said it is in critical condition. Should we go there and take a look?"

Rean and Roan went silent for a moment. They were definitely curious about this being. But it was also a risky thing. As long as it had a higher clearance than them, it most likely could order their death from the system. However, there is also the fact that the twins had no idea where the Universe Foundation Fragment was located at the moment. Perhaps this person or whatever it is... anyway, it might be able to help them find the fragment.

"Well, let's ask the system first." Rean decided in the end. "System, can you detect a Universe Foundation Fragment?"