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Demon Immortal

Chapter 93: A Demon Emerges
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The danger within the cave was only minimal. If the brat was smart enough, he would not venture far from the entrance and would stay in the outer parts. After interacting with the brat, Liang Tianye knew that the brat had some smarts, so he was confident about it.

The soul token in his hands also told him the same. For the brat to survive until now, he must not have ventured to the interior. So, Liang Tianye had some hope. If the brat could survive this experience, then there might be hope for him.

Time passed slowly and the hour was almost at an end. Yet, there was no sign of the brat coming out. This made Liang Tianye feel a little disappointed. He wondered if he had to go in and search for the brat if he didn't come out but immediately gave up on that idea.

If the brat couldn't even come out of this cave, then there was no use in training him up. It was better if he died in there. At least, the sect would be able to devise other strategies instead of relying on him.

The five-continent summit this time was a different affair. The Heavenly Demon Sect had been preparing for it for centuries. Mistakes aren't allowed this time. To rely on someone as unreliable as this brat, would be a huge setback if something went wrong. So, it was better for that brat to die there.

Just as the hour was about to end and the guards were going to close the gates, heavy footsteps began to echo in the entrance. From the dark and gloomy cave, a figure was walking towards the entrance steadily without hurry.

The figure slowly walked out of the dark and the noon light started to shine on it. The moment the surrounding guards looked at the figure, their hearts couldn't help but tremble a little.

In their eyes, it wasn't a human that came out of the cave…

It was a young demon…

A young demon completely covered in blood and slaughter aura!

The surrounding guards couldn't help but gulp at the sight of the young man who was emerging from the cave. The young man's body was completely drenched in blood. It wasn't just red either. There was a lot of green blood mixed in there as well.

There was a dense slaughter aura that was emanating from the young man. Not just that, there was black smoke wafting out of the injuries present in his body making his entire being look completely sinister. The crimson eyes and black substance that was present all over his body only further deepened this impression.

Even Liang Tianye felt his heart stir a little as he looked at his disciple.

The brat that he had kicked into the cave was gone. In his place, was a young demon full of blood thirst, and viciousness. The moment he crossed his gaze with his disciple, Liang Tianye knew that the brat had lost his naivety.

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He could also see the influence of the Heart of Killing in his disciple's body clearly. There was a slight madness in the brat's eyes. Moreover, he could feel that his disciple was different currently.

Earlier, the brat rarely made eye contact with him. But now, he was staring at him with defiance in his eyes. Even his realm has risen sharply to the fourth level of Qi Condensation.

Seeing his disciple's state, Liang Tianye knew that at least some of the rumors about the Heart of Killing were true. Legends state that the Heart of Killing was actually a double-edged sword.

While cultivating a nascent Heart of Killing was indeed rare, those who did will see a sharp rise in their cultivation. But, that wasn't all. The Heart of Killing will also start to gradually influence the thinking of the person.

If one didn't have a strong mind and a firm dao heart, then there was the danger of the person completely falling under the influence of the Heart of Killing and losing their original self. Such people will only have to desire to slaughter left in their minds after that.

Currently, he could already see that his disciple was beginning to get influenced by the Heart of Killing. The slaughter aura emanating from his disciple was a testament to that fact.

Instead of hiding and surviving, it looked like his disciple had committed a slaughter in that cave. The rationality of his disciple was beginning to shift. It would only grow more and more from now on every time his disciple used the Heart of Killing.

None of this could escape from his eyes.

But, he didn't comment on this latent danger. What the sect wanted wasn't a demonic cultivator. No, they wanted a true demon. So, even if his disciple didn't fall into that pit, Liang Tianye would be glad to arrange situations that would make him fall sooner or later.

Now that his disciple was already walking a preordained path, Liang Tianye only felt relief instead of apprehension. As for this sword turning against the sect, that's where the soul token came in. With that in his hands, this demon wouldn't turn against him.

Meanwhile, Feng Feixuan looked ashen as she watched the young man in front of her. She could deduce from the slaughter aura emanating from the young man that he had destroyed countless of her playthings.

Her face contorted as she struggled to rein in her anger. These were playthings she had painstakingly reared. To see them be slaughtered like this made her belly burn in anger.

But, one look at Liang Tianye's pleased face told her that she couldn't make a move against the young man. She knew of the sect's plans. But, never did she imagine that her playthings would become the first sacrifice for that.

She wasn't a broad-minded person in the first place. So, how could she tolerate this happening? However, she was powerless at the moment to do something about it. But, in her mind, she was already planning how she was going to torture this brat when the sect was done with him.

"Liang Tianye, you better be prepared to compensate me for my loss," she sent an irate mental transmission to express her anger.

Right now, she didn't care about the enjoyment she had shared with Liang Tianye for the past week. Her only goal was to get compensation for her loss. She didn't care about tearing her face with the Vice-Sect Master for it.

"Don't worry, I won't shortchange you," Liang Tianye sent a mental transmission back.


Duncan felt as if he was in a haze.

Everything looked gloomy to him. From the moment he began to fight against the cannibals surrounding him, a red haze covered his mind. He could still see what was in front of him. He could feel what he was doing. But, somehow everything felt a little gloomy.

The only time he could feel his heart or blood stir was when he killed someone. It was really addicting to feel that way. It was as if he felt truly alive at that moment. Something deep within him roared in approval as he went about massacring the cannibals that had surrounded him.

Somehow, midway through the massacre, he began to break through from the third level of the Qi Condensation realm to the fourth level. And when he broke through, the speed of the massacre only increased.

He didn't even let those escaping cannibals live.

When the cannibals had seen how he had begun to massacre them more quickly, some had tried to run away. But, Duncan had hunted them down and killed them without any compunction.

By the time he was done, he realized that he was already near the entrance pathway. Only then he remembered that it was time to exit this cave. So, he had made his way out still in that hazy state.

As he stood staring defiantly into his master's sight, Duncan didn't feel fear or trepidation. Rather he was angry that he was powerless to kill his master. It was a strange emotion to feel for him.

A small part of him wanted to throw away the consequences and attack his master. But, somehow he intuitively knew that he wasn't a match for his master's power. So, he restrained that part that wanted to attack his master, but it didn't mean that he was going to act subservient in front of his master.

At that moment, Duncan knew that if had the power, he would definitely kill his master. There was a certain kind of certainty to that thought that made Duncan confused.

Until this moment, he had never thought about attacking his master. Sure, he had felt a little resentment and anger toward his master for throwing him into the cannibal cave. But, he had never wanted to attack him.

This alarmed Duncan so much that, he broke out of the state he was in.

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The moment Duncan broke out of that state, Duncan shivered a bit. His nose was burning from the rotting smell that was wafting from his body. At the same time, the slaughter aura that was emanating from him started to subside rapidly.

Duncan scrunched his nose and checked up on his state. To his dismay, he found that he was completely covered in filth. His breakthrough resulted in more black impurities coming out of his body. Coupled with the amount of blood that was splashed all over his body, he felt incomparably dirty.

He could feel that the qi in his body was currently vaporizing the poison that was accumulated in his body due to his injuries. He felt relieved to know that these injuries would heal soon. But, even that created an unbearable stench all over his body.

The lady who was standing next to his master sported an ugly look that made Duncan feel a little embarrassed. It made him more self-conscious as he thought that the lady's ugly face was a result of the stench wafting from his body. He wanted to dig a hole and hide his face at this moment.

As he sneaked a glance at the lady, he felt that she was really beautiful. There was a kind of wild charm to her body that tugged Duncan's heartstrings. However, seeing his master's hand around her waist made Duncan banish any thoughts about the lady to the back of his head. He didn't want to offend his master with his roving eyes.

Still, he felt a little jealous that his master had such a beautiful lady as his companion. He wondered why he hadn't seen her before in his master's residence. After all, he wouldn't forget such a beautiful lady if he had seen her before. He could only lament that he wasn't the lucky fellow that was hugging this beauty.

Even then, he couldn't help but sneak a couple of glances at the beauty.

"Good, your realm has improved well in the past week. You haven't disappointed me," Duncan heard his master say and brought his eyes back into his control with a lot of difficulty.

If his master was offended by his roving eyes, he didn't show it. Rather, he seemed to be pleased with his improvement. So, Duncan reigned in his thoughts and bowed toward his master.

"Disciple is happy that he hadn't disappointed master," Duncan said humbly.

"Here," his master waved his sleeves and a couple of bottles appeared in his hands. "Take this and stabilize your realm. Come and report to my residence in two days. You are dismissed."

Duncan thanked his master for the grace and a guard came to escort him back to the sect.

As he walked away, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the lady near his master once more. He felt another pang of jealousy seeing where his master's hands rested.


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