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Demon Sword Maiden-Novel

Book 6: Chapter 17: The Power of the Violet Moon
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Book 6: Chapter 17: The Power of the Violet Moon

Beneath the moonlight, Lily’s skin glowed with moistness under her torn miko outfit, her breaths were deep, as if she had not recovered from that one blow. But her gaze was without the slightest panic or hesitation.

Yaiba felt the danger, but he was not one who would retreat in the face of difficulty!

His powerful muscles burned with the power of destruction, his large strides quickly brought him in front of Lily and he raised his samurai blade high, before bringing it down with all the powers of a middle late-stage throned sovereign.

But as Lily raised her head, he could see those crimson eyes turn a crystal clear light violet, like a misty and watery violet jade.

Raising her blade, Yasutsuna looked as if it was moving slowly, but left faint afterimages. Yasutsuna hummed as she swung out.


A sad, poignant yet filled with powerful resentment, violet spirit power was released from Lily’s cursed sword. It actually blocked Yaiba’s immensely heavy blow.

The impact created cracks over Yaiba’s heavy blade.

Clink! Lily’s cursed blade Yasutsuna slid along the bottom of Yaiba’s blade before deflecting it aside before the upward motion shifted into a slash aimed at Yaiba’s midriff!


Lily’s swing sent out a bright violet lunar blade light, that blade light seemed to contain a mysterious power no human samurai had ever wielded.

Yaiba’s eyes narrowed, he jumped in retreat while steadying his sword in a vertical block.

Crash! A terrifying but unquestionably immense force impacted into Yaiba’s block, directly blowing the middle late-staged throned sovereign into a sudden retreat.

As the violet blade light grinded against Yaiba’s blade, it released a bright, dreary, but beautiful lunar energy! This power was sharper and more tyrannical than normal lunar energy, it fluctuated gorgeously, as if seductive intent had been melded into the lunar power!

The two powers most suitable for female practice had melded, releasing the much more powerful violet lunar energy!

“Hah! Argh! Ghh!” Blue veins bulged over Yaiba’s forehead and arms. With his single blade he resisted that terrifying violet lunar blade light even as his skin oozed blood and sweat!

Bang! The terrifying violet lunar blade light continued to fly, the powerful force brutally pushing Yaiba into the wall of a warehouse and cratering it.

Yaiba had only just broken through Lily’s blade light before she had arrived in front of him, eyes shining bright violet.

“What!?” Before Yaiba could react, Lily’s blade came crashing down!

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A violet blade light with a hint of bright pink flew! Yaiba hastily resisted with his blade!

Clang! Another terrifying force impacted his blade, although he forcibly resisted with his blade, the terrifying power of the violet lunar energy was transmitted into him through his blade.

His majestic and steadfast body violently twitched before he vomited a mouthful of blood!

But as Lily’s downward stroke hit the ground, she borrowed the rebound to tilt her body back and send a leg sweeping across. Knocking down Yaiba who had just suffered internal injuries.

Lily’s eyes held no hatred or killing intent, but Yasutsuna came slashing down encased in a hazy violet aura, it was powerful enough to be lethal!

“B?a?s?t?a?r?d?!” Severely injured, Yaiba rolled to one side, dodging the slash.

Slash! The blade cut through the ground like tofu.

Crack! A thick fissure traveled the ground to the end of the shrine’s sacrificial ground!

“Lord Yaiba, I will aid you!” Though the old onmyouji had received a kick to the face, this situation did not allow him to hesitate. He released a fireball targeted at Lily’s back.

It had a temperature high enough to burn a castle. But Lily’s eyes did not change, she casually turned around and slashed.


A beautiful violet lunar blade light of resentment sliced towards the fireball.

Without resistance, the fireball was sliced in two clean halves, the different flame color in the core could be seen clearly.

“Wha…” the old onmyouji could only see that bright violet blade light flying towards him. And then nothing but blackness! The blade light passed through the old onmyouji, splitting him in two so cleanly that no blood leaked.

The blade light passed through houses, rocks, trees and flew off into the sky like a meteor.

Only after a while did the two halves of the old onmyouji fall down, blood spurting from the open veins, and behind him, the houses, rocks, and trees were all sliced in two and scorched by the intense energy of the blade beam.

That man was considered a powerhouse within the Fujiwara clan. The uncle of the Imperial Chancellor, a throned general onmyouji, Fujiwara no Hiroto died so simply.

Though he died so simply, he was still the first throne powerhouse Lily had killed.

Even if Fujiwara no Hiroto had reacted in time and defended with arcane artes and treasures, he would have been unable to defend against Lily’s violet lunar blade light.

“Impossible…” The middle aged samurai could not believe his eyes. Yaiba, one of the Yamato’s Eight Legions had been knocked to the ground and one of his clan’s powerful throned general onmyouji had been sliced in two.

He felt that though the Imperial Chancellor had been extremely cautious, the situation had already devolved beyond his worst nightmares.

What scroll? That no longer mattered, it was already in Lily’s hands. What clan mission? That was nothing! He suddenly pulled out a talisman and prepared to escape!

A misty light shining through the distorted space fell on him. But looking up at the light, he could only see a purple light flashing in Lily’s hand.

As the talisman of escape burst into white smoke, Lily’s blade light scythed through the smoke.


The smoke dissipated as the middle aged samurai’s lower body fell to the ground, his upper body missing, having been pulled through the talisman of escape1. He should have successfully escaped2.

Yaiba slowly stood up, both hands gripping his blade. Though he had suffered serious wounds, his mouth was etched into a crazed grin.

“Ahahaha, enjoyable! I never thought you were hiding such strength! To be able to battle a woman like you, enjoyable!”

Lily turned back to face him, but her eyes only had sadness. Her soft thought had flashed through her mind, wanting to have Yaiba swear a heavenly oath not to reveal her secrets and then letting him go.

But that crazed grin and abnormal expression made her realize, if she showed mercy, he would despise her and only feel humiliated to suffer defeat at her hands. He would feel it dishonorable to die at the hands of such a weak woman.

This man lived for battle, he had slashed through hundreds and thousands of lives, his life would also end with a slash.

Lily said nothing, just staring at him, waiting for the final moment.

“Help me pass a message to your adopted brother, I will be unable to make it to our duel.” Yaiba’s majestic and sturdy body was coated in sweat as he panted. Though he still had around 70% of his strength, the battle’s end was obvious. Lily’s violet lunar power was beyond his recognition, it had completely surpassed him!

But he was this type of man, he didn’t care about the result.

The heavens and earth were dark.

It seemed like Lily and Yaiba were the only two people left in the world. Behind Yaiba, in the distant skies, burning buildings and people screaming could be seen, perhaps within, was also Yaiba’s family.

Lily seemed to see a hallucination, as if a lonely little boy covered in wounds walked out of the Yaiba’s broad back, and slowly but quickly walked towards that burning village.

“No… no…” Lily’s heart slowly softened. It was as if she could see the unfortunate tragic life of that little boy after his family died.


“Woman, if you show your enemy your tears, then I will only feel humiliated if I die under your blade! The one who kills me, must replace me and attain that highest peak!”

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Yaiba’s eyes seemed to be filled with the madness and resolution of Vidyaraja as the powerful aura of a throne stage adept flared around him.

“Die! Kagami Lily! Those unable to bear the weight of the path of the strong should die!!!”

Like a supernatural being he charged at Lily, not caring about defense or his opponents reactions. All his power, all his concentration, was focused on his blade, he gambled his soul on this one attack!

“No……” Feeling that man charge with the resolve to kill or be killed, Lily shuddered before raising her head. Though two lines of tears fell from her beautiful violet eyes, they were filled with the intent to kill!

“Yaah!!!” Lily’s shout echoed as her blade came slicing down.

One one side, there was a beautiful dark red blade scattering a few iris flower petals. On the other side, a bright violet blade like the lonely seductive moon.


Red blood flew into the dark night sky!

Yaiba had been slashed by Yasutsuna, cut diagonally in two, his strong shoulders and legs flew in two different directions. Yaiba, one of the Yamato’s Eight Legions, had not taken a step back even in death!



At this moment, deep in the distant Iga mountains, Tenba Goro dressed in a ragged white karate uniform meditated within the towering giant bamboo forest. Suddenly, he felt an indescribable heaviness within his heart. Getting up, he went to the top of the cliff and sat down cross legged before stabbing his straight sword into the ground.

Taking out a wine jug, he took a long drink and looked at the distant moonlight.

“What…what is this feeling? Why is my heart so sad?”

He did not know that his fateful lifelong opponent had already left.



Powerlessly, Lily knelt down, feeling an unprecedented exhaustion…as if, once the violet lunar energy within her released its true power, not only was her extraordinarily vast spirit energy used up, but her physical energy and soul had also been drained…

The price of this power was not cheap3.

She dared not imagine what state she would be in if she continued to use this violet lunar energy.

Sweat and tears dripped on the ground, Lily’s heart cried in sadness over the man she had just killed. “Yaiba, though I won, I was unable to make you take a step back. You were an amazing samurai!”

Robinxen: I have too many references I want to make for this, but let’s just say he was left thoroughly bisected by this encounter.Yuki: Seriously? This guy got cut in half and he’s still alive?Silva: Well… it’s not like it’s impossible to live without the lower half… I think…Robinxen: You must pay with responsibility.