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Demon Sword Maiden-Novel

Book 6: Chapter 49: Takamagahara’s Goddess of War
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Book 6: Chapter 49: Takamagahara’s Goddess of War

Lily felt her view was spinning in circles, the parasol must be spinning.

Above the skies, burning obsidian clouds reached down to the skies as if trying to scorch the earth.

Lily could see sparks filling the skies, she felt that those sparks contained extreme temperatures. If a spirit jade expert touched those sparks, that person would probably instantly become ashes.

A giant monster as big as a mountain, its body fluttering like a black cape crawled out of the ground and covered half the skies. It was a terrifying one-eyed monster looking like it could devour the earth.

Above the monster, a giant crow with a wingspan of a meter flew past, its giant shadow covering the rolling thunder and sparks.

Boom—! Not too far away, a flaming streak flew several thousand meters high into the skies, breaking through the clouds before breaking into flaming meteors raining down from the skies, melting and scorching the earth where they landed.

Lily could only look on in a daze. She couldn’t understand this, this wasn’t a battlefield, this was the end of the world!

That huge cloak-like one-eyed monster released whips from the darkness covering it, those whips were filled with a mournful aura. They looked slow, but that was only an illusion brought by the distance, the whips left scars in the dark cloudy skies, and one came slashing down in her direction.

If the current Lily faced this, she would be absolutely helpless!

However, Suzuhiko-hime only spun the sakura parasol, bright ancient runes appeared all around!

Boom—boom—boom— Eyesearing bright crimson meteors flew into the sky and bombarded the huge whip, the enormous explosions preventing the whip from coming down.


The earth trembled!

The surrounding ground cracked and exploded, revealing surging bright hot magma.

Countless red and black fierce ghosts coated in Yomi’s flames came crawling from the crevices…

As that huge whip was drawn back again, Suzuhiko-hime leapt up, flying high up into the sky. However, with the spinning of the sakura parasol, all Lily could see was the rotating view of the sky and earth.

The ground was scorched black, grass no longer existed and it was nothing but a black scorched land. The horde of demons covered the ground like a carpet of black, there were a few spots of white light, but they were all surrounded by the pitch black demons.

Carefully looking at those white lights, Lily discovered that each light was a white clothed celestial maiden fighting.

Suzuhiko-hime landed near a celestial maiden and a pipa lute appeared in her hand as the sakura parasol levitated beside her. As her fingers plucked the lute, glowing silver swords were shot at the surrounding horde of black demons. Though Lily could feel that even a single black demon was strong enough to kill her in one move, they were eradicated by the silver swords, turning into black ashes melting into the air.

“Lady Suzuhiko-hime! This is Yomi’s trap! We’re surrounded!” The beautiful gauze clothes of the celestial maiden was smeared red with her blood.

“Reinforcements! Where are the reinforcements!?” Another celestial maiden whose hair had been wrecked in the battle fell to one knee, barely supporting herself with a bloodstained naginata.

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In the distance, mind-numbing crow chirps sounded. A large murder of crows, each bigger than a rukh1 besieged a flying celestial maiden. The celestial maiden was an expert at combat, the long slender sword in her hand flashed as quick as lightning, and the sword light she was weaving contained a lunar intent far deeper than Lily understood. The celestial maiden struck down crow after crow as countless feathers floated in the air.

Suddenly, three black thorns shot out from the ground.

The celestial maiden quickly swayed left and right, successfully evading the first two flashes but cried out tragically when the third spike pierced through her chest.

The eyes on her beautiful and poignant face dimmed.

Countless black crows shrieked out and engulfed her like a black cloud.

Soon, only a few bloodstained white ribbons fell…

Lily could only watch as the beautiful celestial maiden was killed by the black demons and eaten until nothing was left. Though she didn’t know the details of this apocalyptic battle, Lily couldn’t help but feel pain in her heart as she saw these celestial maidens who were somewhat like her be besieged by demons and killed.

“It’s that one! That one ambushed Oborohime!”

“Kill it!”

Several white clad celestial maidens flew and swept low with their swords in the lead, aiming at the black shadow lurking behind the crevice of a rock.

Pew—! Pew—! Pew—!

Streak after streak of black thorns shot out.

Pshh!! Pshh—!! Two more celestial maidens were pierced through.

The remaining three celestial maidens reached the black shadow swinging their longswords and naginatas.

Streaks of silver moon shaped slashes filled with lunar energy flew with double images like ripples in the water.

“That’s the Tsukuyomi swordstyle!” Lily exclaimed, she instinctively recognized that style, only what she was seeing was much more advanced than what she herself was capable of.

Far beyond ten times the force!

With the celestial maidens slashing down, the giant rock was flipped over and the ambushing monster revealed itself. It was a bizarre creature, a huge lizard-like body but without a head, both front and end were long tails and on its back was a row of black thorns.

This creature only gave one impression to Lily, evil. An evil from the depths of Yomi.

Suddenly, a ghost warrior covered in miasma, ten meter tall, face as black as a corpse and covered in purple runes attacked Suzuhiko-hime. Suzuhiko-hime pulled out her weapon, a double bladed naginata decorated with a string of red beads, and entered close combat with the ghost warrior. From time to time Lily could catch glimpses of the three celestial maidens attacking the evil monster with tails on both ends. After it had been revealed and surrounded, its close combat abilities could not match the three celestial maidens and it gradually lost strength.

But suddenly, a terrifying black shadow fell from the sky.

“No—be careful!!!” Lily wanted to shout out, but no sound came out. No matter how she shouted, nothing came out.

A huge, feathered foot came stomping down through the clouds!

Boom—! The foot crashed down on top of the three celestial maidens and the evil creature.

Lily could only shut her eyes as her heart hurt.

Suzuhiko-hime spun her double bladed naginata, sending out a blade light filled with seductive meaning difficult for Lily to understand. The blade light split the ghost warrior in half, destroying the soul.

Sensing something behind, Suzuhiko-hime turned her head and was startled.

A large ox demon was swinging a big axe at her back.

It was already too late for her to react.

Boom—! A huge hole was created in the oxe demon’s chest.

As the ox demon fell to one side, a bleeding Kagura was revealed. When she landed, she stumbled towards Suzuhiko-hime, “Master!”

“Kagura…as expected, you’re the one accompanying me at the end…” Suzuhiko-hime’s gaze was filled with sorrow.

“Master, where are the other shikigami?”

“They all fell in combat.”

The earth trembled, scorching pillars of flame blazed into the sky, the pillars of black smoke were like pillars connecting the earth and sky.

A tide of black monsters rushed toward the celestial maidens like the ocean.

Within the tide were snake women from Yomi, their bodies gigantic, with just a wave of their tails, mountains would be split.

Those yomi snake women lifted their bows and shot arrows at the celestial maidens. Those arrows flew like burning meteors and exploded into towering pillars of demonic flame!

The land was engulfed in the demonic tide, and within that dark tide, the few dots of holy light were gradually extinguished…

Chop! With one slash, Suzuhiko-hime beheaded a three-headed six-armed ancient bull demon covered in golden runes rescuing three celestial maidens.

Those three maidens were all covered in injuries.

Suzuhiko-hime, Kagura and the three celestial maidens retreated up onto a high cliff, but when looking down and around, their desperation only increased.

The number of surviving celestial maidens had decreased immensely, and there were demons everywhere!

If they were ordinary people, they would have collapsed from despair long ago, but they were battle maidens. Although they had all suffered injuries, and despair lingered in their eyes, none of them would give up, they would fight to the end!

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The only thing that continued to confuse them, was how did they end up in this situation?

“What is this? Why did we get surrounded?”

“Reinforcements? Why have the reinforcements not arrived?”

The billowing smoke and ashes from Yomi drifted between the heavens and earth as celestial maiden after celestial maiden fell. Though they were all powerful and had high combat abilities, they were either exhausted and died from the siege of demons or killed by the huge, powerful god demons…

“Look, that’s captain Kotona Ren!”

They saw a celestial maiden in an azure feathered dress flying through the skies, behind her were thousands of black crows.

The celestial maiden would fly fast and create a distance before rotating and slashing. The white lunar blade light scythed through the crows killing several dozen. Even under siege, Kotona Ren still used methods to grind the enemy.

“So powerful, as expected of captain Kotona!” A celestial maiden beside exclaimed.

However, a huge crow with a wingspan of a thousand meters dived down from the black clouds and clawed at Kotona. Though she dodged to one side, the massive wings still struck her, sending her falling from the skies. She crashed into a mountain before rolling down the slope.

The huge crow flapped its wings and once again dived down at Kotona.

“Kagura, stay here with them!” Suzuhiko-hime flew into the sky, aiming straight at the giant crow, but suddenly a dark long light entangled her bare feet and exerted a tyrannical power to pull her down.

Bang! Suzuhiko-hime was pulled out of the skies and slammed down into the cliffside.

The smoke filling the skies obscured Lily’s sight, but boulders and rocks fell onto the parasol as Suzuhiko landed between mountain rocks.

“No…” Suzuhiko-hime’s feet were still entangled with the black light and her trembling body was among the rocks, she couldn’t get up!

It was too late, the giant crow had already opened its large beak and swooped down on Kotoha like a giant mountain.

“Captain!!! No—!!!” The celestial maidens could only cover their mouths and scream in horror.


In the dim skies, a white light flew from the distance.

The speed of the white light was extreme, in an instant it had turned from a small white dot to a large lunar light passing straight through the large crow!

The huge crow let out a shrill cry, losing its balance and spun into an uncontrollable fall towards the ground.

Boom!!! The earth shook as the huge crow crashed into the grounds, grinding through several mountain peaks and killing an uncountable number of demons!

But Suzuhiko-hime, the seriously injured Kotoha, and the other few celestial maidens all looked up at the streak of white light sliding through the skies.

“She’s here2!”

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roc_(mythology)Robinxen: But who is she?! What a cliffhanger!