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Demon Sword Maiden-Novel

Volume 7 - Mount Ooe: Chapter 70 – Transformation
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Volume 7 - Mount Ooe: Chapter 70 – Transformation

The white-clad Lily walked through the burning Honganji Temple while holding her shining blade in one hand.

She walked through the flaming corridors and pulled open a door to arrive at the deepest part of the temple before she closed it again, leaving her no way out of the room.

Lily did not plan to flee.

The beams supporting the ceiling, as well as the pillars of the temple, fell from time to time because of the flames, giving rise to a cloud of fires. The flames were just moments away from engulfing the room Lily was in and the demons were also ready to storm inside, but Lily’s expression remained unchanged as she walked to the center of the room silently.

Lily flung her hair back and spun around while holding her blade up, performing an elegant dance with her blade as her partner in such a desperate situation.


The demons outside howled loudly, the sounds of battle resounding miles away as flames engulfed the entire temple. However, Lily’s expression was still as calm as ever.

All the events that she had experienced until now seemed to flash through the flames reflected in her eyes.

Lily had arrived in this world with just a kimono and a crimson parasol on her. She had experienced plenty of lucky encounters, deadly battles, love, and hate.

Although the burning temple drenched her in sweat entirely, her eyes were as calm as still water right now. However, this calmness was also accompanied by some abstraction.

It was quite hard for her to give up on these memories, both good and bad ones, but the memories of her experiences were fleeting in nature.

Lily’s movements as she performed the sword dance made her look like both a beautiful woman and a pretty man, the sorrow oozing from her possessing an intensity that even a hero’s perseverance cannot match.

Her pink lips opened and closed as she sang a verse of poetry.

“Traveling one thousand years back at the age of sixteen, everything feels like it’s a dream!”

The verse signified that life was but a dream.

No one could have ever imagined that a boy who was secretly in love with his senior would travel thousand years back into an alternative reality of the Heian era and experience so many sorrowful and joyful affairs in less than a year.

Lily found the determination to live in this world because Rinne had saved her life and fought so that she could awaken her soul one day.

Uesugi Rei, Minamoto no Shimizu, Nanako, Shiu…

Ayaka, Kimiko…

Uncle Matsuda, Ashikaga Kiyoshi…

Lily had found deep companionship with many of her sisters and also acquainted iron-blooded men worthy of her admiration.

She had long become a part of this world.

Lily did not care about pleasures or wealth and spared no effort to achieve her goals, never submitting to force, never fearing the dangers.

It was all for the sake of Rinne and to protect her beloved sisters.

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She knew that she was just deceiving herself by maintaining the last remaining pride as a former man, but it was just that important to her. However, her sister Uesugi was in deep danger right now while Rinne’s soul was still dormant in the dark stone room, and even Lily herself was facing a desperate situation.

There was nothing that she was not willing to give up as life was all but a dream in the end.

“I’m going to awaken you even if my soul were to vanish in exchange for it, Senior Rinne!”

“Even if you set foot on the path to Yomi and enter the Gates of Hell in Nara, I will definitely come to retrieve you one day, Sister Uesugi!”

Lily stopped hesitating any longer.

The flames of the stone lantern in the dark mirror space reflected the pretty silhouette of the flimsily dressed, ponytailed Lily.

She got up and looked at her reflection within the mirror.

“Goodbye, me. This is the final time I’ll be looking at this form of you


Lily turned around and looked at the room where Rinne’s soul was fast asleep.

“There’s no meaning in bidding farewell to her. I’m still me in the end.”

“Regret is the only thing that will remain if I keep acting prideful and fail to protect those important to me.”

The heavy stone door opened slowly with a sliding sound, and Lily approached the cave room with the gigantic stone monument with a resolute face. She then lifted her hair with her hands and closed her eyes with a lowered head as she tied a headband on her forehead firmly with her slender fingers.

Her night dark hair scattered freely when she brought her hands down, producing a gentle ripple within the quiet cave room. Lily then stepped onto the round platform with her bare feet and the platform rose slowly.

The flimsy men’s kimono she wore fell to the platform gently, and a pink, luminescent polish appeared on the toenails of her small feet, a bracelet that seemed to be made of fallen stars appearing around her ankles at the same time.

Her legs, as well as her calves, became slimmer, and her thighs thicker as her butt turned plumper to match her bodacious figure in the real world.

A starry skirt manifested around her waist and covered her underbody, making it seem as if one were seeing a woman’s bathing figure through a thin veil


A glittering celestial maiden’s underwear that looked undersized and left one wanting for more secured her waist and squeezed into her a?s?s? cheeks.

A celestial raiment adorned with ribbons manifested above her slender wait, making her seem as beautiful as nebula in the starry skies, and the silver mesh in front of her bosom formed an ultimate cadence as it brushed against her swaying chest.

Lily raised her arms, forming a perfect curve together with her waistline.

The only bright color on her entire body was the crimson rouge on her bewitching lips.

Her long, slightly curved eyelashes were just like the leaves of a fern and seemed to hide the stars underneath them while her pair of eyes seemed to contain an inexplicable sorrow that filled her with an unrememberable sadness.

Lily’s fingers interlocked with each other as she arched backward, and a pink nail polish appeared on her fingernails for the first time ever. This was something that even the real her felt embarrassed to do.

Breathtaking was the only world apt to describe her beauty, and she seemed just like the reincarnation of a celestial maiden from time immemorial while wearing the stars and moon, her beauty outshining everything in the world.

The soul’s appearance was a reflection of the mind.

Lily had finally become one in both body and mind now.

The ancient mirror exuded an incredible silver light within the burning Honganji Temple as Lily danced within the room and assimilated with her body, transforming, strengthening her body without her knowledge.

The strengthening went on smoothly without any obstruction this time.

Lily had broken free from the shackles of a mortal woman’s physique now and gained the celestial maiden’s physique fully.

The round platform stopped rising with a clunking sound, and the tall, sexy, celestial maiden form of Lily arrived at the second floor of the monument cave.

Her eyes fell on the second monument depicting the Tsukuyomi Swordstyle. She had practiced the sword movements on this monument countless times already and was quite adept at them.

“Come, sword.”

Lily’s voice sounded just like that of nature’s and seemed to shuttle through space-time, even bewitching time itself.

An incredibly beautiful, ancient longsword’s avatar flew towards her hand.

Lily gripped the sword hilt with her slender fingers and raised her fingers slightly, stroking it slightly, making even the sword tremble in midair before she gripped it firmly.

“Tsukuyomi Swordstyle—Second Path!”

The world around Lily turned dark the moment she was about to execute the first movement and turned into a beautiful starry sky, making it seem as if she and the starry sky were about to melt into one another.

“What?!” Lily felt shocked as an unfathomable sensation passed through her.

The disharmony she felt before had disappeared entirely now and a harmonic sensation replaced it, making her feel as if she had turned into a ray of light traveling through the universe freely, the stars in it turning brighter because of her presence.

She had become the moon in the starry sky of the mirror space at this moment.

Lily completed the entire set of sword movements from the Tsukuyomi Swordstyle’s Second Path fluidly in a short interval, mastering them once and for all, making it seem as if she knew them innately.


The starry sky disappeared, and the stone room returned to its former appearance while shaking incessantly.

The sword movements on the second monument began shining soon after and fused to form a gigantic relief sculpture of a celestial maiden.

Although the face of the celestial maiden was obscured, she possessed a beautiful figure and had assumed a stance that contained the essence of the Tsukuyomi Swordstyle’s Second Path completely.

A carved seal that exuded an eternal aura appeared underneath the celestial maiden’s feet in the next moment.

The following words were written on it—The Celestial Maiden Path.

Lily’s round, somewhat indecent chest heaved heavily, and her body was drenched in an incredible amount of sweat.

Lily’s understanding, as well as control of her body, and applications of sword moves, as well as power, had reached an all new level now.

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She had become a true transcendent now after perfecting the Tsukuyomi Swordstyle’s Second Path, the Celestial Maiden Path.

Rei was drenched in sweat within the dark lair after watching Lily enter the burning Honganji Temple in despair after being forced into a desperate situation. Her eternal obsession made her struggle to break free from the fetters of the chains and save Lily, but all she got in exchange for her attempts was fierce whipping by the samurai woman enslaved by Shuten.

Shuten satisfied his perverted desires by having his female slaves punish the icy beauty he had captured. However, this only filled Rei with endless anger,

“Argh!” Rei screamed in pain from the whipping. “Release me, you b?a?s?t?a?r?d?! How dare you harm Lil’ Lily!”

Her struggles ended up being futile, though.

Rei had not even realized that she had lost consciousness for a short while just now, and that the two slaves were whipping her frantically because she was too staunch. Lily was the sole thing on her mind the moment she regained consciousness.

The transmission orb showed the sight of Mita’s avatar dissipating into smoke with Ibaraki’s final attack while the small raccoon dogs had long returned to smoke after being besieged by the demons from all sides.

The demons then surrounded the Honganji Temple, which had long turned into a sea of fire.

“Hahahaha! Don’t worry, Ms. Uesugi. These flames are far from enough to immolate a Throne to their death. I believe that your beloved Lily doesn’t have the courage to do something as manly as cutting open her belly to kill herself now.” Shuten chuckled wildly before he took another chug from the wine pot and looked at the image in the transmission orb with great interest.

“How about we make a bet?”

“Shut up, you b?a?s?t?a?r?d?!” Rei gritted her teeth and shouted.

“How dare you insult our master, b?i?t?c?h??!” The two slaves standing on thick poles suspended by chains raised the enchanted whips in their hands and flogged Rei’s back endlessly, tearing open her robes and leaving behind red marks on it.

“Lily…” Rei showed a rare moment of weakness when she saw Ibaraki and the other demons prepare to charge into the temple and capture Lily, tears flowing from her eyes as she shut them in grief.

“This is some really good wine!” Shuten took another chug from the wine pot while admiring the sight of his slaves whipping Rei. Seeing Ibaraki prepare to capture Lily, the woman he wanted the most, made him so excited that he forgot himself and laughed his head off. “Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! I guess this is what the prettiest woman in the world amounts to in the end! She’s destined to become my sex slave! Hahahahahaha!”


The shockwaves produced by the explosion of the burning Honganji Temple made even the transmission orb far away in Shuten’s lair tremble uncontrollably, and a bunch of crimson amaryllis flowers flew out of the raging flames at an incredible speed.


The image shown in the transmission orb turned pitch black after a flicker, causing the smile on Shuten’s face to freeze up immediately.


The shouts of the demons in Shuten’s lair, as well as the hands of the female slaves whipping Rei, stopped immediately, and pin drop silence reigned the cave room.

There was no response from the transmission orb as well.

“What’s going on?!” Shuten Doji voiced his astonishment while holding the wine bowl.


Robinxen: Is this the transition moment?!

Robinxen: Man’s literally doing a magical girl transformation transition.