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Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1120: Calculations
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It's actually deprivation!

Sariel seemed to be punched hard in the heart as the smug smile froze on his face.

In his memory, only 1 person had this special might.

This person happened to be the original master of the silver box in front of him.

Python! It must be her!

So this 'Aguile' is under Python?

And that little girl I kidnapped was originally Python's prey?

I got tricked!

That vicious and crazy woman!

Many self-assumed 'truths' were instantly revealed in Sariel's mind, shocking him even more.

The feeling of being deprived of power was only a moment, but this moment seemed to have become longer.

Time might!

At this moment, Sariel suddenly had a feeling of extreme danger. This guy, who was obviously only at the intermediate stage of the Pseudo-God, could actually make him have such a strong warning sign.

The figure with brilliant purple starlight suddenly turned into 3, surrounding him in a triangle formation. A powerful and special breath quickly soared. There seemed to be an incomparably destructive power in this breath, but it also contained the completely opposite force. Without thinking further about it, the figures shot out a purple-red light at the same time, forming an independent triangle space that completely enclosed him in it.

What kind of move is this? The power of this blow has far exceeded the level of the intermediate stage of the Pseudo-God! Sariel felt that his body and soul were completely frozen by the space, and he couldn't help being horrified.

In the blink of an eye, the triangular space was completely shattered.

The center suddenly became a complete vacuum. Everything, including Sariel, disappeared without a trace.

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The silver box had automatically flown to Chen Rui's side, and a vague figure flew out of the opened box and quickly became clear. It was Python.

More specifically, it was Python fused with Manlace's body.

Python used the secret technique to temporarily turn her body into a soul entity and hide in the silver box. She had been lurking in the silver box for countless years. Therefore, she was well versed in the art of concealment and was extremely familiar with the Book of Destruction, so even Sariel didn't notice either.

Python and Sariel were old rivals. She knew that Sariel would definitely turn hostile or cheat, so she used the secret technique to lurk in the silver box to deliver an unexpected blow at the crucial moment.

On the other hand, if Sariel didn't play any tricks, Chen Rui could also use the Star Conferring Platform to withdraw Python at any time. Python had now completed the 1-star enhancement and was successfully conferred a star, but the 2-star enhancement had not been fully comprehended.

No doubt, as Python expected, Sariel didn't think about exchanging from the beginning. Instead, he wanted to embezzle the 2 'treasures' of Duoduo and the Book of Destruction. As a result, when Sariel was most complacent, he was suddenly hit. The timing of the Python blow was perfect. With her current early stage of the Kingdom level strength, she succeeded in one hit, but this was not enough to kill Sariel. Chen Rui was the one who truly launched the deadly attack.

Due to the difference in the level of strength, neither the deprivation of Python nor the time might. The opportunity was fleeting, but a big move like [All Star God View] would take some time to charge. Hence, Chen Rui activated the strongest ultimate move second to [All Star God View], [Dimension Destruction]!

The power of this move was extremely powerful. Even the original Despair Lord Dillosro almost suffered a big loss. If it weren't for the protection of the bone armor and the power of the main altar, he was likely to be fatally wounded.

Now that Chen Rui's power was more refined, under this blow, in the space of [Dimension Destruction], Sariel's body was torn apart as the space shattered, turning into powder.

However, Chen Rui was well aware of the power of Sariel. Although this attack was surprising, it would make him suffer some damage, but it was impossible to kill him. The real problem was how to rescue Duoduo first.

"Python! Quickly see what happened to Auglas and Duoduo?"

Duoduo and Auglas had all turned into crystals now. Chen Rui was bounced back by a strong force when he tried to get close. He couldn't keep them into the Tower of Glory or the storage warehouse at all.

"Moon Mirror! It's actually this thing!" Python frowned. "Moon Mirror is Sariel's artifact that integrates with the kingdom. It is very tricky. The most troublesome thing is that Auglas is now imprisoned by the power of Moon Mirror too. The Moon Mirror will completely devour his Pseudo-Godhood, then Duoduo's bloodline awakening will be further accelerated. Consequently, the success rate of being absorbed by Sariel will also be greatly increased. After awakening, her life force and bloodline power will pass through a kind of Moon Stigmata's mark to Sariel."

Chen Rui was taken aback. He didn't expect that even Auglas would be implicated. He asked quickly, "How can we stop the Moon Mirror? Is direct attack effective?"

"The Moon Mirror should be fully activated now and this state is irreversible. Even if Sariel launches his own attack, he will not be able to destroy the artifact and terminate the process in a short period of time, unless…"

"Unless you kill me." Sariel's cold voice sounded from all directions, and the countless voices overlapped, making it even more creepy.

Countless figures appear from the shattered body and quickly merge into 1.

Chen Rui's heart trembled. No matter from the breath and body appearance, Sariel who suffered the blow [Dimension Destruction] just now was actually unscathed!

"As expected of the [Body of Moon Soul]." Python's face was full of solemnity, "If it were another person, he would be impossible to survive the trick just now; even if he was at the peak stage of the Pseudo-God."

"It turns out to be you, 'old friend'. I haven't seen you since the war that year. I can't believe that we will meet again in such a way, Python! "Sariel looked at Python and shook his head, "You found a good subordinate, but unfortunately, your own level of power has regressed too much. Back then, when you gave up your body and fled, you must have suffered some kind of change, right? But you have fallen to this level. I'm disappointed. That God bloodline should be the key to your recovery, but unfortunately, she is mine!"

Sariel obviously misunderstood the relationship between Chen Rui and Python, Duoduo and Python. Python didn't explain; she just looked at him coldly.

"As you said, the Moon Mirror is now activated, so you don't have any chance. With the help of the dragon of that early stage of the Pseudo-God. Her bloodline will be fully awakened and passed to me through this Moon Stigmata. Only by killing me can you cancel it all." With that said, Sariel pointed to a special mark on his forehead with a playful smile, "The question is, can you do it?"

Chen Rui suddenly shouted with his eyes burning brightly, "Run now!"

This sound was obviously shouted to Python. At the same time, the appearance of stars appeared around Chen Rui. The wings behind the star armor suddenly spread out into the stars and blended into 1. A series of high-speed blue stardust appeared in the space, drawing countless irregular death arcs. All the scenery quickly became blurred. Criss-crossing ravines appeared even on the ground of [Moon Kingdom] under this terrifying pressure.

[Pole Star Storm]!

In the fatal purple storm, there were traces of cracks in the space, but the figure in the middle remained motionless.

There was a sound in the storm. Even that berserk terrifying storm couldn't cover up the sound.

"In the name of doom! Slow!"

The high-speed storm actually slowed down, and the rapid whistle's airflow became heavier and heavier. In an instant, it was turned into nothing.

Chen Rui was shocked. It was the first time he had seen someone so easily disintegrate the power of [Purple Pole Star Storm]. Before he could make the next reaction, he felt a terrifying force penetrating his soul. With a muffled snort, blood spilled from his eyes, mouth and nose at the same time. He was seriously injured.

The power of [Doom Calamity].

Not only it eroded the power of [Pole Star Storm]. The aftermath also hit Chen Rui hard. Because of the 'slow', it only broke out now.

"Compared to the previous blow, this storm seems flashy but impractical." Sariel shook his head, "I don't even need to use [Body of Moon Soul]. If you have the strength of the peak stage of the Pseudo-God, maybe you can scare me, but your current power is not worth mentioning at all!"

Sariel's eyes fell on the light door that appeared behind Chen Rui. It was a golden light door, which was different from the light blue one before. Python was flying to the light door, holding the silver box of the Book of Destruction.

However, because of the [Doom Calamity]'s 'slow' that Sariel just activated, Python who should have rushed into the light door slowed down.

Since this was Sariel's kingdom, everything was under his control. He immediately sensed the strangeness of this golden light door. The difference between the golden light door and the previous light blue light door (the [Star Gate]) was not only the color. The light blue space door with faint starlight excluded everything except 'Aguile'. Even Sariel was no exception. Obviously, this 'no exception' also included the 'master' of 'Aguile'- Python.

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Therefore, Python could not enter the light blue light door, and this golden light door was another kind of space door with a relatively common attribute, in which the moon's kingdom power could penetrate.

Although feeling the powerful space power, this also meant that Sariel could enter like Python!

Kill the old enemy -Python!

Reclaim the Book of Destruction!

Devour god's descendants' bloodline!

A dark silver light burned in Sariel's pupils. Planet-like objects appeared around him as if the 2 moons 'planets' in the sky were slowly opening. It turned out to be countless huge 'eyes'.

Chen Rui sensed a terrifying coercion emanating from those eyes. The previous [Doom Calamity] power had not completely dissipated, and his body was deterred by this coercion, so he could not move for a while.

This was the powerful might of Sariel's Evil Pupil combined with imprisonment. His most important target was not Chen Rui, but Python!

Python's graceful body was surrounded by heavy black gas, and a relatively slow voice sounded.

"The real poison is the human heart."

Sariel felt a tightness in his heart as if his heart was being grabbed by something. Those huge 'eye' planets began to rot and fall one after another. This kind of corrosion was different from the rot might of [Doom Calamity 7 Chapters] but a kind of terrifying poisonous power.

The poison might of Python!

This corrosion soon disappeared, and the 'giant eye' returned to its original state.

Python turned into black smoke and flew toward the light door quickly. She was just about to enter the golden light door.

A cold light flashed in Sariel's eyes. Although Python's poison might was extremely terrifying, she was too weak now. If the past Python launched this might, even his [Body of Moon Soul] would have consumed a lot of power to resist, but now he just activated the kingdom power slightly, and the poison power was easily resolved.

All the giant eyes burst out with terrifying imprisoning might at the same time, wrapping toward Python. Sariel was absolutely sure to imprison Python before she entered the light door. However, at this time, the power of the giant eye slowed down, the flow of time changed again. Everything slowed down.

Except for Python.

In the nick of time, the figure of Python with the silver box had already disappeared into the golden light door, and the imprisoning might was futile. At the same time, the light door began to dissipate quickly.

"Damn!" Sariel shouted angrily. Damn time might! That damn 'Aguile'!

The Moon Kingdom power erupted with all its strength, and the aftermath of the time might was instantly shattered. Sariel had already rushed toward the rapidly shrinking golden light door like lightning, but he did not see that when Python entered the light door, a strange smile was revealed on her mouth.

TL: Seems like they are baiting Sariel into the golden light door. Could it be connecting to the space that rejects Pseudo-God?