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Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3502: The Harem Council
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"Thanks for taking care of this matter, Mingzhi. Where's Schleya?"

After he visited Fairy Thunderblaze, he visited Mingzhi and wondered what kind of laws she charted. Since his Mingzhi was an investigator while on Earth, he knew she would have some or significant knowledge of the law, so while he was interested in piping in his rod in her, he was also interested in piping in his opinions, and she revealed this interesting mechanism which enabled him to take it out for a test drive.

Nonetheless, he wanted to ask about Schleya as he noticed she was missing on the last and twenty-fifth seat next to him. However, since Schleya was busy working for Mingzhi, he imagined she would be late, but she still hadn't come yet.

Mingzhi suppressed a tremble, her lips curling, "Well, I requested her something, and she fled."

"What?" Davis's brows creased.

"Don't worry. It's not something to worry about as that girl's only embarrassed. I'll eventually get her to come around."


Davis nodded with a blink.

An entire minute passed before Mingzhi opened her mouth, "Thank you for voting, everyone. If there is someone who is yet to vote, your votes will become abstained in ten seconds, so please vote before that."

After saying her piece, Mingzhi went silent for ten seconds before she waved her black sleeves, causing a formation core to come out in her palm, which she used, causing the projection to change.

A green number, red number, and white number appeared in a row.

[20 - 0 - 4]

Mingzhi's lips curled into an amused smile, "Everyone present voted in favor of accepting Tia Alstreim into the harem. The other four have automatically abstained since Myria, Tina, Dalila, and Schleya haven't shown up to vote."

She turned around and smiled, "Isn't that good for you, Tia? No one said no."


Tia placed a hand on her mouth as she appeared shocked. Not even one objection?

'This can't be…' she inwardly denied it.

"Take… take a revote…"

She uttered, unable to believe that everyone approved of her. She was an aunt, a relative! If Davis took her, surely anyone could imagine that in the future, it would happen again with some other relative, perhaps even closer than her.

Someone would definitely protest in worry, no?

"Tia, back in my old family, we sometimes marry between brothers and sisters to protect the bloodline, so allowing someone like you to enter isn't something that big of a matter to me," Bylai spoke up.

"Right, the dragons are quite unbridled when it comes to protecting the bloodline." Zestria nodded in agreement.

"Who dares to stop Tia will have a problem with me, hmph~"

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Ellia harrumphed, although it was one of cuteness rather than confrontation.

"Tia," Evelynn smiled, "We know how much you sacrificed for this family, not hesitating to your dangerous divination arts to keep us safe. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to save Clara. I wholeheartedly welcome you into our sisterhood."

"We all have the same thoughts then~" Shirley giggled.


Tia was speechless. Her eyes turned moist, but she wasn't able to express her emotions now as she expected to meet some resistance. However, she came with the determination to break through all, convincing them to allow her to be with Davis.

She had even imagined scenarios and stacked convincing arguments for everyone based on their personalities, but it turned out that she didn't need to prepare at all.

Davis was also honestly flabbergasted. He at least expected to meet one vote that was against him and intended to explain himself and convince them, proving his determination to take Tia as his wife, but he wasn't even provided that opportunity, leaving him quite dumbfounded.

"What if the other four have any objections…?" Tia couldn't help but ask.

If Schleya were here, she knew she would definitely gain her vote, but she was scared about Myria, not knowing if she would approve or not, as Davis seemed to hold her opinion to high standards.

"My sister Myria approves!" Ellia gave a thumbs up.

"You can't do that~" Mingzhi giggled, "But twenty against four is already a winning vote for you, so you can talk to them personally if they object."

"…" Tia pursed her lips in unsurety.

"Still find it hard to believe?" Her lips curled into a smirk as she gazed at Tia before looking around, "Sisters, let's have some fun."

"To prove that we aren't going to just accept any random woman that enters or we aren't colluding together for a rigged vote, please vote for Fairy Thunderblaze-"

"You what?" Davis leaned forward in shock.

"-the number one Celestial Fairy of the First Haven World whose beauty causes disasters, yet billions of men would like to have her hand in marriage but can only lust after like a toad."

But Mingzhi continued, making everyone's gaze flash.


[0 - 1 - 0]

The first vote came up already.

Some already voted no against her, causing many others to follow suit with their votes.


Davis raised his hand, pointing at Mingzhi as she flared her nose.

"The harem council doesn't need to listen to you. If you want to stop it, you can convince any one of us to stop, then I'll stop the voting."


Davis went speechless. However, he didn't ask anyone further as he also wanted to know what they had in mind for Fairy Thunderblaze.

A minute later, the projection changed.

[8 - 12 - 4]

"Oh, eight of us are in favor of her?" Mingzhi smiled, "That's quite shocking despite the fact that she has harmed Davis once. Nonetheless, this proves that we have our opinions, but we all agree to have Tia in our midst, treat her as a fellow sister, and vow to take care of her children with husband as our own."


Everyone agreed.


Tia's lips quivered. Her moist eyes were flooding with tears. She didn't expect most of them to side with her as her circle was only a few.

At the same time, Davis blinked, wondering how that cunning woman had eight approvals. He knew anonymity was a must, but he couldn't help but release his Heart Intent, his lips moving.

"Who agreed to vote in favor of Fairy Thunderblaze?"

At that moment, Davis felt numerous undulations from their emotions as everything became clear to him.

"Ah! This rogue just used Heart Intent to know your votes. Ban him!"

Mingzhi pointed at him.




Numerous complaints echoed simultaneously, their expressions looking at him with reproachful faces.

"Well, I told you all to stop, but fine, fine. I won't use it anymore… I'm sorry…"

Davis raised his hands in surrender.

"No, that won't do."


Mingzhi activated the core again, causing the projection to reset.

[1 - 0 - 0]

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Instantly, a number appeared in favor of banning him from this place, causing Davis to gawk.

He stood up, looking at Claire, "Look how they're bullying me, mother. Does it look like I'm forcing them?"

Claire wryly smiled. Even she had to admit he was stuck in a quagmire right now.

"You deserve it~"

"Yay~ Mother-in-law is on our side!" Mingzhi cheered.


Davis looked frustrated and sat back, but anyone who knew him well would know that he wasn't offended because if he didn't want this to happen, his face would be devoid of expression, his voice utter cold.

Soon, the results were out.

[15 - 5 - 4]

"Ah, we have five traitors in our midst!"

Seeing the result, Mingzhi screamed out.

"But aren't we in the majority?" Isabella smilingly asked.

"Yes, but as I said before, matters concerning our husband can be overturned if he even has one vote in support of him. It's the Patriarch Privilege!"


The beauties clamored, understanding that unless they got every single one of them to vote against him, he was practically invulnerable to the harem council.

A few pairs of eyes flashed, understanding what was going on.

"Then you're screwed~" Fiora giggled at Mingzhi, causing her to gasp.

She quickly hid the mechanism core in her sleeves and smiled pretty, "Husband, did you call?"

She daintily walked towards him with an innocent face and fell on his lap, "It wasn't me. It was the Malevolent Darkness Soul influencing me, trying to get me exiled to the cold palace so I would grow colder and eviler~"


Davis smiled at her while everyone laughed.

"No worries. I definitely… won't… hold this against you!"

He embraced her, causing even more laughter to spread, but he also sent her a soul transmission.

"That was an excellent showmanship. Well done, Mingzhi."

"I'm glad you liked it~"

They both smiled at each other, and Davis could once again remember why he loved this woman so much. In every vote, she was probably the first to vote, leading the group. In terms of smarts, he knew she was no less than Myria or Fairy Thunderblaze, but she was tame, not willing to use it against her sisters, and used it for his sake.

Now, she used her smarts to make this judgmental and conflicting environment to one they might come to enjoy instead of watching each other warily!
