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Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 713 The Collapse Of The Divine Body, The Death Of The Ascension
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For those who dared to look directly at him, the weak had flames in their eyes, wailing in regret, while the strong had tears in their eyes, but their expressions were ecstatic.

If one could understand some of the great power that was revealed during the Battle of the Gods, it would be an unimaginable benefit.

Garen's eyes were in extreme pain.

In his field of vision, in the endless light of divinity, he could only see two vague and hazy figures. One was shrouded in the divine power of death, and the other was surrounded by the mighty power of magic.

Even a demigod like garen could not see the battle between two great divine powers clearly.

He had to at least go one step further and become a creature with weak divine power to be qualified to watch the battle.

The kalsas 'godly spell was ready. The vast magic runes were the manifestation of the godly spell. Now, he was waiting for a suitable opportunity, waiting for the call of the goddess of magic.

In the astral world, at the center of the waves of divine power.

The Lord of oblivion's image was that of a thin man whose body was mostly covered in a long robe, only revealing a pair of pitch-black eyes.

He was wearing a pair of pure white gloves on his hands, and his right hand was holding a dark scythe that was taller than him, the scythe of death.

The light on the death God's scythe was dim and uncertain.

As he waved it, the prayers of the dead sounded, praising the greatness of death and singing the hymn of the Lord of the end of all things.

On the other hand, the divine weapon of the goddess of magic was just like her Holy emblem.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Seven stars made of stars flew around the body of the goddess of magic. Each star seemed to have its own will, releasing all kinds of incomprehensible extraordinary magic, replacing magic with divine power, and pouring down attacks on the Lord of eradication.

At this moment.

The Lord of the end of all things had already sensed the decline of the death Army in the main material world.

The expression hidden in the robe was unreadable, but the divine power of death in his body was more turbulent.

The goddess of magic's eyes moved slightly, and her black hair rippled with endless magic light.

The divine power of death tore a black vacuum in the silver domain of the astral world, cutting out from the scythe of the god of death of the Lord of eradication and cutting toward the head of the goddess of magic.

The surrounding space was eroded by the dark power of death, as if hundreds of millions of dead people had issued a shrill cry at the same time, drilling into the ears of the goddess of magic.

This sound would kill any ordinary creature the moment they heard it.

The goddess of magic smiled, and the leaping elemental energy dispelled the wails of the dead. The magic barrier flowed like the Galaxy of the universe, resisting the concretization attack formed by the divine power of death.

At the same time, the seven Flying Stars around his body began to defend.

Under the protection of her godly item, the mother of magic began to chant in a low voice.

His voice turned into the most primitive and powerful magic runes, attracting the elemental energy from all over the multiverse to gather here, doubling the magic energy of the entire astral world, even the poorest land.

As for the goddess of magic, who was in the middle.

If the vast magical energy that he had attracted were to riot, it seemed that it could collapse the entire astral world.

The Lord of oblivion's expression turned grave.

As everyone knew, when a spellcaster concentrated on chanting an incantation, they were preparing a spell with terrifying power that could turn the tide of the battle.

Then what level would a spell that even the goddess of magic needed to chant be?

The scythe of the god of death condensed pure death divine power, and as time passed, it turned into a sharp edge as dark as a black hole. Then, with a gentle swing, it slashed at the goddess of magic.

A Flying Star divine weapon flew over and clashed with the black hole of death.

Without a sound, the flying Star trembled violently, and cracks appeared on its surface.

The divine power of death, which had transformed into a sharp blade, disappeared at the same time.

This was just the beginning. The death blades gathered by the death God's scythe flew out, and the goddess of magic's artifact, The Flying Stars, surrounded and protected them. However, as time passed, The Flying Stars were shattered and annihilated under the erosion of the death God's power, and were about to be completely destroyed.

&Nbsp; crack.

The last star shattered, and a bright light that was like the Big Bang burst out from the crack.

The godly item was destroyed, and a ray of death cut through the magic barrier, but the smile on the goddess of magic's lips did not disappear.

At the same time, he stopped chanting.

He raised his hand, and the green finger shrouded in the light of divinity slowly lifted, aiming at the Lord of eradication.


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The edge of death hit the arm of the goddess of magic, and the feeling of corrosion from the divine power of death made the God frown slightly. Black lines crawled up on her face, as if they were the patterns on the dead.

This clearly weakened the aura of the goddess of magic.

However, at the same time as she was injured, the magic goddess 'spell was finally cast.

He pointed his finger at the Lord of eradication and locked onto the god of death.

The incantation and the hand gestures.

The magic that made the goddess of magic so solemn and serious was completed.

Level 19 extraordinary spell, divine body obliteration.

There was no obvious sound or light, as if nothing had happened.

However, the body of the Lord of termination, who was pointed at by the goddess of magic, began to turn into sand. Under the sweep of the waves of divine power, his body turned into magic gravel inch by inch and dissipated without any wind.

&Nbsp; Weng Weng Weng!

The Lord of eradication's body exploded with an unprecedented, vast, and deep power of death. It resisted the effects of divine body obliteration. Its body turned into Sand inch by inch, and it regenerated and recovered inch by inch.

And at this moment.

The goddess of magic, who looked tired and had a weak breath, opened her mouth slightly.

At the same time, the Grand Arcanist in the main material world heard a familiar voice calling and opened his eyes.

In the canyon, the Galaxy-like magic runes began to spin and turn into feather pens, goatskin scrolls, and skulls in the blink of an eye. This was the Holy emblem of the Lord of the end of everything.

With the Lord of oblivion as the target, Karsus activated the godly Ascension spell.