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Dragon Who Controls Time

Chapter 837 Let’s Celebrate The Ascension Of The Old God!
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Garen picked up the mechanical Lion as if he was picking up a toy.

however, I don't need to create an intelligence at the level of the mechanical heavenly venerate.

as long as you can add the rule of loyalty to me into the core intelligent program of the heavenly venerate machine, it will be fine.

From garen's point of view, there was still a chance that this could be realized.

The prerequisite was that he had enough attainments in the coding of the mechanical spirit.

Right now, garen could only create the most basic spirit of machinery. Of course, this was not enough, but garen had all the time he could.

Along the way, the Lord of the Royal Court had been sufficiently arrogant. He believed that with his own ability, it wouldn't be long before he could try to rewrite the core of the mechanical heavenly Lord if he focused on the path of strange machinery for a while.

Under garen's will, the mechanical Lion hid in a corner of the Dragon's Nest.

There were already hundreds of oddly-shaped mechanical objects piled up in the place where it was nestled. These were all created by garen's experiments, and they were all gathered in a corner of the Dragon's Nest.

Garen's expression turned serious again.

Star-like strange mechanical runes flew out from between his dragon claws, and under garen's will, they continued to form new, more complex mechanical spirits.

The river of time passed by quietly.

The quiet time did not last long.

All of a sudden, a brilliant white-gold divine power burst out from Lucia's heaven, crossing mountain paradise and sweeping through many planes, including the main material world.

The bottomless abyss, the Nine Hells.

The myriad beast garden, the blissful realm, and the inferno of flames.


The Prime Material Plane, the upper plane, the lower plane, and the elemental Plane.

In the endless plane worlds, all the powerhouses above the demigod level raised their heads at the same time and looked at this brilliant and terrifying divine power. Some showed fear, some were overjoyed, and some looked on coldly.

The various reactions could not be generalized.

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Lucia's heaven, silver heaven.

In eternal divine Kingdom, garen, who was enjoying the beautiful dance of the elf maids led by Princess rilun, focused his eyes and looked at the divine Kingdom of north wind, which was not far from his divine Kingdom and almost a neighbor.

Garen's gaze passed through the barrier of the Holy Kingdom of north wind and arrived at Bahamut Palace.

The source of the brilliant divine light was here.

Platinum-colored divine light burst forth from within Bahamut Palace, revealing the divine Kingdom's barrier. It dyed Luna's paradise a platinum color for a moment, and countless oracles from the other world wore expressions of awe, their wings retracted, and their heads lowered .... He saluted towards the divine Kingdom of north wind with great respect.


"Mid-level divine power! I've finally broken through the shackles of the weak divine power and recovered to the mid-level divine power!"

The metal Dragon God's roaring laughter came from the palace, rolling like the tide and spreading to the seventh floor of mountain paradise.


The gods of mountain paradise appeared in Lucia's heaven one after another, congratulating the metal Dragon God on its return to mid-level divine power. Most of them even brought precious gifts to the metal Dragon God's Holy Kingdom of north wind.

After the Dragon Phoenix war.

The metal Dragon God was the same as the immortal Dragon Empress, their divine power level had fallen from great divine power to lesser divine power.

After a long time, after the victory in the War of Glory against the elves, the metal Dragon God's divine power level was raised to mid-level divine power because of the re-gathering of the Dragon race's faith.

In ancient times, the reason why the Dragon race could become the Overlord of the multiverse was because ...

It was closely related to the two dragon gods, who were similar to great divine powers and also had powerful extraordinary divine powers.

After the power of faith dissipated, the level of divine power declined all the way to the level of a low-level divine power.

The two dragon gods were still quasi-great divine powers, but due to the drop in extraordinary divine power, their overall strength had been greatly reduced, far from what it was before. Now, although the metal Dragon God's divine power level was still far from its peak, it had finally made a breakthrough.

The Dragon God, who had been stuck as a low-level divine power for many years, had finally advanced. One could imagine how excited he was at this moment.

let's celebrate, the great and Noble metal Dragon God, the Holy Dragon of mountain paradise, the Lord of the north wind ... You will break through today and recover to mid-level divine power!"

let's celebrate! The glory of our dragon clan will rise again and shine on the world!

The entire dragon clan received the news of the Dragon God's Ascension at this very moment.

After a moment of silence.

The true dragons in the many planes 'worlds let out excited roars and soared into the sky. The dragons dancing in the sky frightened many creatures and races.

Many of the other races still didn't understand what was going on.

However, judging from the reaction of the dragon-kind, it was definitely something worth celebrating.

The last time he had seen such a scene was when the Dragon of eternity and time was sealed.

It had only been eight years or so, and the scene of Dragons dancing in chaos had reappeared ... Many intelligent creatures had a vague premonition that the Dragon race, which had fallen from its position as the Overlord after the Dragonair war, might rise again.

This was not good news for other races.

On this day, countless intelligent creatures would not be able to sleep because of this, especially the Giants, who were the mortal enemies of the true dragons. Even in their dreams, they might Dream of the Dragon race returning to the peak, and the terrifying scene of their own race being enslaved.

In contrast, the entire dragon clan was in a state of excitement.

"The birth of a new god, the Ascension of an old God."

my race's God system is getting stronger and stronger. I can almost see the wings of a true dragon soaring in the sky, and the scene of all races submitting to it wherever it passes.

A true dragon muttered in a low voice as the memories of its inheritance appeared in its mind.

Whether it was the victory in the War of Glory, the Ascension of the Dragon of eternity and time, or the promotion of the metal Dragon God, all of them sent out the signal of the Dragon race's rejuvenation.

At the same time.

In the bottomless abyss, in a layer full of mud and swamp.

The surface of the swamp, which was bubbling with a foul smell, split open and revealed a head.

Demogorgon raised his head, and his twisted and hateful eyes seemed to see the metal Dragon God and the time Dragon God of mountain paradise.

"Damn the Dragon God system!"

"That damned time Dragon!"

damn that mountain paradise!

"The abyss will devour you sooner or later!"

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when I become a demon Sovereign King, the first thing I'll do is to exterminate the Dragon race!

damn it! Demogorgon cursed in the demon language.

Ever since this demon prince had his head cut off by the future garen, who was similar to a great divine power, his injuries had not recovered. In the past eight years, he had searched for various methods, even absorbing the life force and soul of a Demon Lord, but he still could not recover his head.

The two heads of the Demogorgon represented two wills.

Since its birth, these two wills had governed the body together, but due to the nature of demons, they did not get along very well, and they both wanted to devour each other.

Many demon lords predicted that if the two heads of the Demogorgon could merge into one, it would become a demon Lord.

After a head was cut off, the will of the head would disappear, and all the abilities it possessed would also disappear.

If the Demogorgon couldn't find a way to regrow its head, it would soon lose its position as the Demon Prince.

In recent years, some demon lords had faintly sensed the weakness of Demogorgon and began to use various methods to test it. Once the demons in the abyss knew the truth, Demogorgon would completely lose its deterrent power, and countless Lords who coveted the title of demon prince would bare their fangs at him.

The Demon Prince, who was previously against the Demogorgon, would not let it go.

In such an urgent and terrible situation, and looking at the thriving Dragon God system, Demogorgon's heart was a little broken.

While the Demogorgon was cursing and swearing.

Bahamut has recovered his mid-level divine power ...

In the kingdom of apando, the elf main God kerilung sighed. After thinking for a while, he gave an Oracle, ordering the kingdom of apando to lock down the Kingdom's barrier. Without permission, no one was allowed to enter or leave.

Kerilung had a premonition.

The multiverse was about to fall into chaos again.

The war between the dragons and the elves seemed to be just the prelude to the chaos.

As the main God of the elves, he knew that it was not his partner who had attacked the young time Dragon.

The mastermind was still hiding, and no one knew what his purpose was.

Corilone believed that the Dragon gods must have understood that the elven gods weren't the ones who did it. However, in order to restore the reputation of the Dragon gods, they took the opportunity to declare war on the elves.

And now.

After the War of Glory, the elven God system, which had been weakened a lot, no longer had the ability to get involved in the mess.

whether this is the signal for the dragon clan to sit on the throne again or the final radiance of the end, no one can be sure.

Kerilung muttered.

Next, under the will of the master God of elves, the kingdom of alpando locked all the space passages and locked itself up.