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Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 215 Encounter
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As Ethan made his way toward the mountain, he couldn't help but notice a group of robots observing him from a distance. Their metallic forms stood out against the lush green backdrop, their sleek designs reflecting the advanced technology that pervaded this world.

These robots, however, seemed different from the ones he had encountered in the city. Their gaze upon him held a sense of detachment as if they were mere spectators rather than active participants. Their movements were measured and deliberate, keeping a respectful distance as they observed Ethan's progress.

As Ethan continued onwards, the robots remained ever-watchful, their glowing optical sensors following his every move. There was an air of curiosity about them as if they were studying him, trying to comprehend his actions and motives.

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As Ethan drew closer to the mountain, the presence of mana became palpable, swirling in the air around him. Its sheer intensity was unlike anything he had encountered before, reminiscent of the raw power emanating from the Demon King he had once faced. However, unlike the malevolent and ominous aura of the Demon King, this presence felt different—pure, untainted, and resonating with a profound sense of purpose.

As he stepped onto the foothills of the mountain, Ethan's senses heightened. Every fiber of his being was attuned to the energy around him. The mana flowed through him, intertwining with his own inner strength, granting him an elevated state of awareness.

With each step, the intensity grew, and he could feel the presence becoming more focused, concentrated at the mountain's peak. It was as if a source of immense power resided there, waiting for him to discover its secrets.

"According to Ivan, anyone who begins to climb the mountain suddenly finds themselves back in the city," Ethan thought while rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "What should I do to avoid that?" 

Ivan and Ian didn't even notice when the spell was used on them, so they didn't have the chance to try to fight back. As Ethan pondered the peculiar nature of the time silver bird, a hypothesis formed in his mind. He contemplated the possibility that the bird had the ability to manipulate the very fabric of time, causing a disruption in the temporal flow experienced by those who came into its presence.

Ethan considered the instances when individuals approached the bird only to find themselves unable to recall the exact moment when a spell was cast upon them. It seemed as though the bird's influence created a distortion in their perception of time, blurring the boundaries between past, present, and future.

He reasoned that the time silver bird's manipulation of time could explain why individuals struggled to identify when the spell had been used on them. It was as if the bird's presence created a temporal dissonance, making it challenging for anyone to pinpoint the precise sequence of events.

He acknowledged that finding a definitive answer to such a complex problem would not be easy, especially without firsthand experience of the bird's abilities.

With each step he took, Ethan mulled over the possibilities, contemplating various theories and scenarios in his mind. He realized that theories alone would not suffice; he needed to witness the bird's power firsthand to understand its effects on time truly.I think you should take a look at

As he climbed higher, Ethan's determination grew. He embraced the challenge that lay before him, knowing that unraveling the secrets of the time silver bird would require patience, perseverance, and perhaps even a touch of fate.

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He acknowledged that sometimes, the answers to the most elusive questions could only be found through direct experience. And so, with a firm resolve, Ethan continued his ascent, ready to face whatever mysteries awaited him at the summit of the mountain. Still, much to his surprise, he reached the middle of the mountain without anything happening.

"Maybe I misheard Ivan…" Ethan thought.

As Ethan continued his ascent up the mountain, his focus momentarily shifted toward the base, where he noticed a peculiar phenomenon unfolding. Behind him, he saw the approaching horde of robots that had suddenly decided to tail him throughout the city. However, as they reached the base of the mountain, something extraordinary occurred.

To his astonishment, the robots simply vanished into thin air upon reaching the mountain's vicinity. It was as if the time silver bird, with its mastery over time, had banished them from its domain. Ethan couldn't help but be taken aback by this display of power, realizing that the bird possessed not only the ability to manipulate time but also the authority to control its surroundings.

The sight before him emphasized the magnitude of the time silver bird's influence, leaving Ethan in awe of its capabilities. He couldn't help but ponder the true extent of the bird's powers and the reasons behind its actions. Was it merely protecting its territory? Or was there a more profound purpose at play?

"I guess I am welcome here… I didn't know that I had this much charisma," Ethan shrugged.

As Ethan reached the summit of the mountain, his eyes widened in awe and astonishment at the sight before him. There, nestled amidst the peaks and valleys, lay the magnificent form of the time silver bird. It was a colossal creature, towering at a staggering height of fifty meters, with wings that glistened like silver and feathers that shimmered with an ethereal glow.

The majestic bird appeared to be in a state of deep slumber, its immense form peacefully settled atop the mountain. Ethan couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and grandeur of the creature, wondering how he had failed to notice it until now. It was as if the time silver bird had been hidden from his view, its presence masked by some mysterious force.

Approaching cautiously, Ethan gazed at the magnificent creature, its rhythmic breathing resonating through the air. Its serene countenance and peaceful demeanor evoked a sense of reverence within him. The time silver bird exuded an aura of tranquility as if it were a guardian of time itself, watching over the world with a benevolent gaze.