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Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 224 Truly
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Ethan's destroyed the torso of the giant robot-like he had become a spear of electricity. As Ethan swiftly passed through the colossal wreckage of the giant robot, he felt a surge of determination and purpose coursing through his veins. The sight that awaited him within the cockpit was both intriguing and unsettling.

Amidst the twisted metal and sparking wires, he discovered the pilot of the giant robot—a humanoid figure enclosed in a glass container. The container housed a human brain suspended in a mysterious liquid. It was a startling revelation, realizing that the pilot was not a living, breathing person but rather a fusion of human consciousness and mechanical engineering.

Without hesitation, Ethan reached out and seized the glass container, his grip firm and resolute. The brain within pulsed with faint energy, almost as if it acknowledged his presence. It was a strange juxtaposition, the fragility of the human brain encapsulated within the imposing machinery of the robot.

"Pathetic, instead of overcoming your weakness, you chose the easy way out," Ethan said.

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"What do you know? You meager existence," A voice coming from the glass container. "I am an evolved being that has been alive for three thousand years. You didn't even mature yet, and you dare to question my choices?"

"Evolve from this, then," Ethan said and then destroyed the glass container with Electric Enchantment.

You learned the skill Mana Cannon.

You learned the skill of Telepathy.

You learned the skill Improved Magic.

As the shattered glass container fell from Ethan's hand, he couldn't help but feel a wave of revulsion as the brain's slimy remnants made contact with his arms. The sensation sent a shudder down his spine, momentarily distracting him from his surroundings.

However, his focus quickly shifted as a surge of foreign memories flooded his mind. It was as if a torrent of images and emotions invaded his consciousness, overwhelming his senses. He experienced the life and memories of the enemy he had just defeated. He was forced to witness their history, struggles, and moments of triumph and despair.

Though initially unsettling, Ethan soon realized the significance of this unexpected influx of information. These memories held the key to understanding his adversary—their motivations, their strategies, and the extent of their power. It was an opportunity to glean valuable insights that could aid him in his future battles against others.

Amidst the swirling recollections, he found himself witnessing the earlier years of the enemy's existence when they were once a human scientist driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power.I think you should take a look at

In these memories, Ethan witnessed the transformation of the enemy from a mere mortal into a being of machine and flesh, a hybrid existence that defied the boundaries of human limitations. The scientist had made a fateful decision, forsaking their physical form in a bid to ascend to a higher state of existence.

The images played out before Ethan's eyes, portraying a meticulous process of augmenting the human body with cybernetic enhancements, replacing biological components with intricate machinery. Each step taken by the scientist revealed their unwavering dedication to unlocking the secrets of immortality.

As Ethan delved deeper into the memories of the defeated enemy, he uncovered a startling transformation. The once-human scientist, having successfully shed their mortal coil and embraced a cybernetic existence, had risen to great fame and influence within their civilization. Their unparalleled knowledge and extended lifespan made them a revered figures, with their name becoming synonymous with progress and innovation.

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The memories unfolded a narrative of the pilot's meteoric rise to power. Through their technological prowess and unyielding ambition, they ascended to the position of ruler, guiding their people toward a new era of prosperity. With each passing year, the pilot's influence grew, and their control over the civilization became absolute.

However, it was within this position of power that the pilot's ambitions showed their true colors. Fuelled by a desire to accelerate progress and unlock the full potential of their society, they turned their attention toward the mythical beings that inhabited the world. Believing that these extraordinary creatures held the key to further advancements, the pilot embarked on a campaign to capture and study them.

The memories revealed a systematic hunt as the pilot dispatched their mechanical minions to track down and capture the legendary beings. These creatures, once revered as majestic and wondrous, were now reduced to mere subjects of experimentation and exploitation. The pilot saw them as tools, resources to be harnessed in their relentless pursuit of progress.

Driven by a twisted ideology, the pilot sought to utilize the powers and abilities of these mythical beings to transform their entire civilization into androids. They envisioned a world where organic limitations were eradicated, where everyone could achieve immortality and unparalleled technological prowess. In their eyes, this was the ultimate evolution, the pinnacle of their grand vision for a utopian future.

The memories painted a chilling picture of the pilot's relentless pursuit of their goals, and their unwavering commitment to sacrificing the very essence of what it means to be human. Their actions cast a shadow over the civilization, blurring the lines between progress and ethical boundaries. The once-venerated leader had become a tyrant, ruthlessly exploiting the world's wonders for their own gain.

As Ethan absorbed these revelations, a sense of profound dismay washed over him. He could see the devastating consequences of the pilot's actions, the loss of individuality, and the erosion of the natural world's delicate balance. It was a stark reminder of the inherent dangers of unchecked power and the ethical implications of playing god.

"Truly pathetic… urgh," Ethan groaned. "This would be more convincing if I didn't look like a mess right now. It has been a while."

Ethan felt his body hurting like hell since he let all of his mana explode from the previous attack. That messed up with his blood vessels a bit and muscles as well.

"I can complain about my body being a mess later…" Ethan thought and then began to dash toward the titanium walls.