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Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 225 Fragment
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As Ethan ventured further into the heart of the city, he encountered little resistance. With the defeat of the pilot, the once-mighty army of robots had lost their directive, left without a leader to guide their actions. They stood dormant, their mechanical bodies motionless and inert. It seemed that without the pilot's command, they had become little more than lifeless husks, no longer a threat to Ethan or anyone else.

Undeterred, Ethan pressed forward, his determination unwavering. He scaled the towering walls that guarded the center of the city, his body fueled by a mix of adrenaline and purpose. As he reached the summit, he beheld a sight that filled him with awe and apprehension. This colossal, elongated structure was many times bigger than stadiums, stretching far into the distance like a technological spine. This was the very heart of the city, the pulsating core that supplied it with the life-giving energy.

The reactor towered above him, a testament to the civilization's relentless pursuit of power and progress. Its sheer size and intricate design spoke of the technological marvels that lay within. Ethan understood that this was the lifeblood of the city, the source of energy that sustained the android population and their cybernetic existence.

In the end, Ethan hesitated a little bit since he never did something like that. The people of that world were doomed thanks to their own actions, but speeding up their end wasn't mercy.

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"I will handle this. I should do that since I am from here," The time silver bird said.

"Not like that will change all that much since I brought you here," Ethan shrugged.

It seemed that the sphere of light was something like a clone of the time silver bird. The sphere began to glow until it fired a thin beam of energy that passed through the reactor. The structure started to tremble until it cracked and exploded. Ethan left the area in a hurry while looking over his shoulder.

The immense energy contained within the reactor surged uncontrollably, straining against the confines that had held it captive for so long. The very foundation of the city trembled, cracks spiderwebbing through the infrastructure as the explosion grew imminent.

Then, with a deafening roar, the reactor erupted in a magnificent display of power. A colossal wave of energy engulfed the city, its force tearing through the structures that had once stood proudly. The explosion cascaded through the streets like a relentless force of nature, toppling buildings and sending debris hurtling through the air.

The city, once a testament to technological advancement, crumbled before Ethan's eyes. The domino effect of destruction spread like wildfire, each explosion triggering another until the entire landscape was engulfed in chaos. The once orderly streets became a jumble of wreckage and ruin, the grand structures reduced to a sea of rubble.

Amidst the chaos, the city seemed to groan in its final moments as if protesting against the destruction that had befallen it. The once-gleaming metropolis was now a mere shell of its former self, reduced to twisted metal and shattered dreams. The explosion had torn away the facade of technological superiority, revealing the harsh reality of a civilization built upon the exploitation of others.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the explosion faded, Ethan surveyed the desolation that lay before him. It was a sobering sight, a stark reminder of the consequences that arose from the pursuit of power and control. The city's fall from grace was a testament to the inherent fragility of systems built upon oppression and disregard for the natural world.

Ethan grabbed a bunch of the things that he could from the enemies, but since everything was destroyed, it was hard to imagine how that would be useful. The metal seemed tough and light, but reforging it would be a pain.I think you should take a look at

"What now?" Ethan asked.

"Return to my base. I will cast a spell that will make the flow of time in this world pass faster until everyone is dead," The time silver bird replied. "In three days, they should have fallen, and then I will use all my mana to spread around the world."

"What about what I want?" Ethan asked. "Don't tell me to wait for a moment."

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"I suppose it can't be helped given how suspicious you are," The time silver bird said. "I will give you my essence in the mountain."

With the remnants of the destroyed city fading into the distance, Ethan made his way back to the mountain where he had initially encountered the enigmatic Time Silver Bird. The air felt heavy with the weight of the recent events. Yet, a glimmer of anticipation coursed through him as he approached the familiar spot.

There, perched upon a weathered rock, was the Time Silver Bird, its radiant plumage gleaming under the sunlight. As Ethan drew closer, the bird inclined its head as if acknowledging his return. Without uttering a word, it extended one of its feathers towards him, holding it delicately in its beak.

Ethan's gaze fixed upon the feather, captivated by its beauty and the energy it seemed to emanate. He reached out, accepting the feather with curiosity. The touch of the feather sent a tingling sensation through his fingertips as if it carried with it a profound significance.

"A phoenix down?" Ethan asked.

"It is a fragment of my power," The time silver bird replied. "It has enough power to restore an object to its original state. Your friend wants to revive someone, doesn't he? It won't be enough, but it will do most of the job."

"It seems that you have experience dealing with people with that kind of goal," Ethan said and then stored the feather.

As Ethan held the single feather in his hand, he felt a surge of realization course through him. The feather, seemingly delicate and inconspicuous, held within it an extraordinary power. It dawned on him that this simple plume possessed the ability to restore vitality and rejuvenate almost everything back to its prime state.