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Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 250 It Is Just Weird
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The vampires, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of freezing cold, found themselves engulfed in a swirling tempest of frost. Their mist forms crystallized and solidified, encased in a layer of glimmering ice. The once ethereal beings were now trapped within frozen prisons. Their movements halted, and their plans of discovery turned to naught.

Without hesitation, Ethan stepped forward, his blazing sword held high. The flames dancing along its blade intensified as he channeled his mana into the fiery enchantment. With a single strike, he brought the searing blade down upon the icy prisons, shattering them with a resounding crack.

Once they realized that their allies couldn't protect themselves while they were mist, the remaining vampires changed their plans. As the vampires transformed into bats and began to spar Fireballs, Ethan swiftly dodged their fiery attacks, his body moving with agility and precision. With his sword in hand, he struck down the bats mid-flight, slicing through their delicate forms effortlessly. The mist around him began to clear, revealing the aftermath of his swift and deadly strikes.

Undeterred by the onslaught, Ethan focused on a lone vampire who had failed to transform. He closed in on the creature, his grip tightening around its neck. With a surge of power, he absorbed the vampire's energy and memories, gaining insight into their past and their connection to the enemy forces.

You learned the skill of Night Vision.

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You learned the skill of Bat Transformation.

You learned the skill of Mist Transformation.

Ethan was imagining that he would learn something like Vampirism. Still, it seemed that instead of a skill, it was more like a physical trait that the vampires had… it was weird since the transformation skills were also supposed to be like that. 

In any case, Ethan had a great idea. In a daring move, he underwent a transformation, shifting his form into that of a bat. His body morphed, wings unfurling from his back as he took flight.

With his sword clenched tightly between his teeth, Ethan's determination burned bright. The crackling energy of Lightning Armor enveloped his bat-like form, enhancing his speed and agility. He darted through the chaotic battlefield, a blur of lightning and shadows.

The enemies below were caught off guard by this unexpected transformation. They struggled to track Ethan's swift movements as he soared above them, unleashing precise strikes with his sword. Lightning crackled with each swing, striking down foes with unerring accuracy.

The sight of a sword-wielding bat sent shockwaves through the enemy ranks. They had never witnessed such a formidable opponent before. Ethan's lightning-infused attacks carved through their defenses, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in his wake.

With his wings spread wide, he took to the night sky with newfound freedom. He zipped through the air, swift and agile, leaving the ground behind.

In his bat form, Ethan's senses heightened. He could detect the slightest movements and changes in the air around him. With each flap of his wings, he soared effortlessly, moving with grace and speed. The world below him became a blur as he darted through the darkness.

Ethan spotted Dante amidst a sea of enemies below as he soared through the air. Dante's sword sliced through the air with lightning speed, effortlessly cutting down his foes. With each swing, he dealt devastating blows, reducing his adversaries to mere fragments.

Surrounded by a seemingly endless horde, Dante remained composed and focused. His movements were fluid and precise, deflecting incoming attacks and retaliating with lethal strikes. His skillful swordplay left his enemies in pieces, unable to mount a significant resistance.

"His name is Dante, and yet, he is copying Vergil, his sword, the famous Tomato," Ethan thought. "Or was it Yamato?"

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Regardless, countless vampires were killed in a matter of seconds, but the survivors finally decided to work as a team. They were

The remaining vampires transformed into bats and then moved away from the mist, only to see themselves surrounded by a vortex of wind and ice, they tried to cross it, but they failed.

If crossing wasn't possible, the vampires decided to attack. The vampires decided to unleash fireballs in a desperate attempt to destroy the swirling vortex; their attacks proved futile. The vortex remained unscathed, undeterred by the onslaught of flames. Little, by little, they could sense their deaths approaching, and they couldn't help but feel anything aside from pure terror thanks to that.

The vampires grew frustrated and angry as their fireballs fizzled out against the impenetrable force of the vortex. They could see their chances of dismantling it slipping away with each failed attempt.

As Ethan soared through the sky, his focus locked onto the towering walls of the vortex below. He was determined to unleash a devastating attack on the enemies that awaited him. If he could smirk right now, he would give the next idea that he had.

"While this is fun, it isn't as fulfilling as moving around and splitting the enemies while holding the sword with my hands," Ethan thought. "I guess I need to stick to it what I am good at."

With a burst of energy, Ethan angled his flight trajectory. He began to fly around the walls of the vortex that granted him extra speed, approaching with lightning speed towards the horde of adversaries. The air whipped past him, carrying the exhilarating rush of adrenaline. As he neared the enemies, his sword gleamed in the dim light, ready to strike with deadly precision.

In a swift motion, Ethan swooped down upon the unsuspecting foes, his sword slicing through the air with a resounding whoosh. The enemies, caught off guard by his lightning-fast assault, had little time to react.

With each precise swing of his blade, Ethan cleaved through the ranks of the adversaries, his movements a blur of speed and precision. His strikes were calculated and devastating, leaving no room for escape or counterattack. Some enemies hit him with their fireballs, but Ethan ignored them all; the cold and wind decreased the power of those spells.