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Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 258 Problems Incoming
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As the training session finally came to an end, Emily saw Ethan take a deep breath, a look of exhaustion mixed with a sense of accomplishment on his face. Before she could approach him, however, she noticed Ian's arrival.

"They are gone," Ian declared. "I looked for them all around, but the skeletons disappeared out of thin air. I found the vestiges of their camp and investigated the area thoroughly. Still, it looks like they were teleported to somewhere else."

The shock rippled through the group as they collectively realized that the army of skeletons had vanished without a trace. Confusion and concern filled the air, their expressions reflecting a mixture of surprise and apprehension. It was clear that someone or something had orchestrated their disappearance, leaving behind an unsettling sense of uncertainty.

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Without any other choice, they approached the area where the enemies were supposed to be. Emily's brows furrowed as she scanned the surroundings, searching for any clues or remnants of the vanished skeletons. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of an unknown force capable of teleporting an entire army. Questions swirled in her mind, the most pressing being who or what could possess such extraordinary power.

Aline's eyes darted around, her sharp gaze reflecting her astute observations. She analyzed the area, searching for any signs of magical residue or traces left behind by the vanished skeletons. Her mind raced with theories and possibilities, considering the motives and capabilities of those responsible for the sudden disappearance.

Dante's grip tightened around his weapon, his muscles tensing in readiness. He couldn't shake the feeling of being outmaneuvered, of the enemy playing a strategic game beyond their understanding. His instincts told him that this turn of events held significant implications, and he was determined to uncover the truth.

"I don't like this… we need to check things with the witches as well," Dante declared. "Full speed ahead toward East."

With a shared understanding and resolute determination, the group nodded in unison, their eyes filled with a steely resolve. They knew that their path led towards the East, where new challenges awaited them.

After a long and arduous journey, the group finally reached their destination. The landscape before them bore the signs of recent presence, but there was an eerie absence. It became apparent that the witches they sought were no longer present in the area. It seemed that someone or something had intervened, whisking them away to safety, sparing them from the devastating clash that was bound to ensue.

The realization hung heavy in the air, mingling with a sense of both relief and frustration. Relief that the witches had been spared from their potentially grim fate, yet frustration that their intended targets had eluded them once again. The group exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the unforeseen turn of events.

Ethan's brows furrowed with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. He knew that their enemies were not to be underestimated, and their sudden disappearance raised more questions than answers. It was clear that there were forces at play beyond their understanding, manipulating the unfolding events to serve their own hidden agenda.

Emily sighed, her frustration palpable. She had mentally and emotionally prepared for the confrontation, ready to unleash her magical prowess against the witches. Now, her efforts seemed in vain, and she grappled with the disappointment of an anticlimactic outcome.

Dante, ever the pragmatic warrior, scanned the surroundings with a keen eye. He recognized that their journey was far from over, and the missing witches were but a temporary setback. His focus shifted to the next steps they would need to take, planning and strategizing for the challenges that lay ahead.

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"Please contact your sister; we need to inform her of this and await further orders," Dante said while scratching his chin. "We might end up returning sooner than expected, way sooner… but this might be a good chance to keep helping Mary. Are you up for it, Mary?"

Mary didn't look much interested in getting stronger since she knew with more power, she would be forced to fight stronger enemies. Dante didn't force her since Ethan assured him that she had a stock of meat that would make her ice spells at least three times stronger. That would be enough to put her at least at C rank when it comes to summoned heroes. 

Ethan passed the message to Hannah and then waited for a while for her to consult the higher-ups. As Ethan stood amidst the quietude of the surroundings, his thoughts turned inward. The events of their mission thus far had undeniably shaped him, both physically and mentally. The power he had gained came with a heavy toll, and he couldn't help but wonder if the results would align with his ultimate goals.

However, he realized that dwelling on such thoughts would change nothing. The battles they had fought and the challenges they had faced had already forged him into a different person. The strength he had acquired, the burdens he carried, and the choices he made had all become an integral part of who he was now.

While his newfound abilities had elevated him to a position of power, Ethan knew that he had other pressing matters to attend to. The world still teetered on the brink of chaos, and there were forces at play that threatened the very fabric of existence. His personal introspection and doubts would have to take a backseat to the greater task at hand.

Deep down, Ethan acknowledged that the perception others held of him might be clouded by their own preconceptions or misunderstandings. But he understood that his actions would ultimately define him, not the opinions of others. His focus remained on the mission, on protecting those he cared about, and on doing what was necessary to restore balance and peace.

In the end, the group was teleported back to Earth before any warning. When they returned, they saw a weary Hannah; she looked like she didn't sleep in days.

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