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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 579 579- Mk9
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The veteran warriors were all from the different guilds, it was next to impossible for him to lead them. Thus, he left it up to the veteran themselves to choose their opponents.

"Hehh~ I have been watching you guys so I know how arrogant you guys can be. But to think that you even have the nerves to discuss your strategy in front of your enemy, it looks like we have been underestimated Emma" Bea gave a deep smile.

"Hiih!! I-I'm sorry…" Emma as usual, behaved timidly. She extended her hand and immediately all the veteran adventurers that were about to make their moves felt their body come to a halt all of a sudden.

"What are you guys doing get moving" Kain spoke impatiently.

"There's something wrong, we can't move our body" the adventurers reported. No matter how much they tried to move, they felt like their bodies was bound to something.

"What?" Kain and the others were surprised. When they looked over to see what was wrong, they were unable to spot anything different.

"Strings… they are entangled by strings" Alvin Claud, the vice guild leader of the Assassin guild explained.

"What? Strings?" Kain looked over once again but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't see anything unusual around the adventurers.

This was given, Emma's string were no ordinary strings, they were specially produced by her and couldn't be seen through ordinary means. Only someone possessing special visual skills would be able spot the threads that were so thin and inconspicuous that it even the veteran adventurers failed to see them.

If not for Alvin pointing it out, they would have been unaware of the threads at all.

"Be careful of your surroundings, do not get caught by those threads" Kain hurriedly cautioned. Since the thread cannot be seen without a special visual skill, it would be foolish if they fell for the traps like the others.

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"Leave it to me, I can see them" the vice guild leader of the Assassins Guild, said as he used his skills and blade techniques to cut the strings around from those adventurers thus freeing them.

"Let me help you Senior" Gallio added. Thanks to his mystic eyes showing him the source of danger, he could see the threads in red color. Thus allowing him to cut the strings.

"T-Thanks" those veteran adventurers that were freed from their bindings, thanked Alvin and Gallio but the next second, they weirdly became all silent.

"Gugh..." Blood sprayed out of their mouth and neck, in front of the horrified eyes of the others around them their heads rolled down the ground. Just before their deaths, these adventurers felt a chill brush past their body and their life mysteriously disappearing.

"To be able to cut Emma's strings, that is quite some skills. However, she isn't the only opponent you need to be careful of" A cold voice sounded from behind the dead adventurers and Bea strangely materialised next to their bodies.

All eyes opened wide in surprise, nobody was able to see her move much less see her attack. The atmosphere around the adventurer's turned grim. They could hear the miserable screams and noises of people getting squashed, their bones being crushed from the distance.

The backlines urgently needed backup, yet they cannot free themselves from the enemy in front of them. The maid did not just stop there, after killing those few adventurers she disappeared once again and appeared beside the ones who were similarly trapped by the strings.

SLASH… SLASH… SLASH… with every swing of her daggers, a life would be harvested. The adventurers that were killed couldn't even move their muscles as they felt their life slipping away from them.

And due to the invisible threads, the other adventurers could even move freely or assist them. They could only watch helplessly as the other around them got killed one by one.

"Use your [Mana Armors]" Those adventurers that were above level 500, used their mana armors to shield themselves but the ones below that level weren't that fortunate.

Bea's dagger were precise and ruthless, as if practiced over hundreds of thousands of times, there was no wasted movements. She appeared and disappeared from one place to another and targeted only those adventurers that were the easiest to kill and had no way of defending themselves.

Her every move was relaxed and lethal, as if she was out strolling in a park. There was no gracefulness in her attacks, it was all technique and pure strength. Yet seeing her draw blood and immerse herself into the pleasure, it was bizarrely mesmerising.

"Kain… I'll deal with her. You go after the maid that is controlling the strings. Gallio you are the only one other than me who can see those strings, you need to go and help Kain" Alvin shouted, he didn't wait for the other two to respond as he activated [Ghost Steps] and chased after Bea.

Kain and Gallio who were called out, nodded their heads.

"I'll help too"..

"Me too"…

"Us also… we cannot just stay behind and let the seniors protect us all the times". Brutus, Hallie, Tiana, Kenan and all the other geniuses stepped forward in an attempt to assist.

Nonetheless, Kain shook his head and pointed above them "The golems are yet to move; however, it doesn't mean that we can leave them unchecked. I want you all, the geniuses of this generation to team up and take care of those golems. Leave the maids and those demonic warhorses to old timers like us".

Although part of his intention was to keep them out of danger, it was true that the golems were being unnaturally silent. They didn't know what kind of tricks it had or what it could do. That is why, he left it to the young master of his guild and the other geniuses who have faced the golems before inside those mysterious ruins.

Maids aside, Kain could tell that those demonic warhorses wrecking havoc in the backlines were all disaster class. A level that even an elite veteran adventurer like him has to be careful of.

Marcus and the other nodded their heads, they understood that they were no match for the monsters in the backlines and the maids were far too big of an opponent for them whom even the veteran adventurers were having difficulty facing.

By the process of elimination, the golems were the only ones they could take on right now with their levels.

Leaving behind those words, Kain moved. Gallio followed behind him and helped him cut all the strings barring their path towards the maid that was controlling them. The veterans and the other adventurers couldn't move freely because of these invisible strings.

The hindrance that is to say the maid who was controlling them, needed to be taken care of first and only then they would be able to provide backup to the backlines.

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"Listen up Gallio, once we reach the maid, I will be the one take her head on. You just need to assist me… alright?" Kain emphasized, it was too dangerous for a level 415 assassin to take on a maid whose power was too mysterious.

It was up to him to resolve this situation. Kain made up his mind, he was one of the top five members of the Savannah Beast guild, hence he had quite a lot of confidence in his strength.

While they were making their way to the maid that controlled the strings, Alvin chased after Bea and interrupted her from slaying any more adventurers.

"Woman, your opponent will be me" Alvin stated, unsheathing his short sword and pointing at her.

"Oh~" Bea merely smiled and licked the blood that was on her dagger.

"You think you are qualified to take me on?" her words carried an aloofness that only the powerful possessed.

"Yeah, I'll be the one to take your head" Even if he can't take her down, he must at least delay her for long enough for Kain and the others to bring down that maid who controlled the strings.

Once these tricky strins were gone, they could work together with the others to bring the maid in front of him down.

Seeing that the maid looked unconcerned by his reply and was glancing towards the other maid, a thought appeared in his mind.

"Are you concerned about her? Looking at how she uses strings to attack, she must be a mage right? If so then she won't be a match for kain and the others" Alvin remarked.

"Hm? Are you perhaps trying to incite me by chit chatting? How foolish but I might as well amuse you in that foolish thinking of yours" Easily seeing through his inner thoughts, Bea answered amusingly.

"Of course I'm concerned, she my little sister after all. Having committed a mistake in the past already, we cannot afford to mess it up this time. That is why, I want to ensure that everything is going according to our master's plan. As for if she is a mage or not, she is more than enough to handle the likes of you".


"Never mind, I guess inferior minds cannot understand his greatness. If you are ready then let's start this…" Bea sighed, her words just fell when she appeared behind the man.

Alert, Alvin hurriedly turned around and used a roundhouse kick to push his opponent back and open some distance. The kick connected; however, the maid wasn't pushed back in the slightest on the contrary it was him who felt pain on his leg and had to take a couple of steps back.

The maid conflicting to her delicate and mesmerising appearance was quite strong. Not only that, even the armour she wore was quite sturdy and not any inferior to a mithril armour.