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Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 313 - 312 - Attack On The Elves(Part 7)
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Chapter 313 - 312 - Attack On The Elves(Part 7)

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


"Burn to ash!" Exclaimed the Fire Sage, blasting out a massive fireball at me.

I swiftly sprang back and fired out my Weathering Magic at the ball of flames, dissipating it rapidly. I then quickly flew straight up as the Earth Sage sent a wave of towering earth spikes barreling towards me, and as I ascended, fired out several chunks of earth up at me, before the Fire Sage blew out an intense wave of flames, melting the chunks of earth and turning them to lava.

I quickly formed several defensive barriers in front of myself, but they were useless, as the lava projectiles melted through them and burst out towards me, which I evaded by quickly teleporting away. As I reappeared, an absolute sea of flames burst out towards me from my left...tch, Fairies are such annoying opponents, they're so easy to lose track of.

I quickly formed my portal defense to block the flames, but wow, just the heat from the flames was absolutely stifling, I feel like I can barely breathe...well, not that that could kill me, but it does make me extremely uncomfortable. Still, I highly doubt they know about the time limits of my Dimensional Magic, so-...my thoughts were interrupted as the Earth Sage suddenly appeared behind me, with his fist drawn back.

Oh, fuck-...the next thing I knew, I was being sent flying forward, and my head was gone. Did he punch the back of my head? Damn, that's some seriously intense force, he smashed my head so fast that I didn't even feel it.

Several spikes then burst out from the ground, skewering through my body like a pin cushion, blood pouring out. I should use Restoration Magic, there's no fixing this much damage with a regular healing spell...the essence of my being doesn't die no matter how many fatal wounds my body takes, but...there's a weakness...

If my body suffers a fatal injury and remains unhealed for more than sixty seconds...then it'll be too late, my existence will cease to be. I should probably start taking this fight a bit more seriously. My base form isn't strong enough to take on two Elemental Sages at the same time.

"It would appear as though such injuries are not enough to kill her," Remarked the Fire Sage with a frown, as I used Restoration Magic to restore my body back to normal.

"No matter, she is weak. Are you truly Lord Laus's equal? I cannot believe that one so lacking in power is a divine being like he is," Scoffed the Earth Sage in disbelief.

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Hm? Wait, does that mean they really don't know...?

"The way you said that...hey, you've never actually seen Sant fight before, have you? Actually, how did I not realize it...that dumbass pacifist is definitely NOT the type to show off his powers. Heh, well, in his base form, he's pretty much the same as me in terms of power, so by calling me weak, you're calling him weak too!" I taunted gleefully, "Of course, our current forms aren't our full power...but unlike me, Sant is too much of a coward to unleash his full power, just because doing so is a taboo. Tell me, why do you think he's so-...what's the word...oh, right...-scared to be proactive against me or the other human nations?"

"You will not insult him any further! Terra, lend me your power!" Snapped the Earth Sage, as a shockwave of power burst out from him, the ground rumbling as he transformed.

"We will crush you with all the power we have! Pyro, I request your assistance," Added the Fire Sage, as fiery streaks of flames burst out from her, the air around her shimmering violently.

Terra and Pyro...pretty sure those are the names of the Earth and Fire Spirits. Ah, they're unleashing their full powers-...you know what, that's too long, I'll take a page out of Kuro's book and change it to...-they're entering their Elemental Sage Modes. Okay, that's still a bit long, but...it's way cooler. Let's make it official...

"Nice try, but unleashing your Elemental Sage Modes isn't going to be enough to beat me," I remarked with a smirk.

The Earth Sage hadn't changed all that much, his hair and beard looked a bit wilder, but otherwise, he looked more or less the same. But as for the Fire Sage, she looked a lot different.

First off, she'd grown to the size of a normal person, which means that just how it was in the past, Fairies can't unleash the full power of their Elemental Spirits in their normal states. Wait a sec, now that I think about it, that white hair and those red eyes look familiar...no way, is that the same Fire Sage from over a thousand years ago? I mean, I know that Fairies have much longer lifespans than the other races, but still...

Her white hair had a slight orangish-red glow to it, while her body was wrapped in literal flames...as in there was a thin layer of fire coating her entire body, it almost looked like her skin was glowing a fiery hot orange. Her red eyes now had a fiery glow to them as well, and the air around her was shimmering like a mirage.

And then, in the blink of an eye, a massive mountain of flames came blazing towards me, barely giving me even a second to react. I managed to activate my portal defense just in the nick of time, but holy crap, if I thought the heat from her previous fire attack was intense, then this is that multiplied by ten.

I feel like my skin is about to melt off, this is absolutely scorching! Suddenly, the ground behind me opened up and the Earth Sage popped out, his fist drawn back. Huh, it'd probably be more effective to just skewer me with his Earth Magic, but I guess he's really proud of his physical strength, huh?

"You're both a lot stronger and faster now, but the same trick isn't going to work on me twice!" I declared, as his fist went through my portal defense.

As the flames in front of me dissipated, I quickly teleported up high in the air, and opened a portal below me...and released all the flames that my portal defense had absorbed-...never mind, only a small amount of it emerged.

Oh, right, the intensity and momentum of the flames must have died pretty quickly after I took them into my dimension, and then the flames themselves began to fade. Okay, note to self, when taking in flames, if I want to release them, I should do so as quickly as possible before they become useless.

The same probably applies to wind and lightning too. Earth and water should be unaffected in terms of quantity, but momentum will definitely be affected.

Okay, well, that was embarrassing, the two Sages are looking confused and uncertain, trying to figure out what I'm playing out...but no, I just made a dumb mistake. Though I doubt they'll figure that out, since they probably think that divine beings don't make such silly mistakes. They really should realize that I'm absolutely nothing like Sant whatsoever...

"Alright, you two, I'm about to get serious for real, and your Elemental Sage Modes are gonna be child's play in comparison to what I'm about to fucking unleash!" I exclaimed with a smirk, as I released all my power, and then adding in an ominous tone as I began to transform..., "In the face of my Demigod Mode, you're absolutely no threat whatsoever..."


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


Huh, wow, Belia's really enjoying herself, isn't she? Good for her. Now, then, let's focus on my current task. It's been about five minutes since I teleported to Silvland, and I was currently hovering a few hundred meters above the nation.

What had I been doing for the past five minutes, you ask? First off, spying on Belia to see how her fight is going...and secondly, I've been charging up this big-ass Obliteration Magic ball. A massive, huge, ginormous purple mass of pure destruction.

This is easily going to be the most devastating attack I've ever unleashed...I mean, usually when I use Obliteration Magic, it's in a fight, which means that, at best, I rarely have more than a handful of seconds to charge up a blast.

The people below have almost definitely noticed this big purple ball floating above their nation, it probably looks like a mini sun to them. Oh, and since forming a ball as big as a nation would take way too long, I was instead making this an expansive orb, as in when I fire it, it'll drastically expand.

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I accomplished that by swirling it with compressed wind, and also added some fire and lightning, you know, for some extra destructive flavor.

Hey, Diablo, do you think this is big enough yet, to destroy the entire nation, walls and all? Or should I charge it up a bit more?

"Wait, hold on a sec...this is a great scene, a bunch of rabbits just ATE Sub-."

Wha-...are you watching Re:Zero right now!? Dude, come on!

"Huh? Oh, sorry, I...woah, holy crap! Jesus fucking Christ! Why would anyone ever need this much Obliteration Magic!? Kuro, uh...this is kinda way overkill, half of this would've been more than enough!"

Ohh, sorry, my bad...see, this one Demon was supposed to give me a heads up once I'd charged it up enough, but I guess that Demon was busy watching anime and-.

"Oh, crap, I forgot...sorry, Kuro."

"Hah, suck it, dumbass Demon!" Laughed Lazarus gleefully.

"Huh? Oh, fuck you, useless Vampire!"

I ignored them and turned my attention back to the nation below me...with this, three of the original five nations that had been in this world when I first arrived will have been reduced to nothing but massive craters.

"And with this, I'll deal a crippling blow to the most unpredictable of my enemies, and all without even the slightest loss to my own nation. With this...Silvland will no longer exist," I remarked coldly, as I dropped my arm and sent the massive sphere of destruction plummeting down towards Silvland, "Now, die...Obliteration Nova!"


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