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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1952: New Pills
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Emery immersed himself in the process of crafting the new body enhancement pill within the confines of his newly acquired workshop. With each successful creation of the legendary pill, a luminous pillar of light would ascend, casting a brilliant glow upon the Golden City apothecary center. What was once a rare and momentous event occurring a few times a week had transformed into a multiple daily spectacle, amplifying the renown of the emerging genius apothecary known as Merlin.

However, behind the facade of awe and admiration lay the arduous reality of creating legendary pills. For every successful product, two failures accompanied it, draining Emery of valuable ingredients and depleting his spirit pool. With a daily limit of six attempts, Emery honed his skills with the newfound cauldron, steadily improving his success rate.

Upon reaching the fourth day, having exhausted all his spirit stones savings on ingredients, Emery celebrated the fruits of his labor. He had successfully produced ten legendary pills with a tier 6 grading and an originality level of 3. Regrettably, two of these precious creations had to be sacrificed for further analysis and testing. The pursuit of perfection proved to be both a costly and intricate endeavor, showcasing the challenges embedded in Emery's relentless quest for excellence.

The meticulous testing of the legendary pill yielded noteworthy results, establishing its efficacy in providing a permanent boost of 35 to 50 battle power for new moon or crescent moon magus, and 25 to 30 for half-moon magus. The formulation was expressly unsuitable for non magus or inhuman races. For half-blood individuals, the effects varied between 60-80%, contingent on the bloodline rank. Notably, the lower the bloodline rank, the more substantial the benefits.

A crucial detail emerged during the testing phase: the consumption of a second pill resulted in a mere 10% of the initial enhancement. However, owing to its originality, the system guaranteed a minimum potency of 60% for those who had previously consumed similar apothecary products. Following this thorough examination, the magus universe system was updated with the product details, and Emery was granted the privilege of naming it. Thus, came the [360 Celestial Meridians Pill], a name reflective of its capacity to enhance the 360 meridians within the human body, unlocking its maximum potential.

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In the face of the urgent need for spirit stones, Emery made the strategic decision to auction all eight [360 Celestial Meridians Pills]. Tessa, once again proving her resourcefulness, took charge of the promotion. She organized exclusive daily auctions, alternating between the esteemed Devildom and Golden Pavilion auction houses.

Products offering a permanent boost were highly sought after by the affluent elite, drawing the attention of numerous faction representatives, some traveling from distant sectors. As the buzz around the pills reached a fever pitch, the auction prices experienced a remarkable surge. Starting modestly at 7 million spirit stones, the bids escalated to an exorbitant 11 million during the final auction, underscoring the immense demand for these potent enhancements.


"With the auction service and tax factored in, you've amassed a total of 56 million spirit stones," Tessa announced, presenting a storage ring brimming with high-grade spirit stones.

The sales at the Golden Pavilion auction were higher, but the service cost amounted to 15%. Conversely, the Devildom auction, secured by the Karat family, though generating less revenue, only incurred a 5% service charge, a gesture that Emery deeply appreciated. Additionally, a 15% tax imposed by the apothecary center contributed to boosting Emery's standing at the institutes, elevating him to rank 20 in the monthly sales contribution.

"Labeling it as a limited item truly works wonders. Sell just ten more of these, and you'll likely break into the top ten, just a step away from the honorary title," Tessa exclaimed with excitement.

However, Emery turned toward Tessa with a apologetic smile. "Actually, I was serious when I said it's the last batch."

"What?!" Tessa was taken aback

Regrettably, the crafting of these legendary items hinged on the existence of a rare tier 7 ingredient—the [Ethereal Jade Orchid], a botanical treasure Emery had acquired from the celestial ruins. Despite VIA's extensive search across the magus universe, only a limited quantity of these orchids was located. Faced with the scarcity of this crucial ingredient, Emery made the decision to purchase the entire available stock, reserving the last batch exclusively for his closest friends.

The precarious situation highlighted the challenge of obtaining such a crucial ingredient. If additional sources couldn't be located, Emery's only recourse would be to wait for the next Celestial Ruins expedition, which scheduled to occur in 30 years. However, given the situation happening to the ruins at the last expeditions, there was a looming possibility that it might not reopen at all.

Holding the storage ring filled with spirit stones, Emery turned to Tessa. "Will this be enough to kickstart our plan?"

"Yes, for purchasing the best property and permits, and there should be around 15 million left to hire crews and prepare other stocks for sale. But what do you plan to sell next?" Tessa sighed, expressing her concern about the current peak of Merlin's brand name and the high demand for his body enhancement product.

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In response, Cedric stepped forward confidently. "Don't worry; we have it all figured out."

While Tessa diligently handled the auctions of the items, Emery, in collaboration with Cedric and Karin, immersed himself in the creation of innovative recipes. Their primary focus was on expanding the product line based on the success of the [360 Celestial Meridians Pill].

Karin, brimming with enthusiasm, unveiled the outcomes of their endeavors:

The first creation took the form of a glassy silver pill named [180 Celestial Meridians Pill]. This Tier 6-grade masterpiece possessed a level 2 originality, delivering 70% of the potency found in the legendary pills. Notably, it distinguished itself by breaking free from the dependence on the rare [Ethereal Jade Orchid], paving the way for sustained, long-term production.

The second creation was named [Celestial Booster Pill]. While its effects mirrored those of the silvery pill, it provided only a temporary boost rather than a permanent one. What made this product exceptional was its lack of reliance on high-grade ingredients, or Emery's unique concoction method involving Dao. After Emery used his [Photosynthesis] skill to upgrade the Tier 4 and Tier 5 herbs, even Cedric would be capable of producing such a product.

Recognizing the potential of these two items, Tessa couldn't contain her excitement. With a confident smile, Emery declared, "These will be the first two items we are going to sell at our shop."

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