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Earth's Greatest Magus-Novel

Chapter 2064 Decision
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A few hours earlier,

Shinta was seated alone in a corner of a teahouse. As she grappled with her internal conflict, each passing moment seemed to deepen her uncertainty.

Suddenly, the tranquility of her solitude was disrupted by the unexpected presence of a figure deeply ingrained in her memories. His presence evoked a complex mix of emotions—respect, fear, and a lingering sense of obligation. Throughout her childhood, this grand magus had been a steadfast authority figure, his sudden appearance left her startled.

"Great uncle... Why are you here?" she inquired, her voice tinged with surprise and a hint of apprehension.

The figure was Duke Syre, the brother of the Ouroboros Serpent Queen, who maintained his characteristic reserve as he responded "I am here to check on you," he stated simply, his words carrying a weight that hinted at deeper intentions.

Naturally, Shinta was keenly aware that Duke Syre's presence at the academy was undoubtedly linked to her. As she attempted to gather her thoughts, her mind raced with speculation about the purpose behind his unexpected visit. Before she could voice her inquiries, Duke Syre preempted her with a direct question.

"Tell me, ...why haven't you chosen a hall yet?" His tone was measured, but there was an unmistakable intensity underlying his inquiry.

Caught off guard by the directness of the question, Shinta's response was tinged with a hint of evasion. "Emm... I am just finalizing it right now," she faltered, her words lacking conviction.

Unperturbed, Duke Syre continued "I see. Which hall have you decided on?" Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Recognizing the significance of the moment, Shinta chose her words carefully, aware that Duke Syre likely had insight into her situation "I have been waiting for an invitation from any of the top halls... but it seems I don't get any... so I will choose... one among the rest" she trailed off, her voice trailing as she struggled to articulate her thoughts.

However, before she could elaborate further, Duke Syre interjected, his demeanor still composed. "Have you focused on your priority? What have you been doing these last few days?"

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The weight of Duke Syre's words bore down on Shinta like an oppressive force, causing her spirits to falter. It becapparent that the Duke possessed a deeper understanding of her actions than she had anticipated. She couldn't deny the truth – most of her thad indeed been spent in Hall 120, with little effort exerted toward reaching out to the instructors of the top halls. The realization that Duke Syre might have cto reprimand her sent a wave of apprehension coursing through her.

As the Duke's words echoed in her mind, Shinta's heart grew heavy with the burden of disappointment in herself. Throughout her life, Duke Syre had been a constant figure of discipline and guidance, his expectations always clear and unwavering. His presence now only served to intensify the pressure she felt.

Sensing the shift in Shinta's emotions, Duke Syre's voice softened slightly as he added, "Don't rely on your emotions in this matter. I have taught you better."

Despite the weight of his words, Shinta couldn't shake the storm of conflicting emotions raging within her. While she knew that Duke Syre always had her best interests at heart, this time, a newfound courage stirred within her. With a resolve born of turmoil, she lifted her gaze to meet the Duke's steady gaze.

"Great Uncle... I truly believe that Hall 120 is the right choice for me, ...if I am mistaken.. please advise me"

Shinta's decision to speak truthfully showcased the significance of her heartfelt desires, while also demonstrating her openness to guidance. She talked about 'his' qualities, and the Duke's response seemed to indicate his acceptance of her answer. Sensing her determination in the choice, he imparted his wisdom on the matter.

"Each person has their own 'law' that influences their mind on what is right or wrong," the Duke remarked thoughtfully. "Sare loyal to authority, sare influenced by friendship, sby family bonds, and sby personal desire." He paused, his gaze steady as he continued, "Wisdom lies in ensuring that any of these 'laws' becyour wing and not your chain."

The Duke's words resonated deeply within Shinta, leaving a lasting imprint on her thoughts. She yearned for the freedom to follow her desires, yet she couldn't ignore the nagging doubt that by choosing Hall 120, she might be allowing her personal desires to becchains that bound her.

Hadn't she been neglecting other halls in favor of being closer to him?

The realization that she had spent precious tobserving the acolytes' mountain climb, instead of actively pursuing her options, weighed heavily on her conscience.

Unfortunately, despite understanding the logic, Shinta's heart remained conflicted. She trembled, her emotions bubbling to the surface.

"Why is it so difficult... Is it wrong... to want to be close to him?"

In response, Duke Syre let out a deep sigh, his demeanor softening as he spoke.

"Now that you know your identity... I can also be truthful with you... "he stopped for a moment before continuing "Your mother... she expressed the exact ssentiment... and it toreapart to let her follow her wishes," he revealed, his words carrying a weight regret that startled Shinta. This vulnerability was a side of the duke she had never witnessed before. However, just as swiftly as it had surfaced, his tone reverted to its usual firmness.

"I am here to ensure you do not make the wrong choice."

The weight of the Duke's words settled heavily upon Shinta as she absorbed the gravity of her situation. His words continue to carry the weight of their family's history, the intricate politics of Ouroboros, and the precariousness of her situation. In the shadow of the Supreme's authority, freedom was a luxury she couldn't afford.

The Duke emphasized the necessity of securing a position in one of the top or high halls to shield herself from the Supreme's influence, underscoring the high stakes involved.Failure to do so wouldn't just endanger her own safety but could also render futile the efforts of everyone who had supported her.

Shinta's thoughts drifted to Shura, the girl's ominous fate weighed heavily on her mind, amplifying her doubts about her decision to lean toward Hall 120.

Adding to her concerns, the duke disclosed unsettling news about Lucius Corvin's deep interest in her affairs. His inquiries have raised sunwanted noises.

"If you have other top hall offers, it won't be a problem to refuse his invitation. Right now, it would only attract more suspicion."

The realization that she might be forced to join Lucius's hall struck Shinta with a wave of anxiety. Not only did her father harbor deep animosity toward this wolf grand magus, but the potential revelation of her mixed bloodline added another layer of complexity to an already perilous situation.

Witnessing Shinta's distress, the Duke offered a glimmer of solace amidst the turmoil.

"Being a top hall will give you a lot of benefits…just focus on your training, get stronger, and prove your worth. Then we could leave this crisis behind us"

Shinta found solace in the grand magus's words, which seemed to offer a resolution to her inner conflict. Observing the shift in her demeanor, the grand magus rose from his seat and remarked, "I have said what I cto say..." With that, he departed, leaving Shinta to contemplate her decision.

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As she pondered over her options, Shinta eventually made her choice and submitted her application.

The turmoil in her mind persisted. Feeling unsettled, she decided to leave the academy and journeyed toward Utopia City. Under the cloak of night, she stealthily navigated through the outskirts of town until she reached a secluded hut nestled in the forest.

Inside, a familiar female magus awaited her arrival. "Auntie... did I make the wrong decision?" Shinta's voice trembled with uncertainty as she sought guidance from her.

As Shinta grappled with her decision, a response to her application arrived

[You have been accepted to Hall 7].

Understanding the weight of Shinta's decision to prioritize her responsibilities over personal desires, Annara said.

"No... this only proves you are indeed his daughter,"

After a moment, Annara's demeanor shifted to one of solemnity. "Now that you've chosen a hall, you should not chere again," she advised, her tone firm yet compassionate. With a heavy heart, Shinta bid her farewell and departed from the hut.

As Shinta made her way back into the night, Annara directed her attention to a particular spot in the forest and said. "Why are you hiding? You can cout now!"

From the shadows emerged a female figure, and upon seeing her, Annara's expression softened with recognition. "It's been a while, Klea,"


Author Note

Thank you for all the inputs and comments. They provided sinsight that gaveconfidence in this. Unfortunatly, Shinta not joining Emery's hall still seems to be the only logical choice. Don't worry, there is always next year.

I promise to tread carefully on their relationship while continuing to develop the story to the best of my ability. Thank you