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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 519 Digging Her Pawn
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Chapter 519 Digging Her Pawn



Never expecting the new cast list to go in that order, Fang Qian Qian was distraught with what happened.

She paced in the spacious, lavishly decorated lounge, her mind consumed by anger and frustration.

She couldn't believe what she had just read in the message on her phone. The new role casting for the movie was out, and to her dismay, Yu Weilan had accepted Director Qi's proposal to play Xu Xing, relinquishing the role of Xu Ming to Andromeda.

"This can't be happening," Fang Qian Qian muttered to herself, her voice trembling with anger.

She had hoped that the backlash against Andromeda's rise to stardom would help Yu Weilan regain the coveted role, but it seemed that her efforts had been in vain.

It was another blow to her already bruised ego.

Yu Weilan had proved to be a softie incapable of fighting her battles. In order to remain Queen of the entertainment world and rise to be by Liu Xueyi's side, she needed to make his natural partner disappear.

In a fit of frustration, she reached for the bottle of wine on a nearby table, uncorked it, and took a long swig.

The rich, red liquid did little to ease her irritation. Instead, it fueled her need to fight back and regain her rightful place beside Liu Xueyi.

"She had one simple task. Get Director Qi to remove Andromeda Kai from the show and what do I get? She's replaced instead. That dimwit!" Fang Qian Qian hollered.

"Can no one get anything done properly in this industry?!"

She stormed off to her room to change into something free and classy as she planned on heading out.

Fang Qian Qian was determined to confront Yu Weilan and make her understand the gravity of the situation.

She had to push her co-star to see what she had lost by agreeing to step aside for Andromeda.

Picking her phone from her bed, she Placed a call to her manager. "Hello."

"Hey, Qian Qian how may I help…"

She had barely completed her words when Fang Qian Qian's sharp tone cut her off.

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"You can help by telling me where the hell Yu Weilan is currently."

"Fang Qian Qian, what is it? Why are you angry? Where are you?" Her manager calmly questioned.

She was used to her client always being so hot-headed and knew how best to keep her in check most times.

"I do not have time for being calm, Chio Ju. I want to…" Just then Yu Weilan's post appeared on her search icon on Instagram and she sighed.

"Do not worry. I have gotten it."

She ended the call with her manager, leaving the lady slightly stunned and a bit angry at her behaviour.

"Damn that little wen…" Chio Ju held her breath and clenched her fist, trying so hard not to curse.

Seeing this, her friend scoffed and took up her cup of coffee as she laid back in her seat at the restaurant they were dining in.

"Relax, you know Fang Qian Qian. Being the top actress really is in her head," the lady seated with Chio Ju stated.

"Exactly. Otherwise, if she were one of my other clients, I'd have set her straight by now," Chio Ju grunted.

The lady rolled her eyes at her friend. "Do that and lose all that money. Just bear with her while you can, okay?"

A deep sigh escaped her lips as she placed her phone on the table between them. "Fine. I will but I'll also help her regain some manners in my own little way."


In her sleek car, Fang Qian Qian sped toward the spa where Yu Weilan was enjoying her treatment.

As soon as she arrived at the place, she alighted from her car, and put on her purple shade, letting her hair fall freely down her back as she made her way to the entrance.

The spa was a tranquil place, designed to provide relaxation and peace. But there was no peace in Fang Qian Qian's heart as she stormed inside.

The second two of the attendants laid eyes on her, gasps in awe echoed all around her.

A small smile formed on her lips as she composed herself quickly and made her way over to the reception.

"Good day. I'm looking for one of your clients. I would love for you to take me to see Yu Weilan."

She lowered her glasses just enough for the receptionist to get a good look at her. However, what happened next only succeeded in irking Fang Qian Qian even more as the ignorant receptionist did not recognize her.

"Welcome Miss. I'm sorry but our guest has instructed us not to be disturbed. I will…"

"It's like you did not hear me clearly. I want to see, Actress Yu Weilan. This instant…" she drew out her last words, leaving a tinge of threat in her tone.

Having dealt with some fake clients trying to put on a show about who they were before, the receptionist wasn't ready to deal with any fan right now.

Still, she knew she had to be respectful in order not to give the spa a bad rating.

"Ma'am umm…"

"You are just…" she swallowed the urge to cuss loudly and quickly picked out her phone from her bag.

She called Yu Weilan and waited for the call to go through.

On the other hand, when Yu Weilan's phone buzzed with an incoming call, she frowned slightly but quickly picked it up. It was Fang Qian Qian.

Yu Weilan accepted the call. The voice at the other end, Fang Qian Qian's, was filled with irritation and urgency.

"Hello," Fang Qian Qian's chilly tone reached her ears, causing Yu Weilan to gulp.

"Hello, Fang Qian Qian."

"Yu Weilan, we need to talk," Fang Qian Qian declared, her voice carrying an air of authority.

Yu Weilan hesitated for a moment. "Alright, where do you want to meet?" she replied, sensing the urgency in Fang Qian Qian's tone.

"I'm at the spa where you are. And I must say, I find this place lacking in customer service." her gaze swept over to where the receptionist stood looking at her. "But, I do not have time. Let's meet here," Fang Qian Qian replied, her mind focused on her goal.

"Sure. Give me a moment."

Yu Weilan ended the call and instructed one of the attendants to show Fang Qian Qian to her location.

A couple of seconds later, one of the workers walked over to her with a huge smile on her face.

The moment she saw Fang Qian Qian's face she recognized her.

"Ms. Fang. Good day. What an honour. My apologies for the wait, Ms. Fang Qian Qian."

At once the receptionist whipped her head over to Fang Qian Qian, realization dawning on her at her mistake.

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"Hi. No problem."

"How may I assist you?"

"Umm… Where can I find Yu Weilan?"

"Oh, Miss Yu."

At the same time, the attendant sent to get her arrived and lowered her head to greet her.

"Pardon the inconveniences, Ms. Fang. Come, I'll show you to her."

The other lady gave a charming smile. "I'll leave her to you."

The tension in the air was palpable as Fang Qian Qian walked past the receptionist, heading for the room Yu Weilan was having her treatment.

As soon as she entered the room where Yu Weilan was, all smile drained from her face.

Wrapped in a plush white robe lying on a comfortable spa bed, Yu Weilan kept her eyes closed as she enjoyed a soothing massage.

"Ms. Yu. She is here," the attendant announced.

Slowly she opened her eyes and sat up, instructing the massuese to let give them spme space.

"Yu Weilan," Fang Qian Qian began as she faced her co-star, "What did you do?"

"Fang Qian Qian, I'm afraid you'd have to be a little more specific than that."

Fang Qian Qian didn't waste a second. As soon as she locked eyes with Yu Weilan, her anger intensified. "Why did you agree to play Xu Xing?"

She couldn't comprehend why her fellow actress would give up her role without a fight, especially to Andromeda.

"What were you thinking?" Fang Qian Qian asked, her voice sharp with frustration. "You should have fought for your role. Andromeda shouldn't have been given a chance to take what's rightfully yours."

Yu Weilan sat up, the tranquil atmosphere of the spa room now disrupted. She knew that Fang Qian Qian had a reputation for being fierce and ruthless in the entertainment industry, but she also had a sweet and persuasive way about her.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by Fang Qian Qian's intensity, Yu Weilan tried to explain her side. "Qian Qian, it's not that simple," Yu Weilan began.

Fang Qian Qian scoffed. "I can't believe you let Director Qi talk you into giving up your role like that."

"I thought it was the right thing to do, considering the circumstances. Director Qi wanted to accommodate both of us. I didn't want to create unnecessary conflicts."

Fang Qian Qian's eyes blazed. "No, it's not for the best. You should have fought for it. Andromeda should be the one giving up her stolen role, not you!"