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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 244 Founded
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Clyde didn't expect that he would feel such a sting of pain when he entered the pond. Even at his current Level, it was not enough to withstand the onslaught of heat from the Celestials' hot springs.

Samuel and Leyan who were just about to dip their feet into the water immediately stopped and looked at each other.

"I think it's dangerous," said Leyan.

Samuel gulped. "I guess you're right."

The two of them shifted their gaze back to Clyde who was standing stiffly in the boiling water. They could even hear a hissing sound like something being burned in hot water.

If Clyde who was that strong could even let out a scream because of this pond, what would happen to them? That was what was in the minds of the two people.

Samuel and Leyan just stood at the edge of the pond for a few moments without daring to do anything. Even though they know that they shouldn't waste time but they want to wait until Clyde shows a sign that he is fine.

And then, the sign came. Clyde turned his head with a pained expression on his face. But the pain he was feeling was not as bad as when he came in earlier so he could turn around and talk again.

"Why haven't you guys come in yet? We can't waste time," Clyde said.

"You look in pain. Is this really going to work well with our bodies?" Samuel asked with evident doubt on his face and voice.

"Of course!" Clyde wanted to add that he got that information from someone from within Uriel's domain, but that would only raise suspicion so he cancel it.

"Do you want power or not? You are supposed to be suffering to get power, have you forgotten?" Clyde added. "Don't tell me you forgot about it."

Samuel gritted his teeth, his red eyes flashing with determination again when he heard Clyde's words.

Samuel turned to Leyan. "Let's go. We can't waste time anymore. Every second in this place is precious."

Afterward, Samuel started to walk deeper into the pond. A sizzling sound rang out and the pain from the water pond started stinging his leg.

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Leyan looked at Samuel with a grimace on his face. He was even more tempted when he heard Clyde's words about getting more power. One more fact that drives it is that time is of the essence.

So Leyan started to walk deeper into the pond.

As they both entered the same hissing sound was heard. They also felt Clyde's pain, but they did their best not to scream.

It turns out, it didn't take long for them to feel the effects of soaking in the pond. From the pores of their skin, slime and liquid brown and black started to ooze out bit by bit.

Clyde was the first to spit out the dirty liquid because he did get in before them. When he tried to smell the liquid Clyde immediately winced, The brown liquid had an unbearable smell.

"What is this? Why is this coming out of our bodies?" Leyan asked.

"I've heard of this," Samuel said. "Maybe this is what is called impurities. But... I don't know for sure."

Leyan wanted to ask further but the pain of the hot water was preventing him from doing anything other than grinding his teeth and being silent.

Meanwhile, Clyde had heard about it before. Impurities are all the dirty substances in their bodies that block the circulation of Mana, or some kind like that. The reference is, once again, fantasy s that he had read.

But Clyde was still quite shocked by this because he thought, he doesn't need to spit out that dirty substance anymore. His power of system - Aetheric Records - should have taken care of it and given him instant power. Yet it turns out that there are still impurities in his body.

'Then maybe there is still potential within me that hasn't been unlocked yet.'

From what he had read in fantasy s, after the impurities were removed, one's body would become stronger. Clyde feels that he is powerful enough now but it turns out that he can still be even stronger.

'In that case, this pain might be worth it.'

Clyde gritted his teeth louder. He then plunged himself deeper into the hot water. Of course, the heat he felt was even more intense.

Samuel and Leyan saw what Clyde was doing. Reluctantly, they followed him.


"Are our preparations complete?" a woman asked her servant who had just entered the room.

The red-haired woman with tanned skin that looked shiny nodded. Then she stood up from the long back chair - her throne - and walked towards the door.

"Your Majesty," the servant said hesitantly. "I'm afraid that I have heard bad news."

The woman looked up with a furrowed brow. "What is that supposed to mean?" she asked.

The servant looked uneasy. His eyes moving left and right, he licked his lips before speaking. "Im afraid... someone has intruded into this domain."

"What?!" the woman looks furious. "Take me to them."

The servant immediately nodded and the two of them walked out of the room.

Goddess Pele, is a Celestial with a female form with standard height. Her skin was brown and shiny as if some oil was smearing it all the time. Her hair is fiery red like a blaze of fire. That hair alone shows her power as a powerful Goddess of Fire.

And now, the Goddess is feeling enraged. Her red hair fluttered even without any wind blowing it as she walked.

"What really happened?" Goddess Pele asked.

"We noticed a strange disturbance in the area to the west, Your Majesty. The scouts who were sent there noticed a sudden appearance of foreigners."

"Are they warriors from another Celestials?" Goddess Pele asked. If that's true, then they're declaring war.

A war that occurs when the situation is like this is not something good. Surely there would be many losses that she suffered as well as the Celestials who attacked her.

"We don't know yet, Your Majesty," replied her servant.

'I hope not.' Goddess Pele would be ready to take up the challenge of war if the situation in the Far East was not as it is now. The situation there should have made all Celestials even more hesitant to make moves against each other. But she knew how their minds were, so the possibility of them taking advantage of this opportunity was not small.

"Has the main force departed yet?" Goddess Pele asked.

"They have departed, Your Majesty."

Goddess Pele scoffed in annoyance. "Then, I'll meet them myself."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


"So, it's already that long, huh?" Leon asked Kei, Haru, and Kiara who were walking behind him. He was currently chopping down tree trunks and leaves that were blocking their path in this rather dense forest.

"Yes. We almost feel like a family," Kei replied. "How about you guys?"

"Well, we haven't been together as long as you guys. In fact, we were only together for these few months and a few days at the Selection Stage," Leon replied.

"That means... the memory of the Selection Stage is still deep in your memories," Kiara mumbled. But Leon could still hear her.

"Yeah. But that's all in the past," Leon said with a sad smile. "Don't worry. It's not something we think about now. At least, not always."

They continued to pave the way following the directions on the map in their vision, walking through the forest which grew thicker the farther they went.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew from the front, Leon, who felt that something bad had happened, immediately put on an alert.

"Get ready. Something's coming," Leon said.

"Shouldn't we immediately go to Clyde's place if something happens?" Haru asked worriedly.

"You're right. You-"

Before Leon could finish his words, three figures fell from the trees as if they had just fallen from the sky. They landed with a thud and immediately stood up straight.

When the four of them looked forward, they could see the shape of the figures.

They were three men with big tall bodies. Their bodies are also full of bulging muscles. Their skin is brown with intricate tattoos that fill it.

"Intruder, tell me who your master is!" the large man in the middle asked in a sharp tone.

The four of them didn't know what to answer. But for sure they must run away from here.

Leon turned to Kiara. They had told about each other's abilities before and now, in a situation like this Kiara's ability seemed to be the most suitable for them to escape.

Fortunately, Kiara immediately understood the meaning of Leon's gaze. She nodded and brandished her wand forward, sending a wave of white ice bursts toward the three men. In a moment, the torrent of ice immediately turned into a five-meter high ice wall.

They didn't say anything and just immediately dashed in the opposite direction. Head to where Clyde is at the flashing point on their map.
