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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System-Novel

Chapter 349: Finding A Little Cat
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Chapter 349: Finding A Little Cat


After talking about the chocolate, Rakasha moved on to other things, such as speaking about the Pizza and other dishes, explaining to everyone how the pizza crust was incredibly unique in flavor and texture and how the combination of something they called tomato sauce with cheese and strips of bacon and some other spices ended making a meal that was truly terrifying in flavor-wise.

Hmm, I used to enjoy pizza back then too, we always ordered it on weekends with the family. I loved the garlic bread that came with it too, and I used to eat it with the tomato sauce they sent.

And- Huh?

As we were eating, I suddenly noticed a small presence approaching.

I looked behind me and found… the body of a boy with cat ears and tail in the ground, unconscious.

From where did he come from?!

And those clothes… they look rather formal. I thought that all Beast-kin were tribal? But this boy was clearly wearing more formal clothes.

I decided to quickly go check him out, standing and running out of the table as everyone looked at me.

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"Drake?" asked Benladann, as she noticed the little kid in the ground, he was also covered in blood.


She ran at my side right away, as we reached the little boy and I immediately checked his Status, he seemed to be wounded and losing health constantly!

I moved him around and found that his stomach had an ugly slash wound as if a wild beast had slashed his stomach. The blood was flowing out freely, and the wound looked like it was rotting uglily… he was about to die at any moment if things continued like this, and even worse, he had a strong fever, and his face was growing paler and paler by the second.

I don't know who this boy is and why did he just came to us, but I will never deny helping another person if I have the strength to do so, we have to be decent people here.

"Disinfect. Cool Down. Ice Thread Creation. Cooling Winds."

I quickly used the Disinfect Death Attribute Spell, and then, utilized the Cool Down Spell to calm down his fever, while using ice threads to stitch the massive wounds he had together after completely disinfecting the wound from microbes and the poison he had inside. After that, I used Cooling Winds to slowly heal his wounds and close them. It took only five minutes, but I was sweating a bit, I didn't want this mysterious kid to just die. He already had me filled with the intrigue of who he was.


The boy groaned in pain while I did all of that, but when it was over, he had already fallen asleep.

"Poor thing… From where he could be?" wondered Benladann, as she carried him for me.

"I don't know, but his clothes… he doesn't seem like a normal kid," I said.

We carried him back to Fuyu, and on the way, everyone checked on the boy.

"A black cat-kin boy?" wondered Pekora.

"Do you know him by any chance?" I asked.

"Not because I am a beast-kin I will know every beast-kin… But no, I don't… Though, I do know there is a black cat-kin tribe in this area, well, a bit further away… those clothes he has, they look fancier than your run-of-the-mill tribal clothes, indeed. Maybe he's an important figure within the tribe." Said Pekora.

"Well, for now, it's best if the kid rests." Said Tisha.

"I could always just check his dreams and see everything he has to hide!" said Belle.

"No, Belle! It's rude to look into other's people's dreams… Don't do that. Let's wait for the little boy to wake up." Said Benladann.

"Uhh. I guess. Yeah, let's just wait I suppose."

I wanted to peek into his dreams but it's better to just not disturb him for now, though his dreams look pretty bad, he got a big black cloud over his head, which means he's having a nightmare.

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Who is this kid anyway?


The boy slept after being rescued by strangers he had never seen before. In this harsh world of cultivation where the strong devoured the weak daily and were slaughtering one another was seen as a normal thing, where even innocent lives were not a concept for others to stop themselves from committing atrocities for power, he had received the help of a gentle-hearted man.

His wounds were disinfected in just a few minutes, closed, and stitched together. He felt way better after a cool breeze ran over his forehead, and he ended falling asleep completely before even seeing his savior's face.

As he slept, he found himself in the eternal darkness he had faced back then, just a few hours ago as he had run away from such an abyssal presence.

This darkness glared at him with its two crimson-red eyes as it chased him down. He tried to desperately run away but he could not, this darkness simply continued to seek him.

He recalled the past, the horrible scenes he saw, and how the people died so miserably back then. The darkness encompassed his thoughts as tears began to flow while he slept.

The large village of catkin where he lived was near a beautiful lake. The generations of cat-kin had been living in such a large settlement for a long time to the point that their culture began to quickly advance further, as the son of the chief, he was given an important role in leading the future generations of cat-kin within his tribe.

Although things were hard for the young boy, he was slowly growing to become a decent leader, although, things changed abruptly when news about the three nearby sects came to the village.

Apparently, the Winter Lotus sect had provoked the Jade Snake Sect and a war between the two raged just a few kilometers from the village, but that wasn't all, the third sect, the Demonic Sect of Dark Shadow, had begun to attack both sects as they were weakened, wreaking big havoc all around the territory. The darkness of war quickly reached their settlement…
