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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 116: Enslaving a Tribe and Taking a Wife
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116 Enslaving a Tribe and Taking a Wife

[Day 107]

Today, I was awoken by Amiphossia's big body, which was suffocating me.

I contained my urges to throw her away like I would usually do with people like Nereid.

This has already become a routine for me by now, I have to shapeshift into a slime to get outside of the massive weight of my giant lamia children.

Just as I was extending my slimy body, I noticed that Valentia was also over Amiphossia, giving even more pressure and weight. If it was someone else, they would have been completely crushed.

Anyways, after having some breakfast with my whole family and spending some time with my children, we moved towards our next destination on the Vast Plains, which is the Khatum Tribe Camp, at the southwest of the Vast Plains.

Using our invisible floating carriage at max speed, we reached over the whole village in less than an hour.

One the way there, we hunted some flying monsters. These included Golden Giant Swans, Phantasmal Bats, Eagle Chimeras and Lesser Wyverns. Their EXP was fine but I didn't get any skill from them, no matter how many I ate.

[You gained 1265000 EXP] [The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 012/250?? EXP 1333607/10000000]

As I watched over the Tribe, my family and servants were preparing themselves. While Gaby was bathing the twins inside the \"portable house\".

There were more than five hundred humans in total, I immediately detected the leader, who was inside of her tent. It seems that everyone on the tribe is in a hurry packing everything as they have decided to move outside of the Vast Plains.

The leader of the Khatum Tribe is a strong and intelligent woman who was blessed by a god at a young age. Using this blessing power, she can do divinations, being able to predict future events. This ability has given her the power to lead this tribe to flourish on the Vast Plains, ultimately becoming the second strongest.

I want that ability for myself.

However, I think I won't kill her, as there will be a very low chance of getting her exact skill by only eating one corpse. After all, even if she is blessed, she is a normal human, not a Champion or a Hero. I will just brainwash her, enslave her, and make her do divinations for me.

Oh? It seems that she already predicted my arrival.

The beautiful woman quickly went outside of her tent while looking at the sky with her beautiful emerald eyes. She had a decisive look on her face, the look of someone who doesn't fear death has.

Or perhaps, she is just pretending? I can't really detect any disturbance in her personality or emotions.

Indeed, she is an outstanding woman.

Because she already known about my arrival, I quickly summoned a giant magic dome over the entire camp and descended. I deactivated my Illusion coatings and revealed my true appearance.

She gasped for a moment, as the rest of the nomads began to panic over the sudden magic dome surrounding them.

\"What is going on?!\"

\"T-The demon is already here!!!\"

\"R-Run!!! Run!!!\"

\"There is nowhere to run! The demon enclosed us inside a magic zone!!!\"

\"Damn it! Is this the end of our tribe?\"

\"Has everything we have been fighting and cultivating for going to the waste?!\"

\"I don't want to die!!! Mommy!!!\"

\"Face the demon! We are more than five hundred, and the demon is one!\"

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\"We may have a chance!\"

\"That's impossible! The demon wiped the entire Chakha Tribe by itself, what are you talking about?!\"

However, she raised the golden staff that she was carrying on her left hand and yelled to her tribe, calming everyone in just a split second.

\"Calm yourselves!!!\"


\"Tribe Leader…\"


It seems that she is calm and composed until the end. She seems to be confident in something, as she looked at me with her beautiful and delicate face and those bewitching emerald eyes.

\"You are here, faster than I predicted…\"

I stayed silent and wanted to hear what she had to offer.

\"I know what drives you. The power that you can obtain by devouring us. By these means, I have thought about an arrangement…\"

\"D-Demon… No, first, I must know your name\"

I spoke with a simple but charming voice, which made several people quiver before her.

\"You may call me Kireina\"

I released a little bit of my intimidating aura, to make everyone know the position they were.

Altani Khatum, the leader of the tribe nodded while shaking from the pure fear of my presence.

\"Y-Yes, my name is Altani Khatum\"

I nodded while looking at her with a nice and sincere smile.

Altani's offer was quite interesting, she had decided to bear the sacrifice of half of the tribe, alongside herself. While I had to leave the other half alone, or take it as my underlings, whatever guaranteed their safety was fine by her.

Although I could do whatever I please, killing everyone and only leaving her alive. I found her personality and character interesting. She would be a nice addition to my Kingdom, and a big candidate as one of my wives.

Brainwashing her would lose most of her true personality, which is what attracts me from her. I will only partially change her thoughts like I did with Adelle, and then, slowly release those when she had become completely loyal to me without losing her true self.

However, I wanted to see her reaction, so I nodded and accepted her offer. However, the only condition was for her to become my wife.

Altani was taken aback by such a proposal. Becoming a wife or concubine of such a terrible and strong demon was never something that she would have ever predicted with her divinations.

Probably, even more than a normal human, as relationships between same sexes are forbidden most of the time between nomads on the Vast Plains. Because it goes against their traditions of giving children and surviving. A same-sex relationship cannot bear a child.

Altani had a husband on the past, but he died on a confrontation against another enemy Tribe. Since then, she has never fallen in love ever again. Even the thought about love and a relationship was completely out of the ordinary for her. She has secluded herself on the safety of her tribe ever since.

Even though she didn't want to accept, and of course, she didn't like women on the least. She kneeled and give me her word.

\"I accept, Kireina… I shall become… Your wife…\"

\"Good, and as I promised to you, only half of your people shall be devoured, the other half, will be taken to my Kingdom. Where they will have guaranteed safety, alongside food and work\"

In the end, Altani decided which Tribe members were going to be devoured. Selecting the old, the ill and the disabled. However, they weren't half of the tribe so some more offered themselves, in the hopes of saving the children and younglings.

However, I didn't do as they wanted. Fully grown adults are more valuable than children in my eyes. So, I replaced them for most of the newborn babies and children.

Several tribe members revealed against my decision and were instantly killed by my [Mystic Eyes], using the Instant Kill effect of one of my eyes, which can instantly kill weaker beings than myself.

As the twentieth died, they stopped resisting.

Because I was already getting annoyed by their cries, I made them all sleep and called on my family and servants to help me sort the useful humans.

When every human was sorted and separated, there was a group of sleeping humans who were going to survive and serve on my Kingdom as useful tools. This whole group was of around two hundred and fifty humans or so.

Meanwhile, there was another group of those who were going to die and serve as nourishment for my strength. This group also made around two hundred and fifty.

Having things done, I quickly killed the two hundred and fifty \"sacrifice\" humans with my Intimidating Aura.

[You gained 7638800 EXP] [The rest of your family/servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 012/250?? EXP 8972407/10000000]

They peacefully died on their sleep, however, I really wanted my children to nourish their young souls, so I let them snack on the human souls instead of leaving them to go.

Valentia and Aarae also joined in and ate souls for their first time. They seemed to love the sensation of their souls getting stronger, as they devoured the countless souls mercilessly as these struggled to escape.

When the feast of souls finished, I ordered everyone to pack everything on the camp inside of my Item Box, which is superior to everyone else.

Afterward, we devoured the several human corpses, I devoured one hundred and fifty humans on my slime form while I left the rest for my family and servant to feast on.

This tribe does taste a little bit different than the Wind Hunters; they have a sweeter blood alongside a stronger flavor. Their overall meat is way tender too, there aren't many warriors. Most of this Tribe was composed of mages and ranged attackers and even some summoners.

Hmm, I may get addicted to this sensation, devouring countless humans on my slime form while I feel their bodies slowly dissolving inside of my body… It feels like I'm filling my belly in one go, it even gives some slight ecstasy.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Blessing of the Goddess of Wisdom Athena]

[Mother Earth's Grace]

[Enhanced Mineral Appraisal]

[Enhanced Gemstone Appraisal]

[Divine Oracle's Guidance]

[Sacred Earth Domain]

[Gemstone Short Bow Technique: Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald Arrows]

[Earth Molding Arts: Create Golem]

[Earth Molding Arts: Create Greater Golem]

[Mother's Earth Shrine Maiden]

[Sacred Earth Marksman]

[Sacred Summoning Magic: Little Gnome]

[Sacred Summoning Magic: Little Dryad]

[Sacred Summoning Magic: Greater Gemstone Wyvern]

[Mother Earth Beloved Child]

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[Blessing of the Earth Spirits]

[Heavenly Golden Sand of Purification]

Hmm, not so many attacking skills, but a lot of utility and summoning, they can also create golems and summon gemstone wyverns? Why didn't they attack me with those then?

Well, perhaps the leader predicted that even so, they wouldn't be able to win.

After pondering for a moment, I joined my family and servants on the human feast till night. There, I gained some more skills. Although not much.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Heavenly Golden Sand Shield of Protection]

[Heavenly Golden Sand Spikes of Offense]

[Heavenly Golden Sand Mark]

[Sacred Earth Spirit Summon: Gemstone Princess of Gnomes, Smilkas]

As night arrived, I enslaved the remaining two hundred and fifty humans, including Altani.

However, I tried out a new form of enslaving, which used my flesh and slime minions alongside the [Parasite] skill.

The results were outstanding, the enslavement went smoothly and they all became loyal, but not overly fanatical.

I partially changed Altani memories so she doesn't remember the slaughtering of children and such, having a calmer mindset. Afterward, I enslaved her conventionally.

[You successfully enslaved Divine Oracle Tribe Leader Altani Khatum] [315/9999]

Afterward, I woke her up and made her met with the rest of her Tribe. She seemed grateful for my benevolence and was rather happy to see such a big amount of people still living.

The rest of my wives didn't really like the idea of adding a new Wife to the group, especially someone who I just met and a human. Charlotte and Lilith felt left behind as they weren't my wives yet even after being with me for way longer.

I had a small private meeting with them explaining how valuable they were to me, and after four hours, they finally calmed down.

When we finally came outside of the house, my wives were completely relaxed and had their mood completely switched.

What did I do to them? Well, the only way to make a demi-human wife happy, is by showing your love to them through sex, so we had sex for the last four hours without stopping.

They even welcomed Altani with merry smiles, even to the point of patting her back and saying \"welcome to the family, human!\".

Charlotte and Lilith were certainly jealous and I will need to give them some compensation, as what I did wasn't fair at all, compared on how much I've teased them on becoming my wives.

This night, I had a private time with Altani as I seduced her with my charming fragrances and slime secretions. Even though she only liked men, this wasn't going to stop me, and my charming effect worked anyways, making her reconsider her whole sexuality for a moment. When she finally gave in, I was able to taste that delicious body I have been craving since I met my eyes on her.

Brown skin, emerald eyes, white hair. Such beauty. Her back was tender and soft, while her butt was just firm. Her breast wasn't the biggest but was enough to satisfy me.

After three hours of having sex, I couldn't contain myself as I shape-shifted into a man using [Human Male Psyche] and impregnate her several times. I really wanted a child from her, as it would certainly be extremely intelligent and talented, and will most probably inherit her divination abilities.

I don't know exactly why did I had such an urge to have a child with her as if something deep inside of me was telling me that whatever children are born from her womb, will be extremely amazing.

I continued giving her my all for the next three hours until the shapeshift ability ran out of time. Afterward, she immediately fell upside down towards the bed, while still orgasming. Her nomad body was certainly strong enough to take my powerful thrust for very long. She is an admirable adult woman. Although she looks rather young, she is actually over forty years old. Barely still being able to be impregnated in nomad standards.

I caressed her back while singing relaxing lullabies, after some minutes, she fell asleep with a happy expression, as if she enjoyed every second of our lustful acts.

She may seem to be serious and composed, but she was rather a lustful predator and craved for my body as much as I craved for hers. It seems that it has been very long since she was given such an amount of attention and love, as she enjoyed it greatly.


